Sorcerer Bloodlines Breakdown – Pathfinder – RPGBOT (2024)


Sorcerers are defined by their Bloodline. Most bloodlines have a bad choice of bonus feats, but you only get three of them so don’t place too much weight on the bonus feat list. Also keep in mind that you get your bonus spells several levels after you begin learning spells of that level.

Also included below are the Wildblooded versions of bloodlines. Wildblooded abilities are listed under the base bloodline.


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RPGBOT uses the color coding scheme which has become common among Pathfinder build handbooks. Also note that many colored items are also links to the Paizo SRD.

  • Red: Bad, useless options, or options whichare extremely situational. Nearly never useful.
  • Orange: OK options, or useful optionsthat only apply in rare circ*mstances. Useful sometimes.
  • Green: Good options. Useful often.
  • Blue: Fantastic options, often essentialto the function of your character. Useful very frequently.



The Aberant bloodline gives you a diverse set of bonus spells, and somerather odd bloodlines powers. The powers are largely centered aroundpolymorphing, but the only polymorph bonus spell you get is Shapechange at19th level. Still, everything provided by the bloodline is fairly solid.

Class Skill: Knowledge (Dungeoneering) isone of the better knowledge skills.

Bonus Spells: You get a fairly decentselection which covers a variety of schools and situations.

  • enlarge person
  • see invisibility
  • tongues
  • black tentacles
  • feeblemind
  • veil
  • plane shift
  • mind blank
  • shapechange

Bonus Feats: Nothing really great hereexcept for Improved Initiative. Improved Grapple may be a good option if youplan to polymorph into something that grapples.

  • Combat Casting
  • Improved Disarm
  • Improved Grapple
  • Improved Initiative
  • Improved Unarmed Strike
  • Iron Will
  • Silent Spell
  • Skill Focus (Knowledge [dungeoneering])

Bloodline Arcana: Polymorph spellstypically have fairly short durations, and Extend Spell can get you a lot ofmileage. This largely removes the need for Extend Spell, which is prettynice.

Acidic Ray (Sp): A solid combat option atlow levels.

Long Limbs (Ex): You probably shouldn’t bemaking a whole lot of melee touch attacks.

Unusual Anatomy (Ex): This is a pretty coolability, and you don’t loose it when you polymorph. It’s effectively theFortification armor property, which can make melee much less scary for you/

Alien Resistance (Su): Really solid spellresistance.

Aberrant Form (Ex): This makes you reallytanky in melee, which makes polymorphing a really great option for you.

Wildblooded: Warped

Bloodline Arcana: Only about half of theabilities on the table are good, and you definitely can’t depend on thisability to give you something useful in your current situation. You give upthe extended Polymorph spell duration, which hurts.

Warp Touch (Sp): Dazed is a good condition,and the DC for this ability scales as you level to remain useful. If you don’thave a good spell to use, this is an excellent way to lock down a target for aturn. I would take this over Acidic Ray any day of the week.


The Abyssal bloodline is another polymorph bloodline. Your spells are, with a few exceptions, largely centered about buffing yourself to go into melee. This is a very dangerous place for a Sorcerer to be, and your bloodline powers don’t really give you anything useful to protect yourself.

Class Skill: Knowledge (Planes) is okay,but generally situational. Identifying outsiders can be really nice, but it’sa very small subset of all of the monsters in the game until high level.

Bonus Spells: Your spells are mostly buffspells,but you get some really good ones. Cause Fear is garbage, buteverything else can make a huge difference in a fight. Unholy Aura is a reallyfantastic cleric spell, and it gives you and your allies some really fantasticdefensive effects.

  • cause fear
  • bull’s strength
  • rage
  • stoneskin
  • dismissal
  • transformation
  • greater teleport
  • unholy aura
  • summon monster IX

Bonus Feats: This looks more like a listof Fighter bonus feats.

  • Augment Summoning
  • Cleave
  • Empower Spell
  • Great Fortitude
  • Improved Bull Rush
  • Improved Sunder
  • Power Attack
  • Skill Focus (Knowledge [planes])

Bloodline Arcana: DR for your summonedcreature is pretty good, and with the exception of evil-aligned outsiders,there are very few things with the ability to bypass DR/good.

Claws (Su): If you are close enough to useclaws, you should either be running or polymorphed into something whichalready has some.

Demon Resistances (Ex): Electricity damageisn’t super common, and neither is poison.

Strength of the Abyss (Ex): Inherentbonuses are generally reserved for effects like Wish, which makes this prettygreat. But you’re a Sorcerer, so you’re really only going to get mileage outof this while polymorphed.

Added Summonings (Su): Effectively doublesthe usefulness of your high level summon spells.

Demonic Might (Su): Resistance to everyenergy type except sonic, and free telepathy. It won’t win you any fights, butit’s pretty cool to have.

Wildblooded: Brutal

Bloodline Arcana: 2 extra damage per spellwill stop matting by level 3 or 4.

Wings of the Abyss (Su): By the time you getthis ability, you can cast Fly. One level later, you can cast OverlandFlight.


Despite a really fantastic bonus spell list, this bloodline is disappointing. The powers are nice, but considerably weaker than spells you have access to at the levels at which you receive abilities.

Class Skill: Perception is one of the mostrolled skills in the game.

Bonus Spells: Several fantastic debuffs andsave-or-suck effects.

  • ray of enfeeblement
  • touch of idiocy
  • ray of exhaustion
  • bestow curse
  • feeblemind
  • eyebite
  • insanity
  • dimensional lock
  • energy drain

Bonus Feats: None of these feats make anysense for the bloodline, and they’re not good for a Sorcerer in general.

  • Alertness
  • Blind-Fight
  • Combat Casting
  • Deceitful
  • Defensive Combat Training
  • Endurance
  • Great Fortitude
  • Mounted Combat

Bloodline Arcana: You can join a hagcoven.

Horrific Visage (Su): As a standard actionyou can make a target shaken. Shaken is a pretty good condition, but spendinga standard action on it is hard.

Wretched Endurance (Ex): Bonus to savingthrows against a nice list of effects.

Dread Gaze (Su): Staggered is a verypowerful status condition, and the DC on this ability is respectable. Theduration will largely cripple a target for several rounds. However, at thislevel you also have a lot of spells which will outright kill the target.

Dream Walking (Sp): Haunt someone’s dreams.If you can see them, and they’re asleep, and you don’t like them, you canprobably just kill them in their sleep.

Fearsome Surviva; (Su): The DR is nice, butthe spell resistance is pretty low.


