Can you spell your accent with this alphabet? (2024)

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blackcoldren I fought the Lore, and the Lore won. from The Lumberdesk Since: May, 2011 Relationship Status: Married to the job

I fought the Lore, and the Lore won.

#1: Jun 24th 2013 at 8:01:11 PM

So I got annoyed whilst staring at the word "exact" simply thinking to myself 'That's not how I'd spell it.' So I made an alphabet for heck of it. Now I'm posting it on here with one objective, say any random English sentence you can think of spelling it as you say it using this alphabet, if a word cannot be spelled in it then say so and we'll see about a fix. Please note that I am an American with a Montana accent, my alphabet is bound to lack some sounds, such sounds that are not in my accent will be marked -DAIMD- or "Doesn't appear in my dialect" But I did however add examples as too what each letter sounds like along with the IPA values that should help get a basic idea, along with the window's alt codes for non QWERTY letters.

The point of this alphabet is to give a sound too each letter that never no matter what changes even if next to a letter common sense says would make it change, it won't. And give symbols to sounds that don't have one in basic English. The combo letters like "EA" are sounds I cannot find a letter for.

It bears repeating the order is letter, examples and then the sound that letter makes according to the IPA. "ɔ" is a sound here, not a letter.

I also repeat that -DAIMD- simply shows that I have either little or no idea on exact pronunciation due to it not being in my dialect of English, however I will try hard to get these correct.

  • A-a: Paw, Raw 'ɔ'
  • Ā-ā: Bay, Day 'eɪ' Ā0256 ā0257
  • Æ-æ: At, Chap 'æ' Æ0198 æ0230
  • B-b: Boy, Burden 'b'
  • C-c: Change, Cheese 'tʃ'
  • D-d: Dog, Squad 'd'
  • E-e: Bet, sweat 'ɛ'
  • Ē-ē: Tea, Me 'i' Ē0274 ē0275
  • Ə-ə: Supply, Turban 'ə' Ə0399 ə0601
  • F-f: Fort, Flavor 'f'
  • G-g: Greg, Glory 'g'
  • H-h: Honk, Helium 'h'
  • I-i: Sit, Fig 'I'
  • Ī-ī: Pie, Fry 'aɪ' Ī0298 ī0299
  • J-j: George, Jem 'dʒ'
  • K-k: Crown, King 'k'
  • L-l: Lion, Log 'l'
  • M-m: Mother, Mango 'm'
  • N-n: Noodles, Need 'n'
  • Ŋ-ŋ: Singing, Ring 'ŋ' Ŋ0330 ŋ0331
  • O-o: Father, Bra 'ɑ'
  • Ō-ō: Low, Dough 'oʊ' Ō0332 ō0333
  • Ɐ-ɒ: Pod, John 'ɒ' Ɐ0592 ɒ0594 -DAIMD-
  • P-p: Particle, Power 'p'
  • Q-q: Quartz, Queen 'kw'
  • R-r: Rose, Ranger 'ɹ'
  • S-s: Smart, Symbol 's'
  • Ʃ-ʃ: Shush, Shepard 'ʃ' Ʃ0425 ʃ0643
  • T-t: Tiger, Time 't'
  • -þ: Thorn, Beth 'θ'0222 þ0254
  • U-u: Under, Done 'ʌ'
  • Ū-ū: Look, Unhook 'ʊ' Ū0362 ū0363
  • V-v: Vulture, Vault 'v'
  • W-w: Waltz, Whip 'w'
  • X-x: Text, Flex 'eks'
  • Y-y: Yogurt, You 'j'
  • Z-z: Was, Xylophone 'z'
  • ĒU-ēu: Fear, Beer 'ɪe'
  • OŪ-oū: Down, Ouch 'aʊ'
  • OI-oi: Coin, Boy 'ɔI'
  • YŪ-yū: Queue, You 'ju'
  • ŊG-ŋg: Anger, Finger 'ŋg'
  • HW-hw: Why 'hw' -DAIMD-

Due to the many R-combinations they have their own place below.

