16 Animals Without Hair - Animallot (2024)

Hair is a characteristic feature of mammals, and many animals are known for their thick fur, fluffy coats, or hairy bodies. However, not all animals have hair, and some species have evolved to adapt to different environments and lifestyles without relying on hair as a form of insulation, protection, or attraction. Here are 20 animals that lack hair, and some interesting facts about them:

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1. Naked Mole Rat

2. Starfish

3. Jellyfish

5. Gecko

6. Frog

7. Lobster

8. Sea Urchin

9. Sea Cucumber

10. Sponges

12. Sloth

13. Sea Snake

14. Cuttlefish

15. Clam

16. Oyster

1. Naked Mole Rat

The naked mole rat (Heterocephalus glaber) is a small, subterranean rodent native to East Africa. It gets its name from its hairless, wrinkled, and almost translucent skin, which is covered with sparse, fine, and barely visible hairs. Naked mole rats are social animals that live in large colonies of up to 300 individuals, led by a dominant female that reproduces with a few males. They have a high metabolism and low body fat, and rely on their large incisors and strong digging claws to burrow tunnels, search for food, and defend their territory. Naked mole rats are known for their longevity, tolerance to pain, lack of cancer, and resistance to hypoxia and acidosis. They have a unique set of genes and physiological adaptations that may help them survive in extreme conditions and provide insights into human health.

2. Starfish

Starfish, also known as sea stars, are marine invertebrates that belong to the class Asteroidea. They are named after their shape, which consists of a central disk and five or more arms, but they are not actually fish, and they do not have gills, scales, or fins. Starfish are found in all oceans, and they come in a variety of sizes, colors, and patterns, depending on their species and habitat. Most starfish have a hard, spiny, and bumpy skin, which is covered with small, pincer-like organs called pedicellariae, that help them clean, defend, and move. Some starfish also have tube feet, which are slender, retractable, and adhesive structures, that help them grasp, crawl, and pump water for circulation and respiration. Starfish are carnivorous animals that feed on mollusks, crustaceans, and other invertebrates, using their specialized stomach, which can be extruded from their body, and their enzymes, which can dissolve their prey. Starfish have a remarkable ability to regenerate their limbs, and some species can even regenerate their whole body from a single arm.

3. Jellyfish

Jellyfish are marine invertebrates that belong to the phylum Cnidaria. They are named after their gelatinous, translucent, and bell-shaped body, which is supported by a flexible, radial, and mesogleal skeleton. Jellyfish are found in all oceans, and they come in a wide range of sizes, shapes, and colors, depending on their species and stage of life. Most jellyfish have a simple anatomy, with a layer of cells called the epidermis that covers their body, a layer of cells called the gastrodermis that lines their digestive system, and a layer of cells called the mesoglea that fills the space between them. Jellyfish have stinging cells called nematocysts, which are located on their tentacles and used for defense and capture of prey. Jellyfish are carnivorous animals that feed on plankton, small fish, and other invertebrates, using their tentacles, which can be up to 100 meters long, and their oral arms, which can lead the prey to their mouth.

4. Snake

Snakes are reptiles that belong to the family Serpentes. They are named after their long, slender, and flexible body, which is covered with scales, and their lack of legs and ears. Snakes are found on every continent except Antarctica, and they come in a wide range of sizes, shapes, and patterns, depending on their species and habitat. Most snakes are carnivorous animals that feed on mice, rats, birds, eggs, insects, and other small prey, using their sharp teeth, venom, and constriction. Snakes have a unique method of digestion, where they swallow their prey whole, and then use their stomach muscles and enzymes to break it down and absorb the nutrients. Snakes have a good sense of smell, vision, and touch, and they use different tactics to locate, hunt, and defend themselves, such as camouflage, mimicry, warning displays, and venom. Snakes have a complex system of reproduction, where males and females use pheromones, courtship, and copulation to attract and fertilize each other, and then females lay eggs or give birth to live young, depending on the species.

