Best Beer Bread Recipe | The Fresh Cooky (2024)

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by Kathleen Pope Updated: Feb 15, 2024

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This EASY Beer Bread recipe is one of the easiest quick bread recipes around and one I share often! Using just 4 common pantry ingredients, 5 minute prep, no rise time and less than an hour to bake. It’s the perfect bread for every meal, BBQ, or hearty dinner.

I love bread, all kinds, perhaps it’s because I’m ¼ Italian and ¾ German? Can you blame your heritage for your love of something?

This recipe for easy Beer Bread will become a go-to recipe for a quick bread to go with any soup or stew or other comfort food. The best part, you probably have all the ingredients in your pantry!

If you love delicious breads and rolls, you might try these other fabulous homemade breads; Beer Cheddar Popover Muffins, Easy Yeast Rolls, or this wonderful Russian Black Bread.

Best Beer Bread Recipe | The Fresh Cooky (2)


Best Beer Bread Recipe | The Fresh Cooky (3)

What is the Best Beer to use for Beer Bread

Your choice! Different beers impart different flavors; I’d love to hear what your favorite is for this bread.

Darker beers yield a stronger, more robust beer taste, and lighter is well, lighter. Honestly, I’m not terribly picky when it comes to bread, especially if it’s homemade and hot from the oven!

Except raisins, please don’t put raisins in my bread, or my oatmeal, or my cookies — I have a thing with cooked raisins.

Best Beer Bread Recipe | The Fresh Cooky (4)

Anyway, the darker the beer the darker the bread will be, literally and have a stronger taste and the lighter the beer the lighter the taste and the color of the bread.

Best Beer Bread Recipe | The Fresh Cooky (5)

Tips for the Best Beer Bread

  1. Instead of making one large loaf of easy beer bread, split it up, making 4 small mini loaves (using mini loaf pans).
  2. The alcohol cooks out during baking, so it is safe for kids and non-drinking adults alike, but if you feel more comfortable, use non-alcoholic beer OR try ginger ale or ginger beer (non alcohol type).
  3. Add shredded cheese, chopped green chilis (drained), herbs (try dill, yum!) during your mixing process to add a variety.
  4. Wrap cooled leftover loaves in foil, place in freezer baggie and freeze until desired use. To reheat, remove from baggie and place foil wrapped loaf into a preheated 250° oven for 20-30 minutes.
Best Beer Bread Recipe | The Fresh Cooky (6)

In a large mixing bowl add all-purpose flour, sea salt, all natural cane sugar and baking powder; stir together with a whisk. Stir in ¼ cup melted butter.

Best Beer Bread Recipe | The Fresh Cooky (7)

Slowly pour beer into flour mixture; stirring gently while you pour. It will foam up and your mixture will be lumpy, sticky and thick. Spoon into prepared loaf pan or 4 mini loaf pans and smooth top(s) down with spatula.

Best Beer Bread Recipe | The Fresh Cooky (8)

Bake your Easy Beer Bread for 20-30 minutes for mini loaves, 55-1 hour for full size loaf pan, until toothpick comes out clean.

During the last 5 minutes of baking, remove from the oven and brush the top of the loaf(s) with remaining melted butter, return to the oven. (Optional, but worth it)

Let cool for 10 minutes then invert pans to remove bread, slice and serve immediately.

Best Beer Bread Recipe | The Fresh Cooky (9)

Recipes that pair well with beer bread:

  • Best Beef Stew
  • Broccoli Cheese Soup
  • Sunday Pot Roast
  • Italian Wedding Soup
  • Best Bacon Beef Minestrone Soup
  • Beer Cheese Soup
  • Bangers and Mash
  • Shepherd’s Pie
Best Beer Bread Recipe | The Fresh Cooky (10)

Sharing this week on Weekend Potluck, check it out!

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Best Beer Bread Recipe | The Fresh Cooky (11)

Easy Beer Bread

This EASY Beer Bread recipe is one of the easiest bread recipes around. Using just 6 common pantry ingredients, no rise time and less than an hour to bake. It’s the perfect bread for every meal, BBQ, Picnic, Cookout or Party!

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Prep Time: 10 minutes minutes

Cook Time: 1 hour hour

Total Time: 1 hour hour 10 minutes minutes

Servings: 12 slices. 1 large loaf or 4 mini loaves

Calories: 210kcal

Author: Kathleen Pope


  • 3 cups all-purpose flour
  • ¼ cup sugar I use unbleached, organic
  • 3 teaspoon baking powder or 1 Tablespoon
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 12 oz beer can or bottle of your favorite
  • ½ cup melted butter divided

US CustomaryMetric


  • Preheat oven to 375°F. Butter or use non-stick spray on a large loaf pan or 3-4 mini loaf pans.

