Medical SEO Services | Medical Search Engine Optimization Company (2024)

Frequently Asked Questions about Medical SEO

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How long does Medical Search Engine Optimization take to work?

Effective medical SEO is really a never-ending optimization strategy. You do not want to “turn off” your SEO because eventually, the rankings you have worked so hard to achieve can dwindle over time with new Google algorithm updates and other factors. As what people search for changes, and HOW they search changes, your SEO and digital marketing strategies need to change to keep up.

We hear so many of our new clients say they expect to wait six months or even a year to see results from their SEO work, but that’s not true! We’ve seen countless clients experience rapid results – in as little as 30 days – if we find and address glaring “big wins” during our complimentary SEO audit. Results like jumping several places in Google search results, seeing a strong increase in website traffic, having loads of new people calling their phone number, and more – all because of finally putting into place a professional SEO plan that’s backed by research and consistently monitored and improved!

We tell our clients that SEO, in general, takes 3-6 months to start seeing the full impact of all our work. Once that happens, then the game switches to maintenance and improvement. A little patience goes a long way when it comes to SEO, and the benefits to your practice are well worth the wait!

How long have we been doing SEO for Medical Practices?

Our team has over 15 years of combined SEO experience specifically for healthcare practices. Our agency was founded back in early 2014 exclusively in the medical and dental space.

Therefore, since day one our agency has worked with numerous healthcare organizations in nearly every niche and specialty helping them grow their search engine optimization.

How long does Medical SEO take to work?

If we find some quick “big wins” during the complimentary SEO audit and address them, it’s possible to see results in as little as 30 days! But in general, it takes 3 to six months to see your search engine ranking rise on Google.

How important is my website to medical SEO?

Very important! Your website is the “hub” of everything else we do to raise your rankings in the search engines. Some things we’ll make sure your website has to impress Google’s search algorithm include fast loading speed, SEO content, the right amount of content on every page, a phone number on every page, a contact us page that also includes the right phone number, the proper headers and meta tags on every page, and more. Not only do all of these things help you rank higher on Google, but they’ll also make sure your website provides a great user experience to visitors.

Does new content really matter in SEO for medical websites?

Regularly posting fresh content to your website in the form of a blog is a huge part of making sure your site ranks highly on Google. The way blog content works with SEO for medical websites is two-fold. For one, showing Google that you take an active approach to your website (rather than creating your website and then letting it sit there stale for months on end) means that the content on your site is up to date and likely to be more relevant to users. And Google only wants to show relevant content to its users. Second, for every blog you post, you add additional keywords to your website, helping you rank higher for current and new keywords. In fact, one of the best ways to rank for a new procedure is to add a page to your site about it and then start writing blogs about it, too.

Should I be concerned with ranking on search engines other than Google?

Though some people still use search engines like Yahoo and Bing, Google is the “big boss” when it comes to searches. Our SEO strategies will help you rank higher on all the search engines, but we focus primarily on Google because that’s where the vast majority of internet searches are conducted.

I don't have time to write content for medical website SEO. Can you do that, too?

Absolutely! Our medical copywriters have vast experience in writing for medical practices AND writing SEO copy that ranks in Google search results. We understand that writing website content is time-consuming (and can seem intimidating) to your office staff, so we’re happy to provide expertly crafted medical SEO copy for your website.

What makes SEO medical marketing from regular marketing?

Marketing medical procedures require a special touch that we’ve seen general marketing agencies miss the mark more times than we’d like to admit. With medical marketing, extra care must be taken to comply with HIPAA regulations, including using very specific language that keeps your practice safe from lawsuits and penalties. This all applies to medical SEO as well as medical content marketing.

So I really need a medical SEO company? My practice is doing pretty well already.

First, congratulations! We love to see physicians succeeding instead of stressing about getting new patients. Even if your practice is doing well, investing in medical search engine optimization is always a good idea as insurance against “what ifs.” What if a practice that offers exactly what you offer opens down the street? What if you decide you want to retire in a few years and sell your practice – how will you get top dollar for all you’ve built? How will your business keep growing if your competition is doing SEO marketing and you’re not? SEO helps you stay ahead of the curve against scenarios that could negatively impact your business.

Medical SEO Services | Medical Search Engine Optimization Company (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.