5. Gecko

Geckos are lizards that belong to the family Gekkonidae. They are named after their characteristic vocalization, which consists of a series of clicks, chirps, and chucks, produced by their vocal cords and throat. Geckos are found in various parts of the world, and they come in a wide range of sizes, colors, and patterns, depending on their species and habitat. Most geckos have a smooth, dry, and scales skin, which is covered with tiny, flat, and overlapping scales, that allow them to move and grip easily. Geckos are nocturnal animals that feed on insects, spiders, and other small arthropods, using their sharp teeth, claws, and sticky tongue, which they can shoot out and retract quickly. Geckos have a good sense of vision, hearing, and smell, and they use their eyes, ears, and nostrils to navigate, communicate, and detect predators and prey. Geckos have a unique way of escaping from danger, where they can drop their tail, which serves as a decoy, and then regenerate a new one, thanks to their ability to regenerate their cells.

6. Frog

Frogs are amphibians that belong to the order Anura. They are named after their distinctive jumping, hopping, and leaping ability, which is facilitated by their long, powerful, and muscular legs. Frogs are found in every continent except Antarctica, and they come in a wide range of sizes, colors, and patterns, depending on their species and habitat. Most frogs have a moist, smooth, and glandular skin, which is covered with small, smooth, and flattened scales, and which helps them absorb water, electrolytes, and oxygen. Frogs are carnivorous animals that feed on insects, worms, snails, and other small invertebrates, using their sticky tongue, which they can shoot out and retract quickly. Frogs have a good sense of vision, hearing, and smell, and they use their eyes, ears, and nostrils to navigate, communicate, and detect predators and prey. Frogs have a unique way of reproducing, where males and females use calls, displays, and amplexus to attract and fertilize each other, and then females lay eggs, which are often surrounded by a mass of jelly, in water.

7. Lobster

Lobsters are crustaceans that belong to the family Nephropidae. They are named after their long, slender, and spiny body.

8. Sea Urchin

Sea urchins are marine invertebrates that belong to the class Echinoidea. They are named after their round, spiny, and globular body, which is covered with hard, calcareous, and movable spines. Sea urchins are found in all oceans, and they come in a wide range of sizes, shapes, and colors, depending on their species and habitat. Most sea urchins have a simple anatomy, with a hard, spherical, and testaceous skeleton, which serves as a protective exoskeleton, and a soft, tubular, and pliable body, which is hidden inside the test. Sea urchins have a mouth at the lower part of the test, which is surrounded by five pairs of tube feet, and a series of openings, called madreporite, pores, and ambulacral grooves, that allow them to filter feed, breathe, and move. Sea urchins are omnivorous animals that feed on algae, detritus, and small invertebrates, using their mandibles, which are modified pincers, and their tube feet, which are used for scraping and scraping food. Sea urchins have a complex system of reproduction, where males and females release eggs and sperm into the water, and then fertilization occurs externally, and the larvae develop into juvenile urchins, which eventually metamorphose into adult urchins.

9. Sea Cucumber

Sea cucumbers are marine invertebrates that belong to the class Holothuroidea. They are named after their elongated, cylindrical, and cucumber-like body, which is covered with soft, leathery, and skin-like tissue. Sea cucumbers are found in all oceans, and they come in a wide range of sizes, shapes, and colors, depending on their species and habitat. Most sea cucumbers have a simple anatomy, with a soft, tubular, and pliable body, which is supported by a flexible, collagenous, and hydrostatic skeleton, and a series of openings, called papillae, tentacles, and tube feet, that allow them to filter feed, breathe, and move. Sea cucumbers are detritivorous animals that feed on sediment, algae, and small invertebrates, using their cilia, which are tiny, hair-like, and rhythmic structures, and their tentacles, which are used for collecting and bringing food to their mouth. Sea cucumbers have a complex system of reproduction, where males and females release eggs and sperm into the water, and then fertilization occurs externally, and the larvae develop into juvenile cucumbers, which eventually metamorphose into adult cucumbers.