So you want to play Aqua Man? Well this is the way to do it. You get to control water and even communicate with aquatic creatures telepathically.

Class Skill: Just Polymorph into a fish.

Bonus Spells: The bonus spells arecertainly very water-themed, but they’re not particularly great.

  • hydraulic push
  • slipstream
  • aqueous orb
  • geyser
  • control water
  • beast shape IV
  • summon monster VII
  • seamantle
  • world wave

Bonus Feats: Really nothing useful foryou.

  • Athletic
  • Brew Potion
  • Defensive Combat Training
  • Dodge
  • Mobility
  • Silent Spell
  • Skill Focus (Swim)
  • Toughness

Bloodline Arcana: The bonus to casterlevel is nice, but water spells aren’t particularly impressive. The moralebonus to your summons isn’t going to get you a lot of mileage either unlessyou like summoning sharks.

Dehydrating Touch (Sp): Sickened is a decentcodition, but the nonlethal damage is terrible.

Aquatic Adaptation (Ex): The swim speed isnice, and you get some cold resistance and natural armor. The blindsense issituational, but fairly nice if it comes up.

Aquatic Telepathy (Su): If you can find away to give your allies a swim speed, you get easy telepathy. The Suggestionability is situational unless you bring your own fish, but the Demand andGreater Planar Ally abilities are pretty nice.

Raise the Deep (Sp): This gives you a wayto bring your blindsense into play.

Deep One (Ex): Fantastic resistences andcosntant blindsense.

Wildblooded: Seaborn

Bloodline Arcana: Unless you move aroundin a flying hot tub, you’re going to have trouble finding a use for this. Noteto self: build a Sorcerer who moves around in a flying hot tub.

Water Blast: Trip and bull rush in oneeffect. It’s not going to see a lot of use at later levels, but it’s nicecrowd control at low levels. This is considerably better than dehydratingtouch.


If you just want to be a really fantastic vanilla Sorcerer, the Arcane bloodline is how you do it. You lose the flavor of other bloodlines, but you get to be absolutely fantastic at metamagic, and your bonus spells fill a lot of functions which adventuring parties absolutely need.

Class Skill: Pick any knowledge. You alreadyhave Arcana, so Dungeoneering or Religion are good options.

Bonus Spells: If you’re the only primarycast in the party, your bonus spells cover almost every utility spell yourparty needs to get by in the world.

  • identify
  • invisibility
  • dispel magic
  • dimension door
  • overland flight
  • true seeing
  • greater teleport
  • power word stun
  • wish

Bonus Feats: Several solid options.

  • Combat Casting
  • Improved Counterspell
  • Improved Initiative
  • Iron Will
  • Scribe Scroll
  • Skill Focus (Knowledge [arcana])
  • Spell Focus
  • Still Spell

Bloodline Arcana: Great for any offensivespell, and makes metamagic much more useful.

Arcane Bond (Su): Either a super awesomefamiliar or a free spell per day. You generally have a ton of spells per dayalready, but one more certainly doesn’t hurt.

Metamagic Adept (Ex): Increasing thecasting time of your spells when you use metamagic is a minor inconvenience,and this removes it a few times per day.

New Arcana (Ex): Learn an extra free spell.Sorcerers’ biggest limit is their lack of spells known, so any new knownspells are welcome.

School Power (Ex): +2 DC to your favoritesave or suck spells. Imagine adding a total of +4 to the DC of yourenchantment spells.

Arcane Apotheosis (Ex): At this level, mostcharged based magic items will be fairly weak, with tbe esception of Staves.You have to use quite a few spell slots to replace the charges used, but thiseffectively lets you expand your spell list to include anything in thestaff.

Wildblooded: Sage

Bloodline Arcana: This turns Sorcerers ontheir head. You suddenly have a flood of skill ranks, but likely lose all ofyour sorcerous charisma.

Arcane Bolt: Force damage is pretty great,but you give up Arcane Bond, which is really fantastic.


This bloodline attempts to turn the Sorcerer into a semi-melee DPS, and fails horribly. The spells don’t work to buff the Sorcerer, the feats provide no options which a Sorcerer should consider (except possibly Toughness), and the bloodline powers are weak and easily replicated with spells available long before the Sorcerer gets the abilities.

Class Skill: Survival isn’t a particularlyimport skill, and you don’t get tracking, which is the most important use forit.

Bonus Spells: Half of the spells attemptto make you scary in melee combat, and the other half are damage spells. Noneof them are particularly good, and the two ideas are mutually exclusive.

  • enlarge person
  • rage
  • elemental aura (cold only)
  • wall of ice
  • cone of cold
  • transformation
  • giant form I
  • polar ray
  • meteor swarm (dealing cold damage)

Bonus Feats: The only decent option isToughness, which still isn’t great.

  • Arcane Strike
  • Diehard
  • Empower Spell
  • Endurance
  • Exotic Weapon Proficiency
  • Power Attack
  • Skill Focus (Intimidate)
  • Toughness

Bloodline Arcana: Cold spells are decent,and include some utility and damage spells which will be harder to resist.

Cold Steel (Sp): Unusable at first level,which is where you most need your bloodline powers. Beyond that, it is stillonly mediocre, and you can rarely justify doing this in combat instead ofcasting a spell which would do considerably more damage.

Icewalker (Ex): The resistance is nice,but the rest is highly situational.

Snow Shroud (Su): A decent defensivebuff.

Blizzard (Sp): Good way to escape or toprevent enemies from flying.

Child of Ancient Winters (Su): Niceresistences. You can give yourself immunity to fire witha spell, so thevulnerability is negligible.

Wildblooded: Rime-Blooded

Bloodline Arcana: This adds a nicesingle-target crowd-control effect to your cold spells.

Freezing Bolt: Like a tiny cold-damagefireball. Or you could just cast fireball. Snow Shroud is a decent defensivebuff, and giving it up for a lousy offensive option hurts.


The Celestial bloodline adds a little bit of support magic and healing to the Sorcerer. The bloodline powers flashy and cool to use, but not particularly powerful, and your feat choices are awful.

Class Skill: Heal is a decent skill if youhave the wisdom to back it up, and you hopefully put some points into wisdomto have good will saves. Your skill ranks are very limited, but you also don’thave a lot of healing options as a Sorcerer.

Bonus Spells: Bless is a decent first levelbuff, and unless you have other morale bonuses available, it never stops beinguseful. Your higher level spells include some great buffs and ulitity spells,but the damage spells are not particularly great.

