Key Risk Management Techniques for Winning the 1 Million Prop Firm Challenge - Traders With Edge (2024)

Table of Contents
I. Introduction A. Overview of the Proprietary (Prop) Firm Challenge B. Importance of Risk Management in Trading II. Understanding Risk Management A. Definition of Risk Management in Trading B. Key Principles of Risk Management C. The Role of Risk Management in Prop Firms III. Foundations of Effective Risk Management A. Risk Identification B. Risk Measurement C. Risk Evaluation D. Risk Mitigation E. Risk Monitoring and Reporting IV. Risk Management Strategies for the Prop Firm Challenge A. Setting Realistic Trading Goals B. Diversifying your Trading Portfolio C. Implementing Stop Loss and Take Profit Levels D. Emphasizing Risk-Reward Ratio E. Managing Leverage and Margin Requirements V. Emotional Aspects of Risk Management A. The Psychology of Trading B. Emotional Resilience in Trading C. Overcoming Common Psychological Pitfalls VI. Risk Management Tools and Software A. Overview of Available Tools B. Leveraging Technology in Risk Management C. Choosing the Right Tools for Your Trading Strategy VII. Case Studies: Lessons from Successful Traders A. Learning from Successes B. Learning from Mistakes C. Key Takeaways from Case Studies VIII. Conclusion: Mastering Risk Management for the Prop Firm Challenge IX. FAQs: Common Queries on Risk Management in the Prop Firm Challenge Q1: How much should I risk per trade during the challenge? Q2: Can I change my risk management strategy during the challenge? Q3: How does leverage impact risk management? Q4: What role does psychology play in risk management? Q5: Do I need to use risk management tools and software to pass the challenge? X. Final Thoughts: The Journey Towards Becoming a Prop Trader XI. References and Further Reading FAQs References

I. Introduction

A. Overview of the Proprietary (Prop) Firm Challenge

In the trading world, proprietary (prop) firms have a special place. They hire, nurture, and challenge traders to navigate the financial markets with the firm’s own money. Prop firms aim to identify and cultivate talent, rewarding exceptional performance with increased trading limits and potential partnership opportunities.

One of the key milestones prop firms use to gauge talent is the ‘1 Million Dollar Prop Firm Challenge.’ This task demands traders to showcase their abilities in managing a significant amount of capital—$1 million—while adhering to strict risk management rules set by the firm. Achieving success in this challenge is no small feat; it requires a thorough understanding of the markets, a solid trading strategy, emotional control, and above all, exceptional risk management skills.

B. Importance of Risk Management in Trading

Risk management in trading is the process of identifying, assessing, and controlling the risks associated with the trading activity. It involves techniques and strategies to limit the chances of substantial losses, ensuring that traders can continue to trade over the long term. Risk management is particularly crucial in prop trading because these firms depend on their traders to make informed decisions with the firm’s money.

Risk management is not just about minimizing potential losses. It’s about optimizing trading performance by ensuring that losses, when they do occur, do not imperil the trader’s capacity to trade in the future. Effective risk management is the cornerstone of sustainable trading—it is the lifeline that ensures the survival and prosperity of a trader in the unforgiving world of financial markets.

As we step into the heart of this challenge, remember that risk management is not a singular action but a holistic approach. It begins with understanding the nature of risks and extends to adopting practices that become an inherent part of the trading lifestyle. Now, let’s navigate the fascinating realm of risk management and its role in successfully passing the 1 Million Prop Firm Challenge.

II. Understanding Risk Management

A. Definition of Risk Management in Trading

In the context of trading, risk management is the systematic process of identifying, analyzing, and responding to trading risk. It encompasses a set of measures aimed at minimizing potential losses while maximizing potential profits. Risk management goes hand-in-hand with successful trading. Without an effective risk management strategy in place, a trader is more susceptible to substantial losses and can quickly erode their trading capital.