10. Sponges

Sponges are marine invertebrates that belong to the phylum Porifera. They are named after their spongy, porous, and sponge-like body, which is made of a network of channels, called canals, and cells, called choanocytes, that allow them to filter feed and exchange substances with the environment. Sponges are found in all oceans, and they come in a wide range of sizes, shapes, and colors, depending on their species and habitat. Most sponges have a simple anatomy, with a soft, delicate, and gelatinous body, which is attached to a hard, calcareous, and skeleton-like structure, and a series of openings, called oscula, pores, and choanocyte chambers, that allow them to filter feed, breathe, and move. Sponges are sessile animals that feed on plankton, bacteria, and other small organisms.

11. Snail

Snails are mollusks that belong to the class Gastropoda. They are named after their coiled, spiral, and shell-like body, which is covered with a soft, moist, and slimy mantle. Snails are found in every continent except Antarctica, and they come in a wide range of sizes, shapes, and colors, depending on their species and habitat. Most snails have a simple anatomy, with a head, which is equipped with tentacles, eyes, and a mouth, and a foot, which is used for crawling, digging, and climbing. Snails have a unique way of locomotion, where they secrete a slimy substance, called mucus, which reduces friction and helps them move smoothly and slowly. Snails are herbivorous or carnivorous animals that feed on plants, fungi, algae, or small invertebrates, using their radula, which is a rasping tongue-like organ, and their enzymes, which can digest their food. Snails have a complex system of reproduction, where males and females use pheromones, courtship, and copulation to attract and fertilize each other, and then females lay eggs, which are often covered by a mass of jelly, in a suitable place.

12. Sloth

Sloths are mammals that belong to the family Bradypodidae. They are named after their slow, sluggish, and inactive behavior, which is facilitated by their low metabolism, low body fat, and low energy requirements. Sloths are found in the rainforests of Central and South America, and they come in two main types: two-toed sloths and three-toed sloths. Most sloths have a shaggy, coarse, and brownish fur, which is covered with algae, fungi, and mites, and which helps them blend with their surroundings. Sloths are arboreal animals that live in the canopy, and they spend most of their time hanging upside down from branches, using their long, strong, and curved claws. Sloths are herbivorous animals that feed on leaves, twigs, and buds, using their slow, grinding, and multi-chambered stomach, and their low-fiber, low-protein, and low-energy diet. Sloths have a good sense of vision, hearing, and touch, and they use their eyes, ears, and hands to navigate, communicate, and detect predators and prey. Sloths have a unique way of reproduction, where males and females use vocalizations, displays, and scent marking to attract and copulate with each other, and then females give birth to a single offspring, which they carry on their belly for the first few months.

13. Sea Snake

Sea snakes are reptiles that belong to the family Hydrophiidae. They are named after their long, slender, and flexible body, which is adapted to life in the sea, and their venom, which is highly toxic and used for defense and prey capture. Sea snakes are found in the tropical and subtropical waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, and they come in a wide range of sizes, shapes, and colors, depending on their species and habitat. Most sea snakes have a smooth, glossy, and scales skin, which is adapted to reduce drag and increase buoyancy, and a paddle-like tail, which is used for swimming and steering. Sea snakes are carnivorous animals that feed on fish, eels, and other small marine vertebrates, using their sharp teeth, venom, and constriction. Sea snakes have a good sense of vision, hearing, and smell and use their eyes, ears, and nostrils to navigate and communicate.