  • ÆR-ær: Air, Barrow 'ær'
  • OR-or: Moral, Forage 'ɒr'
  • AIƏR-aiər: Loir, Coir 'ɔIər' -DAIMD-
  • ŪR-ūr: Courier, Sir 'ʊr'
  • ŌR-ōr: Boor, Moor 'ʊər' -DAIMD-
  • UR-ur: Hurry, Borough 'ʌr'
  • IR-ir: Nurse, Fern 'ɜr'
  • ER-er: Error, Merry 'ɛr' -DAIMD-
  • AR-ar: Start, Bard 'ɑr' 'ɑ:r'

Examples of my spellings;

  • Janyūærē, Febyūærē (Febrūærē), Marc, Āprul, Mā, Jūn, Julī, Ogust, Septembur, Oktōbur, Nōvembur, Dēsembur
  • Sundā, Mundā, Tūsdā, Wensdā, þursdā, Frīdā, Saturdā
  • Wun, Tū, Þrē, For, Fīv, Six, Sevin, Āt, Nīn, Ten

I don't know what's causing it but some alt codes do not work on Tvtropes oddly enough.Also for unknown reasons capital thorn Þ is glitched on the list.

edited 25th Jun '13 5:24:38 PM by blackcoldren

Not dead, just feeling like it.

MikuruFan from Away Since: Nov, 2012

#2: Jun 24th 2013 at 8:14:46 PM

There's no letter for A as in "ah". Some of my speech has this. It's O. Never mind. It's not that either. I'm looking for ə.

edited 24th Jun '13 8:18:07 PM by MikuruFan

blackcoldren I fought the Lore, and the Lore won. from The Lumberdesk Since: May, 2011 Relationship Status: Married to the job

I fought the Lore, and the Lore won.

#3: Jun 24th 2013 at 8:17:57 PM

Yay! Someone looked at it! A miracle!Can you spell your accent with this alphabet? (4) I'm trying to find examples of words with ə in them.

edited 24th Jun '13 8:21:13 PM by blackcoldren

Not dead, just feeling like it.

DrunkGirlfriend from Castle Geekhaven Since: Jan, 2011

#4: Jun 24th 2013 at 8:23:12 PM

Have you looked at the IPA?Can you spell your accent with this alphabet? (6)

"I don't know how I do it. I'm like the Mr. Bean of sex." -Drunkscriblerian

MikuruFan from Away Since: Nov, 2012

#5: Jun 24th 2013 at 8:24:36 PM

I've tried. It's such a common vowel in languages around the world, but for some reason, is extremely rare in English. Spanish has a lot of examples.

blackcoldren I fought the Lore, and the Lore won. from The Lumberdesk Since: May, 2011 Relationship Status: Married to the job

I fought the Lore, and the Lore won.

#6: Jun 24th 2013 at 8:29:31 PM

I added it under E and used two examples I found via Google.

I wonder if anyone will actually write anything? "Sō Ī wuz walkŋ doūn þu strēt wen Ī wuz hit bī ā bus."

edited 24th Jun '13 8:53:15 PM by blackcoldren

Not dead, just feeling like it.

Alma The Harbinger of Strange from Coruscant Since: Nov, 2012 Relationship Status: You cannot grasp the true form

The Harbinger of Strange

#7: Jun 24th 2013 at 9:17:55 PM

Jadɛn... (Jordan) Did I do it right? :D

This looks a lot like what I'm trying to do for my conlang. Break down the concept of language itself, reinvent the alphabet, and reassign letters (and create new ones) based on sounds they should make. I was going to eliminate the letter "C" altogether until I realized I had no letter that made a "ch" sound. There is no "Y".

An example word is ākämaìHd ("all, everything"). The first "A" (line) is a really long "aaah" sound, the second "A" (dots) is a shorter "aah" sound, and plain "A" is a quick "ah/eh" (like your æ). The capital "H" is supposed to indicate a sound that can't really be made by a human (it's an alien language). Basically, you have to make two sounds at once. An approximate pronunciation would be "aaah-kah-ma-yee-hid" where the "H" completely terminates the following vowel sound. Certain Indian languages do this, IIRC.

The diacritics are to keep words from getting too long or messy-looking with lots of vowels. Words can be written in plain form: aaakaamaeiHd.

Other examples: vothäʔüši (lava), gxoälthäš (mud), and ävedʔBmäškz (epic poem/tale). There are also plenty of shorter words and words that don't have as many diacritics: käleth (monster), äp (tail), vaohdi (fire).

The only thing I can't decide on is whether to spell words phonetically, like I'm doing at the moment, or add extra letters. Though I had ideas for a formal version of the basic language which more or less just adds a whole lot more letters and weird consonant clusters and is intended to make full use of the multiple alien tongues/vocal chords.

edited 24th Jun '13 9:25:20 PM by Alma

You need an adult.

blackcoldren I fought the Lore, and the Lore won. from The Lumberdesk Since: May, 2011 Relationship Status: Married to the job

I fought the Lore, and the Lore won.

#8: Jun 24th 2013 at 9:27:26 PM

I myself have been interested in multiple sounds at the same time ever since I came across a fan story for some anime where a demon sung in two voices at once doing a good impression of a woman singing and a bell chiming too lure in prey.