B. Key Principles of Risk Management

There are several key principles that underpin effective risk management:

  1. Risk Tolerance: This is the level of risk a trader is willing to accept. It’s subjective and varies from trader to trader, but it’s crucial to establish your risk tolerance before entering any trade.
  2. Risk-Reward Ratio: This is the potential risk versus the potential reward of a trade. Ideally, traders should only enter trades where the potential reward outweighs the potential risk.
  3. Position Sizing: This refers to the number of units traded in a particular security. Position sizing can be an effective way to manage risk, by limiting the size of a trade relative to the total trading account.
  4. Stop-Loss Orders: These are orders set to sell a security when it reaches a particular price. They can help limit losses on a trade if the market moves in the opposite direction.
  5. Diversification: This involves spreading trades across a variety of securities to minimize the impact of a single failing position.

C. The Role of Risk Management in Prop Firms

Risk management is a critical aspect of proprietary trading firms’ operations. Since these firms operate with their own capital, they enforce strict risk management guidelines to prevent traders from taking undue risks that could lead to significant losses. Traders are expected to adhere to these guidelines to maintain the sustainability of the firm’s trading operations.

Successful traders in prop firms are those who understand these risk management rules and can implement them effectively in their trading. The ability to manage risk effectively is a key factor considered during the 1 Million Dollar Prop Firm Challenge. It’s not just about the profits a trader can generate, but about the consistency in managing risk to ensure long-term viability.

III. Foundations of Effective Risk Management

A. Risk Identification

The first step towards effective risk management is to identify potential risks. In trading, this could mean understanding different types of risks like market risk (changes in market conditions), liquidity risk (the ability to exit or enter positions), and psychological risk (emotional decisions that can impact trading). Identifying these risks helps traders understand potential threats to their trading capital and sets the foundation for risk mitigation strategies.

B. Risk Measurement

Once risks have been identified, the next step is to measure them. One of the most common methods of risk measurement in trading is Value at Risk (VaR), which provides an estimate of potential losses in a given timeframe and confidence interval. Other measures include drawdown, which is the measure of decline from a historical peak in some variable, typically the cumulative profit or total open equity. Understanding how much one stands to lose in different scenarios helps inform decisions around position sizing and stop-loss orders.

C. Risk Evaluation

After measuring risk, the next step is to evaluate it. This involves comparing the identified risk against the trader’s risk tolerance to determine whether it’s acceptable. If the potential risk is outside the trader’s comfort zone, they may need to adjust their trading strategy, reduce their position size, or consider other risk mitigation strategies.

D. Risk Mitigation

Risk mitigation involves implementing strategies to manage and limit your exposure to risk. Some commonly used risk mitigation techniques in trading include setting stop-loss and take-profit orders, using proper position sizing, diversification of portfolio, and implementing hedging strategies. The goal of risk mitigation is not to avoid risk entirely but to manage it in such a way that the trader can withstand adverse market movements and stay in the game over the long run.

E. Risk Monitoring and Reporting

Monitoring involves regularly reviewing your trades, assessing the outcomes, and checking whether the actual risk aligns with the anticipated risk. If discrepancies arise, adjustments may need to be made to the trading strategy or risk management approach. Regular reporting, either through manual trade journals or automated reporting tools, can help traders track their performance, understand their risk exposure, and make informed decisions based on data rather than emotion. It’s particularly crucial in prop firms where the trader is accountable to the firm’s managers for their trading performance and risk management.

IV. Risk Management Strategies for the Prop Firm Challenge

A. Setting Realistic Trading Goals

Every successful journey starts with a clear destination, and the trading journey is no different. Setting realistic trading goals is crucial. Aim for consistent profitability rather than hitting home runs. This approach is more likely to help you navigate the $1 million prop firm challenge. Understand that even the best traders experience losses. It’s not about avoiding them altogether, but about managing them effectively when they occur.

B. Diversifying your Trading Portfolio

Putting all your eggs in one basket can be risky. The same applies to trading. Diversification—spreading your trades across different markets or securities—can be an effective way to mitigate risk. In the context of the prop firm challenge, diversification can help spread risk and potentially increase your chances of consistent performance. However, remember that diversification should be strategic. Simply trading a large number of different securities without understanding them can increase, rather than decrease, risk.