  • In a large mixing bowl, mix flour, baking powder, salt and sugar together using a whisk. Add ¼ cup melted butter and stir into mixture. Add beer, slowly, it will foam up, then stir gently. Dough will be very sticky, thick and a little lumpy.If desired, add herbs (try dill 1 tsp), and/or 1 cup shredded cheese (your choice) and/or 1 can of diced green chilis (drained) and stir in. Scoop evenly into loaf pan(s) and smooth top.

  • MINI LOAF PANS bake 20-30 minutes for FULL size loaf pan, bake 55-1 hour, until toothpick inserted comes out clean. During last 5 minutes of baking brush on balance of melted butter, return to oven.

  • Allow to cool on rack 5-10 minutes before removing bread from pan. Enjoy immediately with butter or

    cool completely

    and freeze or refrigerate leftovers. Leftovers may be wrapped in foil, frozen in freezer baggie. To reheat, place foil wrapped loaf in 250 degree oven for 20-30 minutes.

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All beers work! Try your favorite! Darker beers yield a stronger, beer taste.

All alcohol cooks out during baking process, so safe for kids and non-drinking adults.

If using dark or glass loaf pans, reduce heat by 25°F and bake until toothpick comes out clean.


Serving: 1slice | Calories: 210kcal | Carbohydrates: 29g | Protein: 3g | Fat: 8g | Saturated Fat: 5g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 0.4g | Monounsaturated Fat: 2g | Trans Fat: 0.3g | Cholesterol: 20mg | Sodium: 362mg | Potassium: 44mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 4g | Vitamin A: 236IU | Calcium: 67mg | Iron: 2mg

Best Beer Bread Recipe | The Fresh Cooky (12)

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Best Beer Bread Recipe | The Fresh Cooky (13)

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Recipe Innovator | Food Photographer | Food Writer

Hi, I’m Kathleen Pope. Here at The Fresh Cooky you will find easy, mostly from-scratch, trusted recipes for all occasions. From speedy dinners to tasty desserts, with easy step-by-step instructions. I am here to help teach you how to make mouthwatering recipes without spending hours in the kitchen.

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  1. Best Beer Bread Recipe | The Fresh Cooky (15)P.J. Coldren

    Can one use Demerara Cane Sugar in beer bread?


    • Best Beer Bread Recipe | The Fresh Cooky (16)Kathleen Pope

      Hi PJ, You could, but I would maybe pulse it in a food processor or blender real quick to break down the crystals a bit, I don’t think they would “melt” into the dough quite like granulated sugar would, but I bet the flavor would be great! Let me know how it turns out!


      • Best Beer Bread Recipe | The Fresh Cooky (17)P.J. Coldren

        Best Beer Bread Recipe | The Fresh Cooky (18)
        I’ll try it using the blender and see how it goes. Thanks . . .


        • Best Beer Bread Recipe | The Fresh Cooky (19)Kathleen Pope

          Let me know how it goes!


  2. Best Beer Bread Recipe | The Fresh Cooky (20)vicki crowser

    New to your blog – LOVE beer bread and am anxious to try your recipe – thank you for sharing.



    • Best Beer Bread Recipe | The Fresh Cooky (21)Kathleen Pope

      Welcome, welcome soo very glad you are here!!


  3. Best Beer Bread Recipe | The Fresh Cooky (22)Lynn Spencer

    I can just imagine how tasty this will be with a pot roast! Pinning for future reference.


  4. Best Beer Bread Recipe | The Fresh Cooky (23)Miz Helen

    We featured your awesome post at Full Plate Thursday,454! Thanks so much for sharing your talent with us and hope you will come back soon!
    Miz Helen


  5. Best Beer Bread Recipe | The Fresh Cooky (24)Miz Helen

    Thanks so much for sharing your delicious Beer Bread with us at Full Plate Thursday, we will just love it!
    Miz Helen


    • Best Beer Bread Recipe | The Fresh Cooky (25)Kathleen

      Quite welcome Miz Helen! Have a great week!


Best Beer Bread Recipe | The Fresh Cooky (2024)


What beer makes the best beer bread? ›

Lighter beers, such as lagers, ales and pilsners, will give your bread a lighter color, and mild taste that just about everyone loves. Darker beers like stouts and porters make a darker-colored loaf and have a stronger beer flavor. Hoppy beers like IPAs will give your bread a more bitter taste.

What is the secret to success when making quick breads? ›

Quick breads are typically mixed by hand, and it's important not to overmix the batter. Overmixing can cause the gluten in the flour to develop, resulting in a tough and chewy bread. Mix the batter just until the ingredients are combined, and then stop. If there are a few lumps in the batter, that's okay.