As for "Jadɛn" for "Jordan" That's not right in my alphabet. ɛ is just the sound the e in my alphabet uses. Looking at the name Jaden written with my alphabet it'd be read as "Jaw-den" Like someones jaw and a bear's den. "Jordin" or "Jordun" would work with my accent but there's probably a difference from how you and I pronounce words. "Jordin" the o in my accent read like the o in "boar" or "or".

Though guessing by the spelling I'd guess a non-rhotic accent in which case "Jadin" Would be my guess for being correct.

One of the reasons for my alphabet is the removal of double and silent letters which I see as pointless, yes I know many words have latin or other romance origins but I don't care enough to learn Latin, and this is English anywho. If they're pronounced differently enough they shouldn't have the same spelling.

edited 24th Jun '13 9:38:13 PM by blackcoldren

Not dead, just feeling like it.

Poisonarrow Since: Mar, 2010 Relationship Status: In love with love

#9: Jun 24th 2013 at 11:00:29 PM

Īy fīŋd þis umūsēng.

Feminist in the streets, sex slave in the sheets

blackcoldren I fought the Lore, and the Lore won. from The Lumberdesk Since: May, 2011 Relationship Status: Married to the job

I fought the Lore, and the Lore won.

#10: Jun 24th 2013 at 11:18:00 PM

ŋ is the sound "ing" or "eng"

But yes þis iz umūzŋ. Awsō incās sumwun iz wundurŋ, "English" iz "Ŋlʃ" or "Ŋlish" az tū lūk simulur tū "English".

edited 24th Jun '13 11:27:14 PM by blackcoldren

Not dead, just feeling like it.

TopographicOcean A Pathetic from the colo Since: Feb, 2011 Relationship Status: I'm Clockwork and she's Quartz

A Pathetic

#11: Jun 25th 2013 at 5:42:29 AM

'Ʃɔn' for 'Séan'?

I'm not sure that's right. Gotta' love that síneadh fada though. Can you spell your accent with this alphabet? (14)


blackcoldren I fought the Lore, and the Lore won. from The Lumberdesk Since: May, 2011 Relationship Status: Married to the job

I fought the Lore, and the Lore won.

#12: Jun 25th 2013 at 6:20:52 AM

Why does everyone make that mistake? ɔ is not a letter here, it's the sound the letter a makes. It goes Letter, examples, sound according to the IPA.

Can you spell your accent with this alphabet? (16) From what I know of the word Ʃan or Ʃān would work depending on pronunciation.

edited 25th Jun '13 6:23:29 AM by blackcoldren

Not dead, just feeling like it.

TopographicOcean A Pathetic from the colo Since: Feb, 2011 Relationship Status: I'm Clockwork and she's Quartz

A Pathetic

#13: Jun 25th 2013 at 6:22:29 AM

My two hours of sleep is showing.

Ʃan then.


ohsointocats from The Sand Wastes Since: Oct, 2011 Relationship Status: Showing feelings of an almost human nature

#14: Jun 25th 2013 at 6:24:31 AM

Yay! Someone looked at it! A miracle! Can you spell your accent with this alphabet? (19) I'm trying to find examples of words with ə in them.

I've tried. It's such a common vowel in languages around the world, but for some reason, is extremely rare in English. Spanish has a lot of examples.

If you're asking about schwas, they're extremely common in English. The thing is though that because vowels "reduce" to ə rather than are them they're not often written out because it depends on how emphasized or fast the speaker is speaking.

blackcoldren I fought the Lore, and the Lore won. from The Lumberdesk Since: May, 2011 Relationship Status: Married to the job

I fought the Lore, and the Lore won.

#15: Jun 25th 2013 at 6:24:38 AM

Join the club, I really ought too get to sleep, lest I get cranky Can you spell your accent with this alphabet? (21)Can you spell your accent with this alphabet? (22) Interesting.

edited 25th Jun '13 6:26:02 AM by blackcoldren

Not dead, just feeling like it.

ohsointocats from The Sand Wastes Since: Oct, 2011 Relationship Status: Showing feelings of an almost human nature

#16: Jun 25th 2013 at 6:32:36 AM

Usually when you're writing out English in IPA, the "uh" sound when in an emphasized position is written as a caret (ʌ), as in, say, "butt" [bʌt], but when in a de-stressed position it's usually written as a schwa (ə) as in "contempt" [kən.'tɛmpt]. This is because stressing it tends to move the vowel more back in the vowel space in English speakers.

