Kejutan Di Kencan Buta / The Blind-Date Proposal (City … (2024)


1,832 reviews116 followers

February 22, 2012

4 Stars! ~ When Kate Savage’s ex-boyfriend claimed to their mutual employer that Kate was stalking him, she’d been asked to resign and wasn’t given a glowing reference. This forced her to sign on with a temp agency, which put her in as Finn McBride’s temp PA. Kate’s vivacious personality quickly clashes with Finn’s straight-laced regime, and neither seems overly impressed with the other. Kate’s flabbergasted when her best friend sets her up on a blind-date and it turns out to be Finn, esp. after it’s been well discussed how she hates her new boss! Finn’s a widower and he’s been coaxed by his sister to find a mother for his nine-year-old daughter, thus his agreeing to the blind date. When his housekeeper has to go out of town to nurse her ailing mother, Finn is forced to bring his daughter, Alex to the office, as it’s a school holiday. Alex takes to Kate immediately and when Finn’s PA is ready to return to her job, he asks Kate if she’ll be a live-in nanny housekeeper, and then to pretend to be his fiancée while his meddling sister comes for a visit. It doesn’t take long for Kate to have feelings for Finn, but it’s pretty obvious to her that he’s still very much in love with his late wife.

This was a marvelous read! I connected instantly with Kate and her adventures. She’s the sort of girl who is constantly putting her pretty foot from her mouth. Finn is so devastatingly attractive and he’s been through so much, she can’t help but fall in love with him and his daughter. Finn doesn’t believe there is another love of his life out there, even though Kate and her quirkiness charm him. I enjoyed this very much and rooted whole-heartedly for their HEA. I’m looking forward to Bella’s story next!



464 reviews56 followers

June 20, 2011

The story is this: Kate, the female character, is temping for a boss she just can't get on with, and the feelings mutual. She's also a little fragile at the moment after recently being dumped and fired on the same day! Kate is a nice person, who is always rescuing stray animals, and has a desire to be a 'city girl' but deep down longs for a simple life domesticity and children, she's also a little eccentric! Finn, the male character, is a widower with a daughter, he is very serious and organised and clashes with Kate all the time. They are set up on a blind date by mutual friends, to hilarious consequences, after which their relationship begins to develop to the point of Finn asking Kate to move in and pretend to be his fiancée in order to keep his meddling sister off his back.

Remember when I mentioned that the blind date had hilarious consequences, well it does! Both of them pretend they haven't met before, the awkwardness combined with the digs they keep taking at each other is so funny that I was both cringing and giggling! I loved that the character of Kate was written so honestly, she's not perfect i.e. she doesn't really have any high-flying career ambitions, she would love to just be a housewife but isn't the tidiest of people (something I relate to very much, just ask my husband!!), she's also not the thinnest or most beautiful of women! I can't enthuse enough how refreshing it was to have a character that is simply 'normal'! Once again the banter and wit of Jessica Hart's characters is fantastic! The only thing I found disappointing about this book (and its a very tiny thing) is that its written entirely from Kate's point of view, I would have liked to have been able to have an insight into Finn's thoughts/feelings!

Definitely a great read!

Originally posted at http://everyday-is-the-same.blogspot....

Jane Stewart

2,462 reviews914 followers

May 4, 2014

3 ½ stars. Enjoyable romance. Light reading. Feel good.

Harlequin -- 2/3 the length of a regular novel. It’s third person but it feels like 1st person Kate. We are in her head throughout the book. We don’t know what the hero is thinking or feeling. The author uses this to create anguish and insecurities in Kate’s head. There are several conflicts where Kate “assumes” he doesn’t like her or want her - and the reader does not know. A separation happens because he “assumes” something inaccurate about her. If one of them had told the other their feelings, the conflicts would be resolved. I do not like that kind of plot. I’d rather see other interactions as they get to know each other instead of wrong assumptions.

I enjoyed the characters and other parts of the story -- especially the relationship between Alex (the daughter) and Kate.

Narrative mode: 3rd person. Story length: 183 pages. Swearing language: mild. Sexual language: none. Number of sex scenes: one, plus one or two mentions of sex with no details. Setting: current day probably U.K. Copyright: 2003. Genre: contemporary romance.



1,265 reviews16 followers

January 29, 2023

A light read. Two normal people in a normal romance. No drama’s.

October 24, 2022

Whimsical, free-spirited girl crosses paths with uptight business man, and sparks fly.