14. Cuttlefish

Cuttlefish are marine invertebrates that belong to the class Cephalopoda. They are named after their long, soft, and body, which is shaped like a cuttlebone, and their ability to change color, texture, and pattern, using pigment cells called chromatophores, leucophores, and iridophores. Cuttlefish are found in the Mediterranean Sea, the North Sea, and the Atlantic Ocean, and they come in a wide range of sizes, shapes, and colors, depending on their species and habitat. Most cuttlefish have a complex anatomy, with a head, which is equipped with tentacles, eyes, and a beak, and a mantle, which encloses their internal organs, and which can be expanded or contracted to move water and create jet propulsion. Cuttlefish are carnivorous animals that feed on fish, crustaceans, and other small marine animals, using their tentacles, which can be up to twice their body length, and their beak, which can crush their prey. Cuttlefish have a good sense of vision, hearing, and smell, and they use their eyes, ears, and nostrils to navigate, communicate, and detect predators and prey. Cuttlefish have a complex system of reproduction, where males and females use courtship, copulation, and egg-laying to attract and fertilize each other, and then females lay eggs, which are often attached to a suitable surface, in a hidden place.

15. Clam

Clams are bivalve mollusks that belong to the class Bivalvia. They are named after their two-part, hinged, and shell-like body, which is made of a thin, fragile, and iridescent layer of nacre, and which can be closed tightly for protection. Clams are found in all oceans, and they come in a wide range of sizes, shapes, and colors, depending on their species and habitat. Most clams have a simple anatomy, with a head, which is not well-developed, and a foot, which is used for digging and burrowing, and a mantle, which encloses their internal organs, and which can produce a thin, transparent, and delicate layer of tissue, called the byssus, which helps them anchor to a surface. Clams are filter feeders that feed on plankton, bacteria, and other small organisms, using their cilia, which are tiny, hair-like, and rhythmic structures, and their gills, which are used for filtering and trapping food. Clams have a good sense of touch, and they use their mantle, which is sensitive to light, temperature, and pressure, to detect and respond to their environment. Clams have a complex system of reproduction, where males and females release eggs and sperm into the water, and then fertilization occurs externally, and the larvae develop into juvenile clams, which eventually metamorphose into adult clams.

16. Oyster

Oysters are bivalve mollusks that belong to the family Ostreidae. They are named after their two-part, hinged, and shell-like body, which is made of a thick, heavy, and calcium carbonate-rich layer of nacre, and which can be opened and closed for feeding and protection. Oysters are found in all oceans, and they come in a wide range of sizes, shapes, and colors, depending on their species and habitat. Most oysters have a simple anatomy, with a head, which is not well-developed, and a foot, which is used for digging and burrowing.

16 Animals Without Hair - Animallot (2024)


What animal does not have hair? ›

Cetaceans are the largest group of hairless mammals, made up of animals including whales, dolphins, and porpoises. This makes sense, as hair isn't very helpful for an aquatic lifestyle. Instead, these creatures insulate themselves with a thick layer of blubber.

What pets are illegal in upstate New York? ›

  • Non-human primates and prosimians (like tarsiers)
  • Hybrid cats and cats other than domesticated or feral cats (felis catus)
  • Wolves.
  • Wolfdogs.
  • Coyotes.
  • Coydogs.
  • Foxes (other than captive bred fennec foxes)
  • Raccoons.
Mar 15, 2023

What are the only animals that have hair? ›

Mammals are the only animals with true hair. Hair is made up of dead cells which contains a substance called keratin. Example: Fingernails are made of keratin. Even mammals that swim under the water (like dolphins and whales) have fine hair around their snout.

What animal has the most hair per follicle? ›

Chinchillas come from the Andes Mountains in South America. They have the densest fur of any animal aside from the sea otter. Considered the softest animal in the world, chinchillas have 80-100 hairs per hair follicle (hole that hair grows out of), where humans only have 1-2.

What animal is born with no hair? ›

It is an echidna, a spiny anteater that lays eggs and produces milk like the platypus, and is born without hair. The echidna is born hairless. Luckily things improve from there. You might be able to guess what type of animal this is by knowing it's from the primate family.