  • bless
  • resist energy
  • magic circle against evil
  • remove curse
  • flame strike
  • greater dispel magic
  • banishment
  • sunburst
  • gate

Bonus Feats: A lot of really awful choices,and no really good ones. Why are mounted combat feats here? Who thought thatwas a good idea?

  • Dodge
  • Extend Spell
  • Iron Will
  • Mobility
  • Mounted Combat
  • Ride-By Attack
  • Skill Focus (Knowledge [religion])
  • Weapon Finesse

Bloodline Arcana: DR on your summonedcreatures is nice. Since they’re typically a few CRs behind what you’refighting, this can go a long way to keep them in the fight.

Heavenly Fire (Sp): Offensively, this isreally only nice because it doesn’t allow resistance of any sort. The reallyexciting part is that it provides you with a healing ability. At first levelwith 20 charisma, you get to heal 8d4 points of damage in a day, likely morethan your cleric can do. It doesn’t scale much with level, but healingabilities for arcane casters are very hard to come by.

Celestial Resistances (Ex): Tworesistances is pretty nice, but resisting 5 points of damage likely won’tchange much.

Wings of Heaven (Su): Or you could castOverland Flight. This would be green if it was continuous, or at least had abetter duration.

Conviction (Su): Rerolls are fantastic.

Ascension (Su): The resistances are reallygood, and you gain permanent flight, and a permanent Tongues effect.

Wildblooded: Empyreal

Bloodline Arcana: This is a great idea ifyou want to become a mystic theurge as a Sorcerer. You don’t get all of theskill ranks from the Arcane/Sage bloodline, but you get insanely high willsaves and you can build around a single spellcasting ability.

Sacred Cistern (Su): You give up Wings ofHeaven, and now you can channel energy to heal people. Unless you continue toput resources into charisma, which is pointless with your new BloodlineArcana, you won’t get to do it very often.

Deep Earth

The spells are mediocre unless you’re underground and the feats are terrible in any case, but some of the bloodline powers are very powerful. If you’re underground for the duration of the campaign, this might shoot up to blue.

Class Skill: Dungeoneering is one of thebetter knowledge skills, and allows you to identify a wide variety of verystrong enemies.

Bonus Spells: The spell selection ishighly situational, but is fairly good if you’re underground. If your targetsare flying, you will have some serious problems.

  • expeditious excavation
  • darkvision
  • shifting sand
  • stoneskin
  • spike stones
  • stone tell
  • repel metal or stone
  • earthquake
  • clashing rocks

Bonus Feats: Really nothing good here. Youget several options to improve your Stealth and Percetion, but neither areclass skills for you.

  • Acrobatic Steps
  • Alertness
  • Blind-Fight
  • Forge Ring
  • Nimble Moves
  • Skill Focus (Perception)
  • Stealthy
  • Still Spell

Bloodline Arcana: If you took thisbloodline, you are probably underground, in which case this is basically SpellFocus for all of your spells.

Tremor (Sp): Your CMB keeps pace with afighter of your level, which can make this a fantastic support option.

Rockseer (Su): Stonecunning is pretty dull,but temorsense is great, and the x-ray vision is fantastic.

Crystal Shard (Sp): Highly situational.

Earth Glide (Ex): Pretend to be an earthelemental without needing to cast Elemental Form.

Strength of Stone (Su): Dr 10/adamantineand resistance to several very pesky combat maneuvers.

Wildblooded: Bedrock

Bloodline Arcana: DR/Adamantine for yoursummons is pretty nice.

Iron Hide: This is a great option if youget pulled into melee, or if you like to polymorph. The duration isn’t great,but it’s almost a free stoneskin once a day.


Bad. Bad, bad… bad. All of the Destined bloodline’s abilities are bad (except Within Reach). The spells are bad. The feats are worse. Event the capstone is bad.

Class Skill: History is really onlyimportant if your DM likes to use it in his plots.

Bonus Spells: Nothing really excitinghere.

  • alarm
  • blur
  • protection from energy
  • freedom of movement
  • break enchantment
  • mislead
  • spell turning
  • moment of prescience
  • foresight

Bonus Feats: Unless your DM allows you totake Leadership, your options are almost all bad.

  • Arcane Strike
  • Diehard
  • Endurance
  • Leadership
  • Lightning Reflexes
  • Maximize Spell
  • Skill Focus (Knowledge [history])
  • Weapon Focus

Bloodline Arcana: Wow, one whole round!

Touch of Destiny (Sp): One round istotally useless in combat, but it might be nice for skill checks out ofcombat.

Fated (Su): I’m not sure if the luck bonus isconstant or if it only applies during surprise rounds. I would assume it’sonly during surprise rounds, which is terrible.

It Was Meant To Be (Su): Rerolls aregreat, but what you get to reroll is a pretty short (and terrible) list.

Within Reach (Su): I hope you have good willsaves. It might save your life once per day.

Destiny Realized (Su): You’re probably notgoing to be making a lot of attack rolls, but not needing to roll for spellpenetration is kind of nice.

Wildblooded: Karmic

Bloodline Arcana: This is a nice appologyfor failing your concentration check, but you really shouldn’t plan to failyour concentration check.

Fate’s Retribution: You should not be attackfrequently enough for this to be useful.


The best part of the Djinni bloodline the spell list, which includes several spells which you would be insane not to take. The class abilities are somewhat dull, but they’re not all terrible.

Class Skill: Knowledge (Planes) is okay,but generally situational. Identifying outsiders can be really nice, but it’sa very small subset of all of the monsters in the game until high level.

Bonus Spells: A lot of really great optionshere.

  • shocking grasp
  • invisibility
  • fly
  • minor creation
  • overland flight
  • chain lightning
  • plane shift
  • greater planar binding
  • wish

Bonus Feats: Improved Initiative is agreat choice, but the other options are unimpressive.

  • Dodge
  • Empower Spell
  • Great Fortitude
  • Improved Initiative
  • Lightning Reflexes
  • Power Attack
  • Skill Focus (Knowledge [planes])
  • Weapon Finesse

Bloodline Arcana: Changing the energy typefor energy spells really helps the versatility of your spell list.

Electricity Ray (Sp): Respectable, generic,and reliable. Good to have at low levels when your spell options arelimited.

Elemental Resistance (Ex): Decentresistance to Electricity.

Whirlwind (Su): As the Air Elemental’sWhirlwindability. Lots of fun, and a great crowd control effect.

Elemental Movement (Su): Permanent flight.Fantastic.

Power of the Djinn (Su): Because it’s aspell-like ability, you don’t need to provide the 1500 gp diamond to castLimited Wish. At this point you have Plane Shift as a spell, and can cast it6+ times per day because you’re a Sorcerer.