C. Implementing Stop Loss and Take Profit Levels

Stop loss and take profit levels are critical components of risk management. Stop losses limit your potential losses, while take profit levels ensure you lock in profits when a trade goes in your favor. It’s important to define these levels before entering a trade, and they should align with your risk-reward ratio and trading strategy. Remember, in the heat of trading, emotions can often cloud judgement. Pre-defined stop loss and take profit levels can help bring discipline and rationality into the trading process.

D. Emphasizing Risk-Reward Ratio

The risk-reward ratio is a critical factor in successful trading and is especially significant in the $1 million prop firm challenge. It’s the ratio of the risk you are willing to take for a potential reward. A common rule of thumb is to aim for trades where the potential reward is at least twice the potential risk. This way, even if you’re wrong half the time, you could still be profitable.

E. Managing Leverage and Margin Requirements

Leverage can be a double-edged sword. While it can magnify profits, it can also amplify losses. It’s crucial to understand how leverage works and the implications it has for margin requirements. Be mindful of how much leverage you use in your trades, and ensure that you have sufficient margin to avoid margin calls or forced liquidation of positions. Managing leverage effectively can play a critical role in navigating the prop firm challenge. Remember, it’s not just about the profits you can generate but about the risk you manage along the way.

V. Emotional Aspects of Risk Management

A. The Psychology of Trading

Trading is not just a numbers game; it’s heavily influenced by emotions and psychological factors. Fear, greed, hope, and regret can all play significant roles in trading decisions. Fear can cause traders to exit trades prematurely or prevent them from taking necessary risks. Conversely, greed can push traders to take excessive risks in pursuit of profits. Understanding these emotions and learning how to manage them is a critical aspect of risk management.

B. Emotional Resilience in Trading

Emotional resilience refers to the ability to cope with the emotional highs and lows of trading. It involves dealing effectively with losses, not getting overly excited about wins, and staying focused on the overall trading strategy rather than individual trade outcomes. Building emotional resilience can help traders remain calm under pressure, make more rational decisions, and ultimately improve their risk management.

C. Overcoming Common Psychological Pitfalls

Common psychological pitfalls in trading include overconfidence, where traders may take on too much risk due to a belief in their infallibility, and anchoring, where traders become overly attached to specific reference points, such as the price they paid for a security. Recognizing these and other psychological pitfalls can help traders avoid making mistakes based on emotion rather than rational analysis. Strategies to overcome these pitfalls can include maintaining a trading journal, taking regular breaks from trading to avoid fatigue, and continuously learning and seeking feedback to challenge and improve one’s trading strategies.

Psychological aspects of risk management are often overlooked but they can have a significant impact on trading performance. As we continue to explore the process of successfully passing the $1 Million Prop Firm Challenge, it’s crucial to remember that trading is not just about strategies and numbers, but also about the psychological fortitude to stick to those strategies and make rational decisions under pressure.

VI. Risk Management Tools and Software

A. Overview of Available Tools

In the age of technology, traders have access to a wide range of tools and software to assist in risk management. These range from trading platforms that automatically execute stop loss and take profit orders, to risk analysis software that can model potential losses under different market scenarios. Using these tools can help traders implement their risk management strategies more effectively and efficiently.

B. Leveraging Technology in Risk Management

Technology can play a crucial role in risk management. For instance, automated trading systems can help traders stick to their trading plans without letting emotions get in the way. They can execute trades based on pre-defined criteria, ensuring that stop-loss and take-profit levels are adhered to. Risk analysis software can help traders understand the potential impact of different market scenarios on their portfolio, aiding in decision-making and strategy formulation.

C. Choosing the Right Tools for Your Trading Strategy

While there are many tools available, it’s essential to choose those that align with your trading strategy and risk management approach. Consider factors like ease of use, compatibility with your trading platform, and the specific features you need. For instance, if your strategy involves a lot of manual trading, you might find a tool with robust stop-loss and take-profit features useful. If you’re more into algorithmic trading, you might prefer a tool with strong backtesting capabilities. Always remember, the tools are there to aid you, not to make decisions for you. The ultimate decision should always be based on your analysis and judgement.

Risk management tools and software can significantly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your risk management processes. However, they are just tools – it’s how you use them that will determine your success in the $1 Million Prop Firm Challenge. The best tool in your arsenal will always be a clear understanding of risk management principles and a well-thought-out trading strategy.