In order to enjoy this book, you have to get into Finn's head. The problem is that the author never lets you have access to his thoughts, so you have to *IMAGINE* what he's thinking, feeling, and coming to understand about himself and about Kate.

Kate, on the other hand, is completely open to us, as readers. She's mouthy, generous, passionate, loyal, and a little too eager to please. She thinks Finn is gorgeous and smart, serious and deep, loyal and devoted to the memory of his late wife. She can't help herself liking him, wanting him. She's willing to even take table scraps.

As for Finn, he's kept an enigma. I kind of like that everything *WASN'T* disclosed about him. That he was set apart from the story, left for us to decipher for ourselves. You don't see that so much in books, where everything has to be spelled out for the reader.

Made it an intriguing read.

Pauline Destinugrainy

Author1 book249 followers

November 9, 2020

Di mata Finn, Kate adalah sekretaris pengganti dengan sejumlah kekurangan. Selalu terlambat, tidak modis, dan seringkali membuatnya kesal. sem*ntara di mata Kate, Finn adalah bos yang menyebalkan dan menutup diri. Ketika keduanya bertemu dalam kencan buta yang diatur oleh sahabatnya, tentu saja keduanya menolak untuk menjadi pasangan.

Menariknya dalam HQ ini adalah chemistry yang tidak instan seperti halnya romansa HQ lainnya. Diperlukan skenario tunangan pura-pura dan keterlibatan anak perempuan Finn, seekor anjing, dan kakak yang suka mengatur di dalamnya. Nice story

    baca-pinjam e-book fiction


3,287 reviews41 followers

January 17, 2018

This was so much better than the first book and I liked the first one.
I actually felt Kate had a bit of fire in her and I was respecting her for it.

I thought this wasn't the best romance in terms of he didn't give many hints he was in love with her but it was still nice.

    4-star a-2018-reads adult

Mahareni Sukadi

590 reviews14 followers

July 29, 2019

Baguus, saya sukaaaa..., meski tidak ada adegan panas, tapi enak diikuti n ceritanya tidak bertele-tele. Asík juga kalo POV-nya dari sisi Kate saja, kita jadi menebak-nebak terus isi pikiran Finn. Beneran mewek saya pas Kate merasa harus menolak lamaran Finn.

    ebook harlequin


105 reviews9 followers

November 18, 2019

2/3 stars


Aya Bawadekji

148 reviews1 follower

April 8, 2021

مضى وقت طويل لم أقرأ فيه رواية تمنيت أن تصبح فيلما بقدر هذه الرواية ... لطيفة وسهلة القراءة وممتعة 😬✨


141 reviews1 follower

September 13, 2013

Karena Alison, sekretaris Finn McBridge, mengalami cidera kaki maka Finn memutuskan untuk memperkerjakan Kate sebagai sekretaris sem*ntaranya. Tapi Finn sungguh dibuat kerepotan karena sifat Kate yang ceroboh dan suka membalas perkataannya. Sampai pada suatu malam, mereka berdua dipertemukan dalam kencan buta oleh kedua teman mereka, Gib dan Phoebe. Merasa malu, akhirnya Kate berusaha memperbaiki sikap kerjanya sampai Alison sembuh dan mengambil pekerjaannya kembali.
Tak disangka, Alex putri Finn, sangat menyukai Kate dan berharap Kate bisa terus menjadi sekretaris ayahnya. Akan tetapi hal tersebut tidak mungkin terjadi, karena Alison sudah masuk kembali untuk bekerja. Finn mencetuskan ide untuk Kate menjadi pengurus rumah tangga di rumahnya, karena sejak kematian istrinya, Finn terus sibuk pada pekerjaannya dan membuat Alex menjadi kesepian.
Harihari Kate menjadi pengurus rumah tangga di rumah Finn dimulai dan berjalan lancar sampai pada berita kedatangan kakak perempuan Finn. Karena tak mau dipusingkan urusan perjodohan, Finn meminta Kate untuk berpura-pura menjadi tunangannya. Kate tak bisa menolak, karena kate juga membutuhkan gaji yang ditawarkan Finn. Sandiwara berjalan lancar dan membuat Finn dan Kate semakin dekat, dan akhirnya menyadari bahwa mereka saling mencintai.


Kisah romance yang sweet dan menggelitik, bikin cengar-cengir waktu membacanya. Not bad, buat mengisi waktu senggang saat mood sedang ingin membaca bacaan romance yang ringan.