The Draconic bloodline’s feats and spells are both excellent, but the bloodline powers are lackluster. If you don’t plan to lean on your bloodline powers, this is a very solid option.

Class Skill: Perception is the most rolledskill in the game, and your wisdom should be passable.

Bonus Spells: Lots of really solid, usefuloptions. I’m a little surprised the 19th level bonus spell isn’t shapechange,but Wish is cool too.

  • mage armor
  • resist energy
  • fly
  • fear
  • spell resistance
  • form of the dragon I
  • form of the dragon II
  • form of the dragon III
  • wish

Bonus Feats: A couple oif very solidoptions. Power Attack might be good if you spend a lot of time in Form of theDragon.

  • Blind-Fight
  • Great Fortitude
  • Improved Initiative
  • Power Attack
  • Quicken Spell
  • Skill Focus (Fly)
  • Skill Focus (Knowledge [arcana])
  • Toughness

Bloodline Arcana: Some extra damage is niceif you want to do a lot of blasting.

Bloodline Powers: Cones are much easier touse than lines, and fire damage is the most commonly resisted.

  • Black: Acid, 60-foot line
  • Blue: Electricity, 60-foot line
  • Green: Acid, 30-foot cone
  • Red: Fire, 30-foot cone
  • White: Cold, 30-foot cone
  • Brass: Fire, 60-foot line
  • Bronze: Electricity, 60-foot line
  • Copper: Acid, 60-foot line
  • Gold: Fire, 30-foot cone
  • Silver: Cold, 30-foot cone

Claws (Su): You should generally never bein melee combat long enough to need claws unless you’re polymorphing into adragon. And dragons already have claws.

Dragon Resistances (Ex): Some mild energyresistance a small boost to AC. Not bad, but not super exciting.

Breath Weapon (Su): This keeps pace withmost of your damage spells, but the uses per day are very limited, and youhave to be fairly close to use it.

Wings (Su): Permanent flight is alwaysgreat.

Power of Wyrms (Su): The immunities arenice, but the 60 foot blindsense is absolutely fantastic.

Wildblooded: Linnorm

Bloodline Arcana: You won’t need naturalarmor often, but the bonus gets fairly large at mid and high levels.

Elemental Spit: Trade in your lousy clawsfor the generic energy bolt power. If you don’t plan to polymorph, you won’tmiss the claws.


This is a hard bloodline ot use. The abilities, spells, and feats are all great for investigation and social interaction, but the bloodline offers almost nothing in the way of combat options. If you can lean on your allies and your other Sorcerer spells for combat, this bloodline allows you to serve as a diviner, a scout, and a face.

Class Skill: Sense Motive is a helpfulskill if you are the party’s face. Plan to spend traits to gain access toDiplomacy and/or Intimidate.

Bonus Spells: Sleep is marked orangebecause you don’t get it until your 3rd Sorcerer level, at which point it isdifficult to use due to the limited HD. The remaining spells are largelydivinations, some of which are usually reserved for clerics. While thesespells are powerful when they are needed, they are situational.

  • sleep
  • augury
  • deep slumber
  • divination
  • dream
  • shadow walk
  • vision
  • moment of prescience
  • astral projection

Bonus Feats: Most of the feat options giveyou bonuses on conversation skills, which helps you to serve as the party’sFace. With Sorcerer charisma, you shoulnd’t have any problems in socialsituations.

  • Alertness
  • Blind-Fight
  • Combat Expertise
  • Deceitful
  • Heighten Spell
  • Improved Feint
  • Persuasive
  • Skill Focus (Sense Motive)

Bloodline Arcana: Against solo foes, this isfantastic. At high levels, this bonus will make you largely immune to thetarget.

Lullaby (Sp): Replicate a cantrip. You don’tneed to concentrate, which is nice, but it’s still a cantrip.

Combat Precognition (Su): Initiative bonusesare excellent for spellcasters.

Dreamshaper (Sp): This is a really coolability for gathering information from unwilling targets.

Eye of Somnus (Sp): Arcane Eye is afantastic scouting spell, and the added Symbol of Sleep effect makes it aremote-controlled bomb.

Solipsism (Ex): This is fantastic formobility and for defense.

Wildblooded: Visionary

Bloodline Arcana: Ring of Sustenance doesbasically the same thing.

Visions: You can cast Divination bythe time you get this ability. You don’t need it as an ability.


Similar to the Djinni bloodline, the Efreeti version is fire-themed. The spell list isn’t nearly as good as Djinni bloodline, and the powers are slightly worse until the Efreeti bloodline’s capstone ability.

Class Skill: Knowledge (Planes) is okay,but generally situational. Identifying outsiders can be really nice, but it’sa very small subset of all of the monsters in the game until high level.

Bonus Spells:

  • enlarge person
  • scorching ray
  • fireball
  • wall of fire
  • persistent image
  • planar binding
  • plane shift
  • giant form II
  • wish

Bonus Feats: Improved Initiative is agreat choice, but the other options are unimpressive.

  • Dodge
  • Empower Spell
  • Great Fortitude
  • Improved Initiative
  • Lightning Reflexes
  • Power Attack
  • Skill Focus (Knowledge [planes])
  • Weapon Finesse

Bloodline Arcana: Changing the energy typefor energy spells really helps the versatility of your spell list, but fire isalso the most commonly resisted energy type in the game.

Fire Ray (Sp): Respectable, generic, andreliable. Good to have at low levels when your spell options are limited.

Elemental Resistance (Ex): Decentresistance to Fire, which is the most common energy type in the game.

Efreeti Form (Su): You get to partiallyreplicate giant form for a few rounds per day, but a Sorcerer generallydoesn’t get much from being giant and muscular.

Elemental Movement (Su): At this level youshould be flying at 90 feet per round.

Power of the Efreet (Su): Because it’s aspell-like ability, you don’t need to provide the 1500 gp diamond to castLimited Wish. At this point you have Plane Shift as a spell, and can cast it6+ times per day because you’re a Sorcerer.


Elemental damage is the blunt hammer of spellcasting. It’s inellegent, it’s not versatile, and it’s easily resisted and avoided. This bloodline combines elemantal blasting with polymorphing into an elemental. Neither of these are particularly great options, so this bloodline isn’t particularly great either.

Class Skill: Knowledge (Planes) is okay,but generally situational. Identifying outsiders can be really nice, but it’sa very small subset of all of the monsters in the game.

