Step-By-Step Guide to Modding BF2 (online and offline) (2024)

In preparation for KYBER V2,the servers of V1 have been switched offline. Once KYBER V2 is released, Frosty Mod Manager will no longer be required to play STAR WARS Battlefront II with mods. This, and the fact that KYBER V2 will be translated into many languages - including German - means that this guide will become obsolete. I have therefore decided not to update it anymore.
For those who still prefer to use Frosty instead of KYBER: You can find a current English guide by Stoichiom here. In addition, the latest version of my guide (v1.7.2) will still be available for download.

All information about KYBER V2 can be found at and/or on the KYBER Discord:

Im Zuge der Vorbereitung auf KYBER V2wurden die Server von V1 abgeschaltet. Sobald KYBER V2 veröffentlicht ist, wird der Frosty Mod Manager nicht mehr zwingend benötigt, um STAR WARS Battlefront II mit Mods zu spielen. Das, und die Tatsache, dass KYBER V2 in viele Sprachen - darunter auch Deutsch - übersetzt werden soll, hat zur Folge, dass dieser Leitfaden obsolet wird. Daher habe ich mich dazu entschieden, ihn nicht mehr upzudaten.
Für diejenigen, die weiterhin trotzdem lieber Frosty als KYBER nutzen wollen: Einen aktuellen englischen Guide von Stoichiom findet ihrhier. Außerdem wird die neueste Version meines Leitfadens (v1.7.2) immer noch zum Download zur Verfügung stehen.

Alle Infos rund um KYBER V2 findet ihr unter auf dem KYBER Discord:



Battlefront+ now has its own website with all the necessary information on how to install it:


None of the programs or mods mentioned in the guide are mine. The guideonly contains links to the official download sites. Credits and/or links to the respective websites with credits are provided. DM or tag me on discord for further credit / credits I might have forgotten: @dmschann.


Frosty Mod Manager, Datapath Fix, FrostyFix


This guide contains...

  • detailed explanations and accompanying pictures,
  • links to all download sites,
  • a troubleshooting part with common bugs/errors,
  • links to the Frosty Troubleshooting Guide by VictorPL and Stoichiom (available on Nexus as well) and the Kyber Guide by Yeke and Stoichiom
  • and links to Discord servers that might be of interest.

If one of the links does not work (page not found/does not exist), you can copy the link and paste it into your browser.



Dieser Leitfaden enthält...

  • ausführliche Erklärungen und begleitende Bilder,
  • Links zu allen Download-Seiten,
  • einen Troubleshooting-Teil mit häufigen Bugs/Fehlern,
  • Links zum Frosty Troubleshooting Guide von VictorPL und Stoichiom (auch auf Nexus verfügbar) und dem Kyber Guide von Yeke und Stoichiom
  • und Links zu Discord-Servern, die von Interesse sein könnten.

Sollte einer der Links nicht funktionieren (Seite nicht gefunden/existiert nicht), kannst du den Link kopieren und in deinem Browser einfügen.


Constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement (also gladly from more experienced players/modders) are welcome, either here on Nexus or on Discord: @dmschann


Update log:

  • v1.1 - Corrected some information regarding text mods (p. 8)and removed/translated some German remains in the English version (p. 24). Thanks to TheSpartanCV for pointing out those mistakes.
  • v1.2 - Added several new pieces of information, including (among others) information about FrostyModManager V1.0.6.2 BETA1, the mod limit and the Datapath Fix, and links to the tutorials by VictorPL, Yeke and Stoichiom, of which the Frosty Guide can be found here on Nexus as well. Thanks to btec math, Acribro and Stoichiom for the suggestions for improvement and for answering some questions I had.
  • v1.3 - With Battlefront Plus being updated to V7, this guide was updated as well. Contains links to / instructions for the new download sites. Added a link to the Battlefront Plus Discord.
  • v1.4 / v1.4S - Made major changes to the Datapath Fix & FrostyFix part and some minor changes to other parts. Added a short version.
  • v1.5 / v1.5S - Updated for Battlefront Plus V8. Made some minor changes here and there. Both the standard and the short version are now put into one file.
  • v1.6 / v1.6S - New page with information on wannkunstbeikor's new Steam Fix. Now uses/links Dyvinia's new Custom Initfs.
  • v1.7 - With Battlefront+ now having its own website, I removed the parts that explained how to install the mod. I have also decided to discontinue the short version of the guide. Some changes here and there. The page about the Steam Fix has been removed as doesn't require it anymore.
  • v1.7.1 - Minor update to the Invis Fix / Custom Initfs part, as Dyvinia's BetterInitfs is now a plugin.
  • v1.7.2 - Minor improvements and additions here and there.


100% of the Donation Point rewards go to the Against Malaria Foundation.

Step-By-Step Guide to Modding BF2 (online and offline) (2024)


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