Do pigs have hair? ›

Feral pigs exhibit wide variation in color and size. Their hair is coarse with long bristles, and the color ranges from black, gray, brown, blonde, or red to spotted combinations. Generally, they are black. The tail is moderately long, with sparse hair.

Is it illegal to own an alligator in NY? ›

It is illegal to own an alligator in New York unless you have a license, according to a statement from the department. But those licenses are only for “scientific, educational, exhibition, zoological or propagation purposes,” the department's website said.

Is it illegal to own a squirrel in New York? ›

Animals Not Allowed as Pets

Ferrets, weasels, minks, badgers, wolverines, skunks, and mongooses. Squirrels, raccoons, and bats. Bears, elephants, zebras, rhinoceroses, giraffes, and hippopotamuses. Tarantulas, black widows, and other venomous spiders.

Can I own a capybara in NY? ›

For some examples, capybaras are banned as pets in California and Georgia. However, they are legal to possess in Texas, Pennsylvania, and New York. Even if a state allows it, some cities may not. Capybaras are considered illegal pets in the five boroughs of New York City.

Do spiders have hair? ›

All spiders are hairy - like us. Spider hairs are part of the hard outer cuticle (the spider's 'skin'). Unlike us, spiders use their hairs (which are often greatly modified) to perform an amazing variety of tasks - for sensing their world, in courtship displays, for moving around, and in defence and prey capture.

Do all mammals have nipples? ›

The only mammals that don't have nipples are those belonging to the group known as the monotremes – these include the duck-billed platypus and the echidna (both of which lay eggs rather than birth live young). While they have mammary glands, the milk just sort of dribbles out of tufts of fur.

Do all mammals have periods? ›

In fact, approximately 98% of all mammalian species do not menstruate [1]. Menses is almost exclusively restricted to higher order primates, which include humans, rhesus macaques and baboons, with the only exceptions (until very recently) being a minority of bats [2–5] and the elephant shrew [6].

Why can't chinchillas get wet? ›

If a chinchilla gets wet, the fur is so dense that it does an excellent job of holding the moisture in. The fur therefore takes a very long time to dry and, if the moisture stays in it long enough, fungi can start to multiply and cause a skin infection.

What is the cutest animal in the world? ›

10 of the cutest animals in the world 2024
  1. Fennec fox. A fennec fox (Vulpes zerda) showing off their adorable face and large oversized ears. ...
  2. 2 – Adélie penguin. ...
  3. 3 – Rusty-spotted cat. ...
  4. 4 – Giant panda. ...
  5. 5 – Quokka. ...
  6. 6 – Galago. ...
  7. 7 – Sugar glider. ...
  8. 8 – Red panda.
May 25, 2024

What is the furriest animal on Earth? ›

And just how hairy is it? The title of the hairiest animal goes to the sea otter, whose luxurious fur, according to a 2010 study, comprises a phenomenal 100- 160,000 hairs per square centimetre (an adult probably sports more than a billion hairs in total).

Do hippos have hair? ›

While cetaceans only have a few whiskers, hippos are fully whiskered but also have sparse body hairs, most prominently on their ears and at the tip of their tail.

What pets are without fur or feathers? ›

If you're allergic to fur and feathers, you can always resort to scales. Snakes, turtles, tortoises, and lizards of all kinds – all of these pets are non-allergenic but still offer a great deal of fun. Large and small, legged (lizards, turtles, tortoises) or legless (snakes), nocturnal or diurnal (active at night vs.

Do dolphins have hair? ›

Whales and dolphins were once land mammals before they evolved into the ocean-going mammals we see today. Just like humans, some dolphin species have hair, called lanugo, on their bodies shortly after birth. This hair is later shed.

Do sharks have hair? ›

Unlike mammals, sharks don't grow hair, produce milk, or have a neocortex (part of the brain involved in perception and thought, among other things). Instead, like other fish, sharks have gills, are cold-blooded and are covered in denticles (tooth-like scales).


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