Bonus Spells:

  • burning hands
  • scorching ray
  • protection from energy
  • elemental body I
  • elemental body II
  • elemental body III
  • elemental body IV
  • summon monster VIII (elementals only)
  • elemental swarm

Bonus Feats: Depending on what element youpick, your bonus feats can be picked to complement your favorite elementaltype. Earth elementals will want power attack.

  • Dodge
  • Empower Spell
  • Great Fortitude
  • Improved Initiative
  • Lightning Reflexes
  • Power Attack
  • Skill Focus (Knowledge [planes])
  • Weapon Finesse

Bloodline Arcana: While it only lets youchange elemental spells to one energy type, the added versatility makes yourelementals spells much more reliable.

Bloodline Powers:

  • Air: Electricity, Fly 60 feet (average)
  • Earth: Acid, Burrow 30 feet
  • Fire: Fire, +30 feet base speed
  • Water: Cold, Swim 60 feet

Elemental Ray (Sp): Solid low-level combatoption.

Elemental Resistance (Ex): Extra elementalresistances never hurt.

Elemental Blast (Sp): Being this close isdangerous, but granting your targets vulnerability to your element ifabsolutely devastating. Fly straight up on your next turn and drop a fireballwhere you were standing.

Elemental Movement (Su): You wither gain acool new movement type, or you get really fast.

Elemental Body (Su): Some nice resistences,but you already get them from Elemental Body IV.

Wildblooded: Primal

Bloodline Arcana: This limits yourversatility, but it gives you quite a bit of extra damage.

Elementalist Summoning (Su): The elementalresistance is situational, but the bonus energy damage on attacks is prettynice. Summon a horde of things with lots of low-damage attacks, and throwfists full of dice at your enemies.


This is a really fantastic Enchanter bloodline. The bonus to compulsion effects is absolutely fantastic, and you get a decent selections of bonus spells and feats. Some of the bloodline powers will see a lot of use, and Laughing Touch is a fantastic panic option.

Class Skill: Identify animals and fey.Helpful if you don’t have a druid or ranger handy.

Bonus Spells: You get some good compulsionseffects, and a couple of other useful spells.

  • entangle
  • hideous laughter
  • deep slumber
  • poison
  • tree stride
  • mislead
  • phase door
  • irresistible dance
  • shapechange

Bonus Feats: A few decent options,especially if you like to make ranged touch attacks into melee.

  • Dodge
  • Improved Initiative
  • Lightning Reflexes
  • Mobility
  • Point Blank Shot
  • Precise Shot
  • Quicken Spell
  • Skill Focus (Knowledge [nature])

Bloodline Arcana: Many of the bestEnchantment spells are Compulsion spells.

Laughing Touch (Sp): A good panic option,but you’re not going to go waving this around in combat. Note the lack ofsaving throw.

Woodland Stride (Ex): I have literally neverseen this come up in a campaign.

Fleeting Glance (Sp): Free GreaterInvisibility.

Fey Magic (Su): Failing to overcome spellresistance sucks, so this is a nice reroll. No limit on uses makes itparticularly effective.

Soul of the Fey (Su): DR 10/cold iron isnice, since most things don’t carry cold iron weapons. Fey and demons canstill hurt your normall with their natural attacks because they also haveDR/cold iron, but that doesn’t make this any less useful. Animals notattacking you is also mildly interesting. The bonus Shadow Walk is cute, butyou’ve been casting it for 8 levels at this point.

Wildblooded: Sylvan

Bloodline Arcana: You don’t get one.

Animal Companion (Ex): Even with the -3penalty, the animal companion is going to be much more useful than LaughingTouch.

Fey Wings (Su): This would be great if itwas constant or if the duration was better.


Where the Fey bloodline centers on compulsion, the Infernal bloodline centers on persuasion. You get a bonus to DCs of Charm spells, as well as several bonus Charm spells, and Diplomacy as a class skill. This is a talking man’s Sorcerer.

Class Skill: Your charisma is absurd, so whynot take Diplomacy?.

Bonus Spells: You get a good selection ofoffensive and utility spells.

  • protection from good
  • scorching ray
  • suggestion
  • charm monster
  • dominate person
  • planar binding (devils and creatures with the fiendish templateonly)
  • greater teleport
  • power word stun
  • meteor swarm

Bonus Feats: Your options are limited, andlargely terrible.

  • Blind-Fight
  • Combat Expertise
  • Deceitful
  • Extend Spell
  • Improved Disarm
  • Iron Will
  • Skill Focus (Knowledge [planes])
  • Spell Penetration

Bloodline Arcana: Charm spells aren’tnearly as good as Compulsion spells, but this fits the theme of the bloodlinevery well.

Corrupting Touch (Sp): If you are going torisk a melee touch attack, it needs to be for something far more powerful thanShaken.

Infernal Resistances (Ex): The resistancesare nice, but situational.

Hellfire (Sp): Basically Flame Strike, butno divine damage and it inflicts Shaken.

On Dark Wings (Su): Permanent flight isfantastic.

Power of the Pit (Su): The resistences arenice, and you get something like Darkvision, but you can see in color.

Wildblooded: Pit-Touched

Bloodline Arcana: Unless you’re castingspells during conversation, this will not get a lot of use. What you give upisn’t much better.

: Give up a blast effect for permanent hit points and fortitude saves.Inherent bonuses are hard to come by, so this is fantastic.


The bonus feats seem to assume that you have Bard abilities, but the bloodline porvides only one bard ability. The spell list is really the only redeeming quality of this bloodline, and even that is only average.

Class Skill: Perform doesn’t really doanything unless you’re a bard. You get the bard’s Fascinate ability, but thatis hardly enough to justify wasting 50% of your skill ranks.

Bonus Spells: The spell list includes somereally nice enchantment effects, and ends with one of the best kill spells inthe game.

  • ventriloquism
  • hideous laughter
  • suggestion
  • shout
  • dominate person
  • mass suggestion
  • power word blind
  • greater shout
  • wail of the banshee

Bonus Feats:

  • Deceitful
  • Greater Spell Focus (enchantment)
  • Lingering Performance
  • Persuasive
  • Skill Focus (Perform)
  • Spell Focus (enchantment)
  • Spellsong
  • Still Spell

Bloodline Arcana: Interesting. Still Spellsuddenly gives you +1 to your caster level.

Beguiling Voice (Ex): The ability doesn’tlist a DC, so I assume that you use the daze DC of 10+charisma. At low levelsthis is fantastic, but the complete lack of DC scaling means that it won’twork after a few levels.

Fascinate (Ex): This is a fun ability, butyou can just cast Hypnotism or Rainbow Pattern and get the same effect.

