Preposition in English Grammar with Examples [With PDF] - English Compositions (2024)


This is a complete guide on Preposition in English Grammar.

Preposition in English Grammar with Examples [With PDF] - English Compositions (1)

Definition of Preposition:

A preposition is a Part of Speech which is placed before anounor apronounto indicate a direction, method, place, source, etc. In other words, to show the relation of that noun or pronoun with any other word of the sentence.

For example:

  • It may joinnounto averb, e.g.: Sheslippedoff thestairs.
  • Similarly join one noun to another, e.g.:Joyeewas in thekitchen.
  • Or joinnounto anadjective, e.g.: We areproudof ourcountry.

Types of Prepositions:

In general,preposition are five types, and those are:

  1. Simple– in, on, out, for, from.
  2. Double– into, within, without, onto, upon.
  3. Disguised– For example, it is2 o’ clocknow.
  4. Special– We know ‘but’ is used as a conjunction, when ‘but’ means ‘except’ then it is called a special type. For example, he is poorbuthonest. Or Nonebuta brave man can do this.
  5. Appropriate– Sourav was accompaniedbyRam. If any sentence is in active voice then do not add any preposition. For example, Ram accompaniedbySourav (omit ‘by’ here).
Preposition in English Grammar with Examples [With PDF] - English Compositions (2)


Howeverprepositionsare also categorized in the following ways:

  1. Preposition of Time (At, in, on, by, off, from, away, since, for, towards).
  2. Preposition of Place (At, from, within, without, inside, outside, in front of, on top of, beyond, between).
  3. Preposition of Possession (By, of, with).
  4. Prepositions of direction motion (To, at, from, round, across, against).
  5. Prepositions of cause, reason, and purpose (Of, for, with).
  6. Preposition of Agent, Manner or Method (In, on, for, by with, though).

Some Important Points to Remember about Preposition:

  1. Whenverbsare placed after a preposition, they should be in gerund [External Link] form except they are used in an infinitive form, for example, she insisted on going to London.
  2. Aclausealso an object to a preposition. For example, pay attention to what your teacher said.
  3. Adverb of place and timecan also be the object of a preposition. For example, pay attention to what your teachers say.
  4. The usages of a noun orpronounin a preposition in the accusative case [You can Learn more about Accusative case here (External Links)] For example, the phone in on thetable. Here ‘table’ use inthe accusativecase.
  5. It sometimes may have one or more than one object, for example, I gave money to Sam and her sister.
  6. It may govern otherparts of speechused as anoun, for example, from here, for good, in short, about to go, before now.
  7. And also it may govern clauses and phrases as well,like- I shall go to where you have come from.
Visa Guide: Degree of Comparison in English Grammar with Examples [PDF]

Examples of Prepositions:

  1. Crying out of fear.
  2. A house for sale.
  3. To take for granted.
  4. For god’s sake, help me.
  5. For all his wealth he is unhappy.
  6. To sell a thing at three for a rupee.
  7. Good for health.
  8. Many men working for the company.
  9. Time for going out.
  10. Respect for the elders.
  11. He cares for nothing.
  12. A prize for Physics.
  13. Silent for shame.
  14. To flee for life.
  15. Wish for (considering that he is) a boy.
  16. I speak for (on behalf of) my class.
  17. He left for home.
  18. Ready for(against) emergencies.
  19. Train for Bangalore.
  20. Bought a car for Rs 3 lakh.
  21. Change it for another.
  22. Look for something.
  23. Send for a doctor.
  24. They are all for helping the needy.
  25. Big for his age.
  26. For five weeks.
  27. Passengers for Jhargram.
  28. Get ready for school.
  29. Go for a walk.
  30. Read for pleasure.
  31. Hope for the best.
  32. Ask for money.
  33. A taste for music.
  34. Have a liking for her.
  35. Unfit for the post.
  36. Ruined for life.
  37. A cheque for (not, of) Rs 5000.00.
  38. Hope for the best.
  39. I ask for the money.
  40. He left for home.
  1. I did not expect such treatment at your home.
  2. John studied at this university.
  3. The countries are at war or at peace.
  4. The examination is at hand.
  5. At 8 o’clock.
  6. At dawn.
  7. At bed-time.
  8. At first.
  9. At last.
  10. At first sight, at noon.
  11. At night (but not at day), at home
  12. At school.
  13. At the door.
  14. At play.
  15. At work.
  16. At dinner.
  17. At Ease.
  18. At sea.
  19. He studied at this university.
  20. At a distance.
  21. At short notice.
  22. At liberty.
  23. I did not expect such treatment at your hand.
  24. Shouted at the boys.
  25. Look at me.
  26. Very good at cricket.
  27. At full speed.
  28. You will hear and the latest by Saturday.
  29. At all places.
  30. To sit at (not under).
  31. The feet.
  32. At present (I am busy at present).
  33. At any moment.
  34. To sale a thing at three for a rupee.
  35. At war.
  36. At any time.
  37. At peace.
  38. At the office.
  39. At the age of 60.
  40. I shall see you at Diwali at his house.
  41. At hand.
  42. One at a time.
  43. At things.
  44. At the same time.
  45. At school.
  46. At the beginning.
  47. At the meeting.
  48. Good at mathematics.
  49. At the third attempt.
  50. At regular intervals.
  51. At 25.
Visa Guide: Adjective in English Grammar with Examples [PDF]
  1. To travel by boat or rail or car.
  2. By day (but in the day).
  3. By or at night (but in the night).
  4. A machine is driven by steam or petrol or electricity.
  5. To be destroyed by fire or earthquake.
  6. To know one by name or sight (I know him by name, I know him by sight).
  7. To teach by example.
  8. To life by coaching, teaching, etc.
  9. Made by machinery.
  10. By next Sunday.
  11. By heart.
  12. By chance.
  13. To send a letter by post or hand.
  14. To inform a personal letter or telegram or messenger.
  15. To sell things by the kilogram are the meter or the dozen (fish is sold here by the kilogram.)
  16. Cloth is sold by the meter.
  17. Eggs are sold by the dozen
  18. To pay by cheque (but in cash or notes).
  19. Die by poison or accident.
  20. Done by hand.
  21. By word of mouth.
  22. Older by five months.
  23. It is 10.30 by (not in) my watch.
  24. By this time.
  25. Die by thousands.
  26. Struck by lightning.
  27. Room ten feet by fifteen.
  28. Live by the river.
  29. Sit by me.
  30. I did this work all by myself.
  31. It is 10.30 by my watch.
  32. I did this work all by myself.
  33. I know him by his name.
  1. In India.
  2. In 1986.
  3. In February.
  4. To be in a place.
  5. In Ruins.
  6. To be in the dark.
  7. In the sun.
  8. To be in danger.
  9. In haste.
  10. In a difficulty.
  11. In arms.
  12. To be in power.
  13. In office.
  14. In truth.
  15. To be in trouble.
  16. Ten or twelve in number.
  17. In a whisper.
  18. A slope of one in ten.
  19. In a loud voice.
  20. In great numbers.
  21. Rich in minerals.
  22. Lying in bed.
  23. Train running in time.
  24. A lecturer/ reader in (not, on or off) chemistry.
  25. He is a lecturer in mathematics
  26. The train is running in time.
  27. Take the work in hand.
Visa Guide: Modifier in English Grammar with Examples [PDF]
  1. Speak of him.
  2. Do not lose sight of the fact.
  3. Beg a thing of him.
  4. Made of wood.
  5. A packet of cigarettes.
  6. He comes of a good family.
  7. Born of rich parents.
  8. Diet of cholera.
  9. The whole of India.
  10. The city of Kolkata.
  11. It was good of you to help me.
  12. Pressure of English.
  13. Do not lose sight ofthe fact.
  14. He comes of (not from) a good family.
  15. Professorof English.
  1. I met him on the road.
  2. He is on the way to the office.
  3. I will be at home on Christmas Day.
  4. I saw the news on T.V.
  5. On Sunday.
  6. On 1 set may.
  7. On Christmas day.
  8. On new year.
  9. To lie on one’s bed.
  10. To be on the way.
  11. A speech on the subject.
  12. Come on holiday.
  13. A picture on the wall.
  14. Write on this paper.
  15. A house on fire.
  16. To play on a musical instrument.
  17. Live on rice.
  18. On a small income.
  19. Live on capital invested.
  20. He is on (not in) that committee
  21. Kolkata is on the Hooghly.
  22. A house on the main road.
  23. A picture on the wall.
  24. A ring on his finger.
  25. Shops on both side.
  1. Underwater or a tree.
  2. To be under another.
  3. Under trial.
  4. Under sentence.
  5. A post under government.
  6. Under repair.
  7. To be under arms.
  8. Under consideration.
  9. Under 100.
  10. Aboutten percent of the people there under arms.
  11. Your application is under Consideration.
  1. Get to bed.
  2. I go to bed at 10 p.m.
  3. Add this to that
  4. Sweet to taste.
  5. They fought to the last man.
  6. He did it to his cost.
  7. Sing to the heart.
  8. Go to room.
  9. He did it to his cost.
  10. Six minutes to five.
  11. Go to room.
  12. He did it to his cost.
  13. Six minutes to five.