VII. Case Studies: Lessons from Successful Traders

A. Learning from Successes

Every successful trader has a unique story, but common among them is a strong focus on risk management. Trader A, for instance, who successfully passed the 1 Million Prop Firm Challenge, emphasizes the importance of setting realistic goals and diversifying trades. His strategy involved trading across different markets to spread risk and using a consistent risk-reward ratio of 1:2. His success illustrates the importance of having a robust trading strategy and a disciplined approach to risk management.

B. Learning from Mistakes

Not all trading stories end in success, and there’s much to learn from those that don’t. Trader B, who attempted the challenge, had a promising start but ultimately fell short due to a failure to manage risk effectively. Despite being a skilled technical analyst, Trader B often allowed emotions to dictate his trading decisions, resulting in larger than acceptable losses. His story serves as a reminder of the psychological aspects of trading and the importance of emotional control in risk management.

C. Key Takeaways from Case Studies

These case studies underscore the importance of a well-rounded approach to trading that balances strategy, risk management, and psychology. Passing the 1 Million Prop Firm Challenge is not just about generating high profits; it’s about doing so consistently and sustainably, while managing risk effectively.

As we conclude our exploration of risk management for the prop firm challenge, remember that every trader’s journey is unique. What worked for others may not work for you. The key is to learn from others’ experiences, develop your trading strategy, and continuously refine your risk management approach based on your performance. Through consistent effort and learning, you can increase your chances of successfully navigating the challenge and becoming a successful prop firm trader.

VIII. Conclusion: Mastering Risk Management for the Prop Firm Challenge

Navigating the $1 Million Prop Firm Challenge requires not just a well-developed trading strategy, but also a strong emphasis on risk management. Effective risk management is about understanding, assessing, and controlling potential losses while maximizing potential profits. It involves recognizing the risks inherent in trading and making informed decisions about how much risk to take.

In this challenge, success is about more than achieving the highest possible profits; it’s about achieving consistent, sustainable profitability. That means not just understanding market trends and making accurate predictions, but also managing your risks effectively. To achieve this balance, you need to have a thorough understanding of risk management principles and techniques, and apply them consistently in your trading.

Tools and software can aid in risk management, but they’re just that – tools. They can’t replace the need for a sound trading strategy and a disciplined approach to risk. While it’s crucial to utilize these tools effectively, the ultimate responsibility for managing risk lies with the trader.

The journey to becoming a successful prop firm trader can be challenging, but by arming yourself with the right knowledge and tools, you can increase your chances of success. Through disciplined risk management and continuous learning, you have the potential to not only pass the $1 Million Prop Firm Challenge but also to become a consistently profitable trader.

IX. FAQs: Common Queries on Risk Management in the Prop Firm Challenge

Q1: How much should I risk per trade during the challenge?

The amount to risk per trade depends on your risk tolerance, trading strategy, and the specific rules of the prop firm. However, a common rule of thumb is to risk no more than 1-2% of your trading capital on any single trade.

Q2: Can I change my risk management strategy during the challenge?

While you can adjust your risk management strategy, frequent and major changes may indicate inconsistency and could lead to poor performance. Any changes should be made based on careful analysis and not emotional reactions to market conditions or recent trades.

Q3: How does leverage impact risk management?

Leverage allows you to control a large position with a small amount of capital. While it can amplify potential profits, it can also magnify losses. Mismanagement of leverage is a common reason for traders failing the prop firm challenge. It’s important to understand how to manage leverage and margin requirements to prevent large losses.

Q4: What role does psychology play in risk management?

Psychology plays a significant role in risk management. Emotional resilience and the ability to make rational decisions under pressure can significantly influence trading outcomes. It’s important to develop strategies to manage emotions and maintain discipline in following your trading and risk management plan.

Q5: Do I need to use risk management tools and software to pass the challenge?

While not required, risk management tools and software can help enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your risk management processes. They can automate certain tasks and provide useful data for decision-making. However, they should be used to support, not replace, your judgement and analysis.