Does beer have to be room temperature for beer bread? ›

Use room temperature beer: This helps the bread rise and creates a better texture than cold beer. Don't over-mix: After adding the beer to the dry ingredients, mix enough until just incorporated and nothing more. Overworking the dough will create a very dense loaf.

Why does my beer bread fall apart? ›

Don't Overmix. Overmixing the batter can cause the bread to turn out tough or crumbly. Stir gently and stop as soon as the flour disappears (and any mix-ins are incorporated).

Should I use dark or light beer for beer bread? ›

Pro tip: As a good rule of thumb, keep in mind that whatever type of beer you use, the flavor will come through in your fresh-baked bread. Darker beer, like stouts and porters, will produce bread with more robust, pronounced flavors. Likewise, a blonde ale or pilsner will make a milder, lighter loaf.

Why is my beer bread so dense? ›

There could be couple of reasons why your beer bread turned out tough. Too much flour can cause the bread to be too dense and hard. Another reason could be that you stirred the batter too much.

What is the main thing to avoid when making quick breads? ›

Ensure you follow the recipe closely. Baking is a science, and certain ingredients like flour and leavening agents need to be measured and added exactly how the recipe suggests. Avoid overmixing the batter as it can lead to tough, dense quick bread that may sink in the middle.

What is the secret to making good bread? ›

Follow these tips for bread that comes out right every time.
  • Use the right yeast. ...
  • Store your yeast properly. ...
  • Treat salt with care. ...
  • Take your time. ...
  • Try different flours. ...
  • Measure carefully. ...
  • Consider vitamin C. ...
  • Practice makes perfect.

What makes quick bread tender and fluffy? ›

The two main quick-acting leavening agents are baking powder and baking soda Salt: Used as a seasoning Liquid: Helps in the blending of dry ingredients and the formation of gluten. It triggers the leavening action of baking powder or baking soda. Sugar: Makes quick breads tender and adds flavor.

Is Bud Light good for beer bread? ›

For the mildest beer flavor in your bread, use a light beer, such as Miller's Lite, Coors Light, or Bud Light.

Can I use water instead of beer in beer bread? ›

Can You Use Something Other Than Beer in Beer Bread? Absolutely! Almost any carbonated or noncarbonated beverage can be used, including water, soda pop, milk or buttermilk, fruit juice and even creamed corn! In general substitute 12 fluid ounces of whatever liquid you choose in place of beer.

What pairs well with beer bread? ›

Think brisket, chicken, ribs, steaks, pork loin – all pair wonderfully with a slice of beer bread. When you're trying to keep it lighter, pair beer bread with your favorite salad. We highly recommend Caesar salad!

Why does my homemade bread taste like beer? ›

If your bread has a sour, yeasty flavour and smells of alcohol then you have either used too much yeast.or you may have use stale yeast or creamed fresh yeast with sugar.

How to make homemade bread more moist? ›

For example, fats like butter or oil can help keep moisture in, while sugars will help to caramelize on the outside and create a golden crust. These ingredients can also play an essential role in keeping your bread moist when added in smaller quantities.

Can kids eat beer bread? ›

Keep in mind, the alcohol evaporates in the baking process, so it is safe for the kids to enjoy as well. Add in cheese if you like, it's not necessary, but it is delicious. Drizzling butter on top helps it have a nice crust. This beer bread comes together in less than 5 minutes and bakes in less than an hour!

What is the best beer for baking? ›

If you're new to baking with beer, porters and stouts are the best place to begin. Because they're brewed with dark roasted malt, they lend flavor notes of cocoa and coffee. Porters lean more toward chocolate and malted flavors with less bitterness.

What beers are best for beer batter? ›

Most are fair game for beer batter (Pilsner Urquell, Stella Artois, Modelo, and Firestone Pivo Pils are particularly nice), with the exception of Bohemian pilsner, which comes with a heavy dose of spices that can change the overall flavor of your dish. In a beer batter, pilsner is one of the more low-key options.

What kind of beer to use for Trader Joe's beer bread? ›

It's also the phrase you'll find gracing each box of Trader Joe's Beer Bread Mix. The flavor of the finished loaf really depends on what kind of beer you use: Go with a lager for a lighter profile, an IPA for a hearty, hoppy taste, or a stout for a rich result with a slightly darker finished product.

What kind of beer has the most brewers yeast? ›

In the end, it comes down to whether you are searching for a beer with yeast still in the brew – in which case you should seek out wheat beers like Hefeweizen – or beers fermented with more yeast – in which case you should look for porters, stouts, and IPAs.


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Name: Eusebia Nader

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