Really if you want to do proper IPA you shouldn't have upper case, all it does is muddy things.

edited 25th Jun '13 6:33:47 AM by ohsointocats

blackcoldren I fought the Lore, and the Lore won. from The Lumberdesk Since: May, 2011 Relationship Status: Married to the job

I fought the Lore, and the Lore won.

#17: Jun 25th 2013 at 6:37:10 AM

I'm getting the idea but I'm having trouble separating ʌ and ə . For now I'm going to sleep, I've been up all night and I'll look more into this when I awake.

In this alphabet it's only purpose is proper nouns and the start of sentences, but I do see that point. Now, good night y'all.

edited 25th Jun '13 6:38:15 AM by blackcoldren

Not dead, just feeling like it.

ohsointocats from The Sand Wastes Since: Oct, 2011 Relationship Status: Showing feelings of an almost human nature

#18: Jun 25th 2013 at 6:38:14 AM

Well you have to look into English stress patterns, which is kind of a tall order but eh.

The point about not having upper case is because IPA is used to transcribe many languages that do not have anything like upper/lower case, and it's very strange to look at and read with upper-case IPA because some of the symbols (sigma, thorn) look completely different upper and lower case. It's a complicated system already and I think most users would not want to learn it twice if they didn't have to.

edited 25th Jun '13 6:40:13 AM by ohsointocats

Catfish42 Bloody Fossil from world´s favourite country. Since: Dec, 2010 Relationship Status: I'm just high on the world

Bloody Fossil

#19: Jun 25th 2013 at 6:42:51 AM

Þis is rēdikyoūlās.

Also, that ā isn't quite right there, it'd need to be a bit more ū-like.

A different shape every step I take A different mind every step of the line

blackcoldren I fought the Lore, and the Lore won. from The Lumberdesk Since: May, 2011 Relationship Status: Married to the job

I fought the Lore, and the Lore won.

#20: Jun 25th 2013 at 6:58:58 AM

As I am still just barely awake I looked it up and that's apparently the place for the aforementioned schwa (ə) but as I've not gone to sleep yet nor woken back up, I've yet to look into said letter.

Not dead, just feeling like it.

Telcontar In uffish thought from England Since: Feb, 2012

In uffish thought

#21: Jun 25th 2013 at 7:35:53 AM

Sō, wil enēwun bē ābūl t-ABORT

1: What's the symbol for oo, as in two and shoot? Anyway, continuing but missing a sound...


2: What're the symbols for ur as in under and fur, specifically, the vowel? Anyway, continuing but missing a sound...

stænd þis wiþoūt rif[#2]iŋ t[#1] þu ŌPĒ?

That was the amazing part. Things just keep going.

blackcoldren I fought the Lore, and the Lore won. from The Lumberdesk Since: May, 2011 Relationship Status: Married to the job

I fought the Lore, and the Lore won.

#22: Jun 25th 2013 at 8:00:32 AM

As I am somehow still not asleep, I'll respond. Shoot and hook and such are long u, and the "ur" sound is just that, ur. Undurstand?

Also the only part that threw me off was the ŌPĒ but I caught on quick enough.

Now maybe I'll pass out before the next poster comments Can you spell your accent with this alphabet? (30)

Not dead, just feeling like it.

ohsointocats from The Sand Wastes Since: Oct, 2011 Relationship Status: Showing feelings of an almost human nature

#23: Jun 25th 2013 at 9:33:47 AM

Here's probably a better article on the matter.Can you spell your accent with this alphabet? (32)

the "ur" sound can be written a variety of ways. Sometimes it's written /əɹ/, sometimes it's written /ɹ̩/, and sometimes it's written /ɚ/ or /ɝ/, partially depending on preference and depending on what kind of "ur" sound it is.

blackcoldren I fought the Lore, and the Lore won. from The Lumberdesk Since: May, 2011 Relationship Status: Married to the job

I fought the Lore, and the Lore won.

#24: Jun 25th 2013 at 3:55:15 PM

I just woke up, and I'm looking this over.

Not dead, just feeling like it.

blackcoldren I fought the Lore, and the Lore won. from The Lumberdesk Since: May, 2011 Relationship Status: Married to the job

I fought the Lore, and the Lore won.

#25: Jun 25th 2013 at 5:15:18 PM

Several sounds have been added, a few changed and I've added the -DAIMD- sign to show when I only have an idea of what I'm talking about. Looks good for now, if you spot any mistakes please inform me.

edited 25th Jun '13 5:26:15 PM by blackcoldren

Not dead, just feeling like it.

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Can you spell your accent with this alphabet? (2024)


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