Mirella Grace

244 reviews18 followers

February 24, 2008

Kate sang sekretaris pengganti dan Finn -bosnya- tidak saling menyukai, maka mereka berdua sangat kaget ketika ternyata mereka dijodohkan dalam satu kencan buta yang diatur oleh teman Kate.

Kate sendiri sebenarnya malu. Apalagi mengingat Kate selalu menjelek-jelekkan Finn di depan teman-temannya. Tapi, berlanjut dari kencan buta ini, Finn malah meminta Kate untuk berpura pura menjadi tunangannya. Ini untuk mengelabui kakak Finn yang akan datang dari luar negeri dan berniat menjodohkan Finn.

Maka, Kate pun pindah ke rumah Finn. Siapa sangka dari sini ketertarikan mereka berdua timbul. Terlebih lagi saat Finn melihat Kate yang sangat akrab dengan putri tunggalnya.



815 reviews


July 1, 2013

عندما يبتسم الليل
جيسيكا هارت
حظ كايت سافيدج العاثر جعلها تعمل لدى مدير حول حياتها إلى جحيم . لعله أجمل رجل رأته في حياتها . لكنه يجعلها تكره الساعة التي عملت فيها لديه 24 ساعة في اليوم 7 أيام في الأسبوع .
وفي اليوم الذي أراد فيه أصدقاء كايت أن يروحوا عنها قليلا دعوها إلى لقاء رجل أرمل لا تعرفه ولم يكد نظر كايت يقع على الرجل الذي كان بانتظارها حتى أحست بصدمة قوية الرجل الغامض الذي يقف أمامها ليس سوى فيني ماكبرايد ... مديرها !
صحيح أن كايت مستعدة دائما للقبول بالتحديات .. لكن أن تتورط مع رئيسها ! هذا ما لم يكن بالحسبان !

طلب منها ان تكون مربيه لطفله
القصه ال��انيه لثلاث صديقات يسكنون سويا


Gramedia Pustaka Utama

275 reviews192 followers

June 30, 2008

Kate sang sekretaris pengganti dan Finn -bosnya- tidak saling menyukai, maka mereka berdua sangat kaget ketika ternyata mereka dijodohkan dalam satu kencan buta yang diatur oleh teman Kate.

Berlanjut dari kencan buta ini, Finn malah meminta Kate untuk berpura pura menjadi tunangannya. Siapa sangka dari sini ketertarikan mereka berdua timbul. Terlebih lagi saat Finn melihat Kate yang sangat akrab dengan putri tunggalnya.



193 reviews42 followers

August 26, 2014

جيسكا هارت لديها اسلوب مميز في اظهار شخصية البطلة,,فأول صفحات تجد كايت
التي تحب الحيوانات ونوعا ما خرقاء لاتصلح للعمل لكنها تحب الطبخ والعناية بالحديقة
فتحولت نظرة البطل اليها للافضل رأها بمنظور اخر
طبعا انا قرأت الجزء الاول من السلسلة وهي فيبي وبقى الجزء الاخير لبيلا ..
واتمنى ان يكون بروعة الروايتين



259 reviews35 followers

May 16, 2008

another cinderella story, a perfect dream of every woman...having a rich & handsome boss, then marry him..
big & luxury house, supporting family...yeah, right.

well, life is full of surprises, right??

    chicklit drama translated-fiction


1,058 reviews

April 23, 2012

This was such a fun and quick read! I always enjoy Ms. Hart's characters and, in my opinion, she writes the best conservative, uptight hero & funny, sweet heroine stories. Give this book a chance, you won't be sorry!



636 reviews390 followers

February 26, 2008

Cookie cutter hokey romance.

    books-with-cooties contemporary


696 reviews7 followers


July 2, 2018

Kate Savage has landed herself with the boss from hell -- he may be gorgeous in a brooding sort of way, but he's on her case 24/7! Kate's friends try cheering her up by arranging for her to go on a blind date with an eligible widower. Only, when Kate arrives for her date she's horrified to discover that her mystery man is Finn McBride -- her boss!

Finn has a very interesting proposition for Kate -- not only does he need a live-in nanny, he also wants her to pretend to be his fiancee.... Kate's ready to take on a challenge -- but she hasn't bargained on a blind-date proposal!

Kejutan Di Kencan Buta / The Blind-Date Proposal (City … (2024)


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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Views: 5851

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (57 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.