A Must Watch Video on Preposition:

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References [External Links]:

Preposition in English Grammar with Examples [With PDF] - English Compositions (2024)


What is preposition in English grammar with examples pdf? ›

Prepositions: The Glue Holding the Nouns Together

Together, a preposition and its object are called a prepositional phrase. For example, if a writer needs to discuss a book on a table. He or she needs to use the following sentence: The book lies on (a preposition) the table (the object of the preposition).

What are the 50 examples of prepositions in a sentence? ›

List of Prepositions
PrepositionTypeExample Sentence
aftertimeShortly after their marriage, they moved to Texas.
againstpositionThe grasscutter was kept against the fence.
directionMy aunt threw the painting against the wall.
alongdirectionThe road led along the forest.
49 more rows
Sep 10, 2020

What are the 10 example of preposition in English? ›

"beneath," "beside," "between," "from," "in front of," "inside," "near," "off," "out of," "through," "toward," "under," and "within." The post office is across the street from the grocery store.

What are 20 examples of prepositions in sentences? ›

  • She lost her ring at the beach.
  • He sat on the chair.
  • She was hiding under the table.
  • The cat jumped off the counter.
  • He drove over the bridge.
  • We located the key for the lock.
  • The book belongs to Anthony.
  • I have liked that song since 1999.
Nov 21, 2019

What is the rule of preposition in English? ›

A preposition is a word used to link nouns, pronouns, or phrases to other words within a sentence. They act to connect the people, objects, time and locations of a sentence. Prepositions are usually short words, and they are normally placed directly in front of nouns.

What is preposition in basic English grammar? ›

Prepositions: The Basics

A preposition is a word or group of words used to link nouns, pronouns and phrases to other words in a sentence. Some examples of prepositions are single words like in, at, on, of, to, by and with or phrases such as in front of, next to, instead of.

What are the 4 most common prepositions? ›

Some common prepositions include words at, on, in, above, and below.

How many prepositions are in English grammar? ›

Most English speaking people recall only a handful of common prepositions, but in reality, there are about 150 different prepositions. Three of these prepositions are in the top ten most commonly used words in the English language: of, to, and in.

How to memorize prepositions? ›

When you read or hear a preposition being used in a way you do not know yet, underline it, write it down, add it to your notebook or flashcards (if you keep those). Repeat it out loud a few times to submit it to memory. Write example sentences using the preposition.

What are the 20 most common prepositions? ›

Common Prepositions
  • aboard. about. above. across. after. against. along. amid. among. around. ...
  • at. before. behind. below. beneath. beside. between. beyond. but. by. ...
  • despite. down. during. except. excluding. following. for. from. in. inside. ...
  • like. near. of. off. on. onto. outside. over. past. ...
  • than. though. to. toward. under. underneath. until. up. upon. ...
  • within. without.

What is a simple sentence for preposition? ›

Examples of Prepositions Used in Sentences

I will be going to church in the morning. She placed the plates on the dining table. Baskar found the cat hiding under the bed.

What is a preposition with 30 examples? ›

30 Prepositions Sentences - Example Sentences

According to: According to my family, I'm a clever student. Across: You can swim across the river. After: I slept after I arrived my house. Against: This company is up against the bankruptcy.

What is the main function of a preposition? ›

Prepositions function as connectors, relating one word to another within a sentence. They allow a speaker or writer to express the link between separate items. Prepositions can convey information about location, time, or direction or provide details.

How do you find a preposition in a sentence? ›

A preposition is usually located directly before the word or phrase that it relates to – the object of the preposition. We walked to the shop. I've been unwell since last Wednesday.

What is a preposition with examples? ›

Definition of a Preposition

The Oxford Learner's Dictionary says that a preposition is “a word or group of words, such as in, from, to, out of and on behalf of, used before a noun or pronoun to show place, position, time or method.”

What are the 8 types of prepositions? ›

There are eight types of prepositions, including prepositions of time, place, movement, manner, source, measure, possession, and agent of the instrument.

What are the 11 prepositions? ›

Preposition examples:

to, from, in, under, beneath, beside, between, on, above, behind, before, after, by, during, off, into, over, through, until, with, inside, for, down, near, with, around, at, along, next, past, against, among, beyond, during, opposite, since, towards.

What are the 12 prepositions? ›

Here is a list of commonly used prepositions: above, across, against, along, among, around, at, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, by, down, from, in, into, near, of, off, on, to, toward, under, upon, with and within.


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