Remember, every trader’s journey is unique. Success in the $1 Million Prop Firm Challenge comes from not only understanding but also effectively applying risk management principles in line with your personal trading strategy and risk tolerance. By maintaining a consistent approach and learning from your experiences, you can navigate the complexities of the challenge and progress in your trading career.

X. Final Thoughts: The Journey Towards Becoming a Prop Trader

Embarking on the journey to become a prop trader, specifically through the $1 Million Prop Firm Challenge, is as exciting as it is demanding. It requires technical skills, mental toughness, and unwavering discipline. While the prospect of high returns can be enticing, the risks are equally substantial, and it’s here that a strong focus on risk management becomes crucial.

Risk management is not a peripheral element of your trading strategy. It’s at the core of long-term trading success, shaping every trade you make and decision you take. It’s about understanding the balance between risk and reward and making decisions that align with your trading goals and risk tolerance.

One thing is certain: risk management will test your discipline. It will challenge you to stick to your trading plan when the market tempts you to stray. It will demand you to take losses on the chin, reassess, and jump back in. But with each test, you’ll become a more resilient trader.

The $1 Million Prop Firm Challenge is a journey that will expose you to the highs and lows of financial markets. Yet, it’s not just about the destination. It’s about what you learn about the markets and yourself along the way. The lessons you acquire, especially in risk management, will shape you as a trader for years to come.

Risk management might seem daunting at first, but with practice, patience, and persistence, it will become second nature. And when it does, you’ll not only be better equipped to tackle the $1 Million Prop Firm Challenge but also any trading situation that comes your way. Your journey towards becoming a prop trader is indeed a journey towards mastering risk.

Embrace the journey, respect the risk, and happy trading!

XI. References and Further Reading

To further enhance your understanding and application of risk management strategies in your trading journey, below are some resources that you might find helpful:

  1. Schwager, Jack D. “Market Wizards: Interviews with Top Traders” – A collection of insightful interviews with top traders, providing invaluable lessons on risk management, among other trading aspects.
  2. Tharp, Van K. “Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom” – This book offers a strategic approach to trading, with a heavy emphasis on risk management and psychological aspects of trading.
  3. Elder, Alexander. “Come Into My Trading Room: A Complete Guide to Trading” – A comprehensive guide to trading that covers risk management techniques extensively.
  4. Taleb, Nassim Nicholas. “The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable” – While not strictly a trading book, Taleb’s work offers insightful thoughts on understanding and managing risk.
  5. Nison, Steve. “Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques” – This book introduces candlestick charting, a technical analysis tool that can be utilized for risk management.

Online Resources:

  1. Investopedia Risk Management Section ( – A rich resource for various risk management concepts and strategies.
  2. BabyPips Risk Management Section ( – Offers various articles and lessons on forex risk management.
  3. TradingView ( – Provides interactive charts, scripts, and a community of traders sharing trading ideas and risk management strategies.
  4. MQL5 Community ( – If you’re into algorithmic trading, this is a community of traders sharing codes and strategies, including risk management bots and scripts.

Remember, continuous learning is a key part of successful trading. The more you learn about risk management and trading, the better equipped you’ll be to navigate the $1 Million Prop Firm Challenge and your broader trading journey.

Key Risk Management Techniques for Winning the 1 Million Prop Firm Challenge - Traders With Edge (2024)


What is the best risk management for prop firms? ›

Here are key factors to take into account:
  • Risk Tolerance:Determine your risk tolerance, which is the level of risk you are comfortable with. ...
  • Position Sizing:Decide how much capital to allocate to each trade. ...
  • Stop Losses:Implement stop-loss orders to limit potential losses.
Apr 4, 2024

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Tips for Passing a Prop Firm Trading Challenge
  1. Understand the Rules of Engagement: ...
  2. Master Your Trading Strategy: ...
  3. Risk Management is Non-Negotiable: ...
  4. Leverage Your Analytical Skills: ...
  5. Stay Disciplined and Patient: ...
  6. Continuous Learning is the Key: ...
  7. Embrace Feedback and Adapt: ...
  8. Simulate Real Trading Conditions:
Feb 5, 2024

What are the techniques of proprietary trading? ›

In the realm of prop trading, there exists an assortment of key strategies that traders employ. These methodologies are diverse and include index arbitrage, statistical arbitrage, merger arbitrage, fundamental analysis, volatility arbitrage, technical analysis, and global macro trading.