Perfect Voice (Su): Or you could casttongues.

Inspire (Sp): Or you could just cast GreatHeroism with your crazy number of spells per day.

Grand Maestro (Su): Still Spell isn’tnearly as important as Silent Spell, but I guess it’s nice to get for free.


Similar to the Djinni, but cold-themed and considerably worse.

Class Skill: Knowledge (Planes) is okay,but generally situational. Identifying outsiders can be really nice, but it’sa very small subset of all of the monsters in the game until high level.

Bonus Spells: Several situationally usefulspells, and a couple of good spells at the high elvels.

  • obscuring mist
  • see invisibility
  • gaseous form
  • wall of ice
  • persistent image
  • elemental body III
  • plane shift
  • polar ray
  • wish

Bonus Feats: Improved Initiative is agreat choice, but the other options are unimpressive.

  • Dodge
  • Empower Spell
  • Great Fortitude
  • Improved Initiative
  • Lightning Reflexes
  • Power Attack
  • Skill Focus (Knowledge [planes])
  • Weapon Finesse

Bloodline Arcana: Changing the energy typefor energy spells really helps the versatility of your spell list.

Frost Ray (Sp): Respectable, generic, andreliable. Good to have at low levels when your spell options are limited.

Elemental Resistance (Ex): Decentresistance to cold.

Water’s Fury (Su): Mediocre damage, butblinds the target for 1d6 rounds unless they pass the reflex save.

Elemental Movement (Su): There are plentyof easy ways to get a swim speed, and you won’t need it very often.

Power of the Marid (Su): Because it’s aspell-like ability, you don’t need to provide the 1500 gp diamond to castLimited Wish. At this point you have Plane Shift as a spell, and can cast it6+ times per day because you’re a Sorcerer


This is an interesting bloodline which combines some miss chance effects with area control effects. With some clever application, you can hold enemies in place and stack several percentage miss chances on yourself as protection. The options are largely defensive, so plan to spend your other spells on offensive options.

Class Skill: Planes is a mid-rangeknowledge skill. Identifying outsiders is very helpful at high levels when youface powerful demons, devils, and elementals.

Bonus Spells: Your low level options arepurely defensive, then you get a couple of offensive spells and MajorCreation, then suddenly you’re expected to Polymorph. Polymorphing issomething that you need to plan for during character creation, and it’s hardto introduce this late in the game.

  • entropic shield
  • blur
  • gaseous form
  • confusion
  • major creation
  • disintegrate
  • greater polymorph
  • polymorph any object
  • shapechange

Bonus Feats: Not a lot of great options.Defensive Combat Training is important if you plan to Polymorph a lot.

  • Agile Maneuvers
  • Defensive Combat Training
  • Enlarge Spell
  • Great Fortitude
  • Improved Great Fortitude
  • Skill Focus (Craft [any])
  • Spell Focus
  • Toughness

Bloodline Arcana: Having your spellsdispelled isn’t going to be a common problem, but this is certainly goodinsurance.

Protoplasm (Sp): Entangle and deal a fewpoints of damage. Tanglefoot bags are a solid item at any level, so this ispretty fantastic.

Protean Resistances (Ex): Small amount ofresitance to acid, which is uncommon, and resitance against petrification,which is uncommon.

Reality Wrinkle (Sp): 20% miss chance isnice, and it stacks with other miss chances, such as Blur and Displacement.

Spatial Tear (Sp): Combines of the best areacontrol spells with one of the best escape spells.

Avatar of Chaos (Ex): The resistences arenice, but the effects are fairly uncommon.

Wildblooded: Anarchic

Bloodline Arcana: This sounds terrible. Youmight hit yourself with Acid Splash, or you might Detect Magic yourself. Whoknows?

Wild Feedback: Highly situational, not reatdamagt


This is a weird infiltrator/shapeshifter bloodline, but not a polymorph bloodline. You get some weird bonuses to conversation stuff and some divination spells, but none of the abilities really synergize.

Class Skill: Why use disguise when you canlearn Disguise Self?

Bonus Spells: Some useful enchantment anddivination spells.

  • charm person
  • invisibility
  • suggestion
  • detect scrying
  • prying eyes
  • mass suggestion
  • greater polymorph
  • mind blank
  • dominate monster

Bonus Feats: For some reason the feats listimplies that you should be wearing light armor. This isn’t a combativebloodline, so I don’t know why that would be the case.

  • Arcane Armor Mastery
  • Arcane Armor Training
  • Deceitful
  • Detect Expertise
  • Empower Spell
  • Light Armor Proficiency
  • Martial Weapon Proficiency
  • Stealthy

Bloodline Arcana: Most of the time whenyou cast a spell, the effect takes place long before your enemies can act uponit. In the even that they do identify your spells, they are typically helplessto do anything about it.

Silver Tongue (Su): A bonus to bluffseveral times per day.

Mind Reader (Sp): Read minds quickly a fewtimes per day.

Hide Aura (Sp): Constant Nondetection isnice if you have enemies who are spellcasters.

Alter Self (Sp): Well if they’re going togive it to you for free, there is no reason to not use it. Alter Self intosomething small with a cool vision type or movement type.

Outsider (Su): DR 10/piercing is fairlynice, and you become immune to effects like Dominate Person. At this levelthere are equivalent effects which affect outsiders, but this limits the wayother spellcasters can hurt you.


This bloodline offers a lot of really cool, fun abilities, and many of them are very powerful. The spells are, surprisingly, the least useful pat of the bloodline. Polymorphing is a good option for this bloodline to make use of the Serpent’s Fang ability, and the bonus feats and class skill make you a viable face.

Class Skill: Diplomacy is one of the bestskills in the game, and you have the charisma to back it up.

Bonus Spells: You get several excellentsave-or-suck spells, as well as delay poison and the ability to summondinosaurs.

  • hypnotism
  • delay poison
  • summon monster III (reptiles only)
  • poison
  • hold monster
  • mass suggestion
  • summon monster VII (reptiles only)
  • irresistible dance
  • dominate monster

Bonus Feats: Some interesting feats forconversation skills, and and some weird feats which really don’t make sense ofa Sorcerer.

  • Combat Casting
  • Combat Reflexes
  • Deceitful
  • Deft Hands
  • Persuasive
  • Silent Spell
  • Skill Focus (Bluff)
  • Stealthy

Bloodline Arcana: This includesCharm/Hold/Dominate Person. Expanding the list of creatures which can beaffected hugely improves the utility of those spells.

Serpent’s Fang (Ex): You should never bein melee enough to use this ability. Because it’s a shape changing effect, youprobably can’t harvest poison from yourself. If you polymorph into somethingwithout a bite attack, you can use this to add a bite attack, which is likelyyour best way to use this ability.

Serpentfriend (Ex): Speaking with snakesporbably won’t see a lot of use, but the familiar is pretty fantastic, evenwith the -2 level penalty. Plus, you can harvest poison from your familiar.

Snakeskin (Ex): The natural armor is reallynice, but the bonus against poison and on escape artist won’t see a lot ofuse.

Den of Vipers (Sp): Swarms are brutalenemies, and adding constitution damage poison to them is just cruel.

Scaled Soul (Su): Polymorphing into a snakeis a decent option at this point since you have access to the snakes poison,but the poison DC on your Serpent’s Fang poison is considerably higher thanwhat you would get from polymorphing. So polymorph into the biggestcosntrictor snake you can be, then use Serpent’s Fang to be a poisonousconstrictor. Of, and you’re immune to poison and paralysis.

Wildblooded: Envenomed

Bloodline Arcana: Miles worse than thedefault Bloodline Arcana.

: The poison DC is fantastic, and it’s constitution damage, but you give upa familiar for it.


Despite the weak first level bloodline power, the Shadow bloodline has a lot to offer. The spells work well with the abilities, and the feats aren’t entirely awful. If you want to play a stealth Sorcerer, you can’t do much better than this. At high levels, you get some very powerful bonus spells and some truly impressive powers.

Class Skill: Sorcerers aren’t typicallyscouts, but I guess if anyone was going to be, it would be a ShadowSorcerer.

Bonus Spells: You start off slow, but theShadow spells effectively give you access to entire schools of magic in onespell. This offsets much of the Sorcerer’s lack of versatility.

  • ray of enfeeblement
  • darkvision
  • deeper darkness
  • shadow conjuration
  • shadow evocation
  • shadow walk
  • power word blind
  • greater shadow evocation
  • shades

Bonus Feats: You want Silent Spell.Staying hidden is highly dependant on not pronouncing your spell componentsout loud. The other feats aren’t terribly helpful unless you cross-class intoRogue or something.

  • Acrobatic
  • Blind-Fight
  • Dodge
  • Quick Draw
  • Silent Spell
  • Skill Focus (Stealth)
  • Stealthy
  • Weapon Finesse

Bloodline Arcana: This should really helpwith your stealth, especially at high levels where you have GreaterInvisibility and really need another bonus to stealth. Because +20 frominvisibility isn’t enough.

Shadowstrike (Sp): A melee touch attack thatdoes a tiny amount of nonlethal damage, and inflicts Dazzled. Dazzled isbasically the least useful status condition in the game.

Nighteye (Ex): Darkvision is very importantfor stealthy characters, and this can save you the trouble of castingDarkvision. Keep in mind that this will enhance existing darkvision, so youcan stack it with the Darkvision spell to get darkvision beyond 60 feet. Wheneverything is relying on darkvision, the one who can see the furthest has amajor advantage.

Shadow Well (Sp): This is a really coolcombination of Hide in Plain Sight and Benign Transposition. You can hideeasily with no cover, and the ability to switch your allies around has somereally great tactical options.

Enveloping Darkness (Sp): No save, no SpellResistance, No darkvision, and they’re entangled. This essentially means youcan walk through the area with impunity murdering people for 10 minutes percaster level. You may only get to use it once per day, but this is basically aguranteed win unless your enemies brought Freedom of Movement.

Shadow Master (Su): The Shadow Conjurationspells’ biggest problem is that they are only partially real. Thisconsiderably reduces that problem.

Wildblooded: Umbral

Bloodline Arcana: You should be spending alot of time in shadows or darkness, so this is really helpful.

Cloak of Shadows: Help your fighter bestealthy. Shadowstrike is awful, so you’re not missing much.


The spell list isn’t fantastic, and the feat list is mediocre. The bloodline powers are interesting, but not super powerful.

Class Skill: Knowledge (Planes) is okay,but generally situational. Identifying outsiders can be really nice, but it’sa very small subset of all of the monsters in the game until high level.

Bonus Spells: You only get a few reallygood options at very low and very high levels.

  • true strike
  • glitterdust
  • greater magic weapon
  • stoneskin
  • wall of stone
  • wall of iron
  • plane shift
  • iron body
  • wish

Bonus Feats: Improved Initiative is agreat choice, but the other options are unimpressive.

  • Dodge
  • Empower Spell
  • Great Fortitude
  • Improved Initiative
  • Lightning Reflexes
  • Power Attack
  • Skill Focus (Knowledge [planes])
  • Weapon Finesse

Bloodline Arcana: Changing the energy typefor energy spells really helps the versatility of your spell list.

Acid Ray (Sp): Respectable, generic, andreliable. Good to have at low levels when your spell options are limited.

Elemental Resistance (Ex): Decentresistance to cold.

Avalanche (Su): This is a great way to keepenemies far away from you or to push them off cliffs.

Elemental Movement (Su): Burrows speeds arehard to find, and this gives you a great escape mechanism.

Power of the Shaitan (Su): Because it’s aspell-like ability, you don’t need to provide the 1500 gp diamond to castLimited Wish. At this point you have Plane Shift as a spell, and can cast it6+ times per day because you’re a Sorcerer


This is a solid bloodline. Many of the spells are very powerful, and the high level bloodline powers are flashy and exciting.

Class Skill: Identify animals and fey.Helpful if you don’t have a druid or ranger handy.

Bonus Spells: Some really great options inhere, but I’m not sure why Call Lightning Storm is on the list. It’s not aparticularly good spell, and doesn’t really fit the theme.

  • unseen servant
  • glitterdust
  • blink
  • call lightning storm (dealing fire damage, damage increased outdoors atnight)
  • overland flight
  • repulsion
  • reverse gravity
  • greater prying eyes
  • meteor swarm

Bonus Feats: More options than mostbloodlines, but most of the options are bad. Quicken Spell is crucial at highlevels, and craft rod can be really nice if you like rods, but everything elseis situational at best.

  • Blind-Fight
  • Craft Rod
  • Dodge
  • Endurance
  • Improved Counterspell
  • Improved Iron Will
  • Iron Will
  • Quicken Spell
  • Skill Focus (Perception)
  • Toughness

Bloodline Arcana: Dazzled is a really badstatus condition.

Minute Meteors (Sp): The damage is a bitlow, the AOE won’t help you much, and it’s a reflex save to completelynegate.