How to manage risk management in trading? ›

The key to surviving the risks involved in trading is to minimize losses. Risk management in trading begins with developing a trading strategy that accounts for the win-loss percentage and the averages of the wins and losses. Moreover, avoiding catastrophic losses that can wipe you out completely is crucial.

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Top Three Risk Management Techniques
  • Identify Risks. Risk identification is the first and most crucial step. ...
  • Identify the Likelihood of Threat Occurrence. When considering the impact of any one threat, consider two factors: likelihood and outcome. ...
  • Identify the Impact of Threats.
Feb 13, 2024

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Eliminate the risk

The most effective control measure involves eliminating the hazard and its associated risk. The best way to eliminate a hazard is to not introduce the hazard in the first place. For example, you can eliminate the risk of a fall from height by doing the work at ground level.

How to pass a trading challenge? ›

Demonstrate Consistency and Patience. Consistency and patience are the key to success in a funded account challenge. Rather than aiming for big wins, focus on making consistent profits over time. Be patient and disciplined in your trading, avoiding impulsive decisions that can lead to losses.

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The article from Lux Trading Firm provides slightly different results. According to it, 4% of traders, on average, pass prop firm challenges. But only 1% of traders kept their funded accounts for a reasonable amount of time.

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Traders are required to meet profit targets to complete a $1 million funded account prop firm challenge. These profit targets build the challenge program for traders to prove their skills, talent, and achieve their goals. Choose from a range of trading instruments including forex, crypto, stocks, indices, and metals.

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Personal Risk: One of the significant drawbacks of prop trading is the potential personal financial risk. If a trader doesn't perform well, they may lose their deposit, and in some cases, their job. Loss Limitations: Prop firms often implement daily loss limits to protect their capital.

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Base salary: Most prop trading firms offer their traders a base salary, which is usually paid on a monthly or annual basis. This salary can range from $50,000 to $100,000 for junior traders and can go up to $500,000 or more for senior traders.

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A trader would typically pay a joining or subscription fee before participating in a challenge or assessment period. They would have to demonstrate their trading abilities with a particular amount of capital, with the prop firm imposing a maximum drawdown and profit target.

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Rule 1: Always Use a Trading Plan

You need a trading plan because it can assist you with making coherent trading decisions and define the boundaries of your optimal trade. A decent trading plan will assist you with avoiding making passionate decisions without giving it much thought.

What is the 1% risk rule? ›

For day traders and swing traders, the 1% risk rule means you use as much capital as required to initiate a trade, but your stop loss placement protects you from losing more than 1% of your account if the trade goes against you.

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How to Recover From a Big Trading Loss
  1. Learn from your mistakes. Traders need to be able to recognize their strengths and weaknesses—and plan around them. ...
  2. Keep a trade log. ...
  3. Write it off. ...
  4. Slowly start to rebuild. ...
  5. Scale up and scale down. ...
  6. Use limit and stop orders.
Mar 11, 2024

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ISO 31000 and the COSO ERM framework are the two most popular risk management standards. Here's what they include and some of their similarities and differences. Every organization must take business risks to be successful.

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Five Popular Risk Management Frameworks
  • 1: COSO ERM Framework. ...
  • 2: ISO 31000 Risk Management Standard. ...
  • 3: NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) ...
  • 4: ITIL Service Lifecycle. ...
  • 5: OCTAVE Allegro.

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Top Risk Management Tools & Techniques for Project Management
  • Brainstorming.
  • Root Cause Analysis.
  • SWOT Analysis.
  • Risk Assessment Template for IT.
  • Probability and Impact Matrix.
  • Risk Data Quality Assessment.
  • Variance and Trend Analysis.
  • Reserve Analysis.
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The most popular prop trading firms and funded programmes
  • Axi Select.
  • FTMO.
  • The Forex Funder.
  • E8 Markets.
  • The 5%ers.
  • Funded Next.
  • Funded Trading Plus.


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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.