Voidwalker (Ex): Low-light vision issituational, but you get two resitances and eventually you don’t need tobreath.

Aurora Borealis (Sp): Excellent crowdcontrol effect. Things are either fascinated, or they have to walk through awall of cold damage to reach you.

Breaching the Gulf (Sp): This is mean. Youremove the target from combat, which is pretty nice, and deal some decent colddamage every round. Because they can make a new save every round, they willeventually return. Make sure that when they come back you’re ready for them.They’re going to be super unhappy about the unplanned space travel.

Starborn (Ex): You get immunity to cold,immunity to blindness, you can see in the dark, and you get fast healing. Veryimpressive.

Wildblooded: Void-Touched

Bloodline Arcana: Shut down enemy castersfor a round, then continue fireballing them.

Black Motes (Sp): Cold damage is slightlymore useful than fire damage.

Voidfield: Instead of the weird fire walleffect, you get a scary combination of Ice Storm and Deeper Darkness. It won’tcompletely lock people down, but it’s an exciting crowd control effect.


Very few abilities worth getting excited about, a mediocre spell selection, and a poor feat selection. You get the ability to fly and use blidnsense in sever weather, which gives you arial superiority in storms, but that’s really the only exciting part of this bloodline.

Class Skill: Identify animals and fey.Helpful if you don’t have a druid or ranger handy.

Bonus Spells: Most of your options aresituational, and they are all very weather-related.

  • shocking grasp
  • gust of wind
  • lightning bolt
  • shout
  • overland flight
  • chain lightning
  • control weather
  • whirlwind
  • storm of vengeance

Bonus Feats: Nothing worth getting excitedabout.

  • Deadly Aim
  • Dodge
  • Enlarge Spell
  • Far Shot
  • Great Fortitude
  • Point Blank Shot
  • Skill Focus (Fly)
  • Wind Stance

Bloodline Arcana: Increasing the DC of yourspells is always nice.

Thunderstaff (Sp): The duration is goingto be very short at low levels where this matters most, and at high levels youhave much better uses for your turn, so this will likely see very littleuse.

Stormchild (Ex): Resistance to sonic israre, and two energy resistances is nice. Reducing the severity of winds isnice when you can fly and still use severe wind to keep other flyers grounded.The blindense is pretty nice when you create fog effects but can still findyour enemies.

Thunderbolt (Sp): Decent damage, but itwill be hard to affect more than one target.

Ride the Lightning (Sp): This is a reallycool movement ability, and the damage is respectable. 15d6 damage will breakthrough most solid barriers, including some stone walls if you roll well fordamage.

Storm Lord (Ex): Some cool resistances,better blindsight in weather effects, and you can heal yourself with lightningdamage.

Wildblooded: Arial

Bloodline Arcana: I hope you like usingControl Weather to make it drizzle slightly.

Windcaller: This give you complete controlover flight.


Unsurprisingly, this is a necromancy-focused bloodline. The bloodline gets some good iconic necromancy spells, and the bloodline powers are flashy and exciting. If you want to control undead, this is an excellent option.

Class Skill: Knowledge (Religion) is a verysolid skill. You can identify undead, and it comes up frequently inadventures.

Bonus Spells: All of your bonus spells areNecromancy spells, which makes sense. You get a few decent options, butnothing truly spectacular.

  • chill touch
  • false life
  • vampiric touch
  • animate dead
  • waves of fatigue
  • undeath to death
  • finger of death
  • horrid wilting
  • energy drain

Bonus Feats: Nothing reallyspectacular.

  • Combat Casting
  • Diehard
  • Endurance
  • Iron Will
  • Skill Focus (Knowledge [religion])
  • Spell Focus
  • Still Spell
  • Toughness

Bloodline Arcana: Charm Person on zombies.Why not?

Grave Touch (Sp): Shaken is a great statuscondition, but you should not be marching around in melee touching people andyou most certainly shouldn’t be spending two turns making peoplefrightened.

Death’s Gift (Su): Resistance to cold isnice, but resitance to nonlethal damage will probably never matter.

Grasp of the Dead (Sp): Decent non-energydamage, and it pins targets in place. This is really great if you aresurrounded somehow..

Incorporeal Form (Sp): This is a gretautility and densive ability. Walk through walls, walk through enemies.

One of Us (Ex): The immunities andresistences are nice, and you get to be ignored by unintelligent undead. Ofcourse, at level 20 there are very few unintelligent undead.

Wildblooded: Sanguine

Bloodline Arcana: Better than charmingmindless undead.

The Blood Is the Life (Su): Grave Touch isterrible, and this give you an interesting healing mechanic.


Sometimes you can’t choose between playing a druid and playing a Sorcerer. This is the answer. You get a few decent druid spells and some amusing plant-related powers. Many of the bloodline’s powers and spells are highly situational, but they give you at a lot of really interesting options.

Class Skill: Identify animals and fey.Helpful if you don’t have a druid or ranger handy.

Bonus Spells: Most of the options aremediocre, but a few are very good options taken from the Druid spell list.

  • entangle
  • barkskin
  • speak with plants
  • command plants
  • wall of thorns
  • transport via plants
  • plant shape III
  • animate plants
  • shambler

Bonus Feats: A couple of decent options,but the mobility feets become obsolete when you learn to fly a level beforeyou get the first feat.

  • Acrobatic Steps
  • Craft Staff
  • Endurance
  • Extend Spell
  • Fleet
  • Nimble Moves
  • Skill Focus (Knowledge [nature])
  • Toughness

Bloodline Arcana: Sorcerers shouldn’t relyon AC for protection, but this could be nice if you like to polymorph

Tanglevine (Sp): Disarm and trip are bothsolid options, and your CMB with the vine will be respectable.

Photosynthesis (Ex): Not needing to eat ordrink is cool, but not very important. The bonus against poison is highlysituational.

Massmorph (Sp): The description doesn’tlist a limit on the number of times you can affect plant life, which is scary.You would in theory walk the earth turning all plant life into very thickgrowth. Transforming other people into trees and plant creatures isinteresting, but situational.

Rooting (Ex): I wouldn’t use this foranything but healing between combats. Mobility in combat is too important foryou to sit there soaking up dirt.

Shepherd of the Trees (Su): The naturalarmor and tremsorsense are nice, and oyu get a laundry list of immunities..

Wildblooded: Groveborn

Bloodline Arcana: Charm plantcreatures.

Lush Summoning (Su): Extra AC for yoursummons.

Sorcerer Bloodlines Breakdown – Pathfinder – RPGBOT (2024)


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