Summery Spiked Iced Tea Recipes For the Perfect Party - Brewed Leaf Love (2024)

Spiked iced tea is a hot weather drink favorite! However, the same run-of-the-mill iced tea and vodka can get a little dull, so here are 15 unique, refreshing, and delectable boozy iced tea recipes to keep everyone, including yourself, refreshed and satisfied!

Whether you’re hosting a large party, just you and a special someone, or just a small get-together, these iced tea recipes are sure to impress. From not-so-hot toddy co*cktails and sweet tea infused old fashioned to peach iced tea and spiked Arnold Palmers), these spiked iced tea recipes are sure to impress every guest for every occasion!

All of these recipes can be mixed up in advance for a party crowd, just wait until serving to add ice – then they won’t get watered down as the ice melts. Drink up and enjoy these delicious spiced iced tea recipes.

15 Spiked Iced Tea Recipes to Sip and Savor

Simple Iced Tea co*cktail:

Summery Spiked Iced Tea Recipes For the Perfect Party - Brewed Leaf Love (1)

This iced tea recipe only has two ingredients, perfect for busy days! You can use any type of whiskey you like and you can even make a pitcher ahead of time, just don’t add ice until you’re ready to serve so it won’t get watered down.

Plum Apple Cider Tea Toddy:

Summery Spiked Iced Tea Recipes For the Perfect Party - Brewed Leaf Love (2)

This iced tea toddy recipe uses apple cider and a cinnamon stick. The combination of apple cider and cinnamon makes it the perfect drink to serve at any fall gathering! Mix up a batch and have your friends come over after apple picking, or a pumpkin patch trip and you’re good to go.

Spiked Peach Lemonade Iced Tea:

Summery Spiked Iced Tea Recipes For the Perfect Party - Brewed Leaf Love (3)

This boozy iced tea with peaches is perfectly refreshing and balanced! There’s nothing like the mix of fresh ripe peaches and iced tea to celebrate summer. The addition of fresh mint leaves makes this extra refreshing on a hot summer day. If you’re looking for a lower sugar version that’s still delicious, try Truly Iced Tea Hard Seltzer. It’s also gluten free for those sensitive.

Backyard Spiked Sweet Tea:

Summery Spiked Iced Tea Recipes For the Perfect Party - Brewed Leaf Love (4)

This is a classic southern spiked sweet tea and can be made in a big batch, perfect for dinner parties! Start with a base of sweet tea and add some spiced rum for the kick. Garnish with some lemon or orange rind and your drink is complete.

Sweet Tea Old Fashioned:

Summery Spiked Iced Tea Recipes For the Perfect Party - Brewed Leaf Love (5)

This old fashioned uses a tea-infused simple syrup to get the sweet tea flavor into this traditional co*cktail! This spiced tea recipe is perfect when you feel like sipping on a traditional co*cktail, but still want to incorporate the taste of tea you love.

Green Tea Kentucky Cousin co*cktail:

Summery Spiked Iced Tea Recipes For the Perfect Party - Brewed Leaf Love (6)

This recipe changes up the traditional Kentucky Cousin co*cktail recipe by replacing the usual black tea with green tea. It uses bourbon, simple syrup,and lemon, garnished with a mint leaf and a cherry, yum!

Hard Peach Iced Tea:

Summery Spiked Iced Tea Recipes For the Perfect Party - Brewed Leaf Love (7)

If fresh peaches aren’t peachy enough for you this spiked peach tea uses peach schnapps to make it even fruitier. Add the kick of vodka as well as a peach garnish and you have a tasty spiked iced tea to enjoy on a warm summer day.

Spiked Ice Tea and Rum co*cktail:

Summery Spiked Iced Tea Recipes For the Perfect Party - Brewed Leaf Love (8)

This recipe needs to cool in the fridge overnight, perfect to set and forget until you’re ready to enjoy! Dark rum and black tea combine to make a tasty yet refreshing drink for a party or just to enjoy on your porch.

Sweet Tea Sangria:

Summery Spiked Iced Tea Recipes For the Perfect Party - Brewed Leaf Love (9)

White wine, sweet tea and fresh fruit make this the perfect spiced iced tea recipe to make for your next girls night BBQ. This recipe combines two hot weather favorites: sweet tea and sangria!

Ice Tea Vodka co*cktail:

Summery Spiked Iced Tea Recipes For the Perfect Party - Brewed Leaf Love (10)

This recipe combines vodka, orange liqueur, and honey for an unexpected twist! You can even make it with bottled iced tea if you’re pressed for time. Definitely a refreshing drink to sip on a summer’s evening.

Strawberry Iced Tea co*cktail:

Summery Spiked Iced Tea Recipes For the Perfect Party - Brewed Leaf Love (11)

This spiked iced tea recipe uses lemonade, tea, and strawberries and gets its kick from the addition of vodka. This iced tea co*cktail can easily be turned into a mocktail for friends who aren’t drinking.

Dirty Arnold Palmer:

Summery Spiked Iced Tea Recipes For the Perfect Party - Brewed Leaf Love (12)

This is a classic boozy Arnold Palmer recipe, otherwise called a John Daly! It’s got everything you’d expect in a traditional Arnold Palmer, iced tea and lemonade. Add some vodka and you’ve got yourself a John Daly.

Vodka Spiked Green Tea:

Summery Spiked Iced Tea Recipes For the Perfect Party - Brewed Leaf Love (13)

This green tea and vodka recipe uses strawberries and cucumbers for ultimate refreshment! It looks gorgeous when served and can be modified to make it vegan, low carb or keto.

Cranberry Lemon Iced Tea with Rum:

Summery Spiked Iced Tea Recipes For the Perfect Party - Brewed Leaf Love (14)

This cranberry and lemon rum-based tea co*cktail uses honey and citrus to balance sweet and tangy! The addition of pomegranate pips for garnish makes this one especially festive looking.

Watermelon Sweet Tea Sangria:

Summery Spiked Iced Tea Recipes For the Perfect Party - Brewed Leaf Love (15)

This fruity watermelon sangria recipe yields 10 cups, perfect for large parties! Watermelon is one of my favorite fresh fruit tastes of summer and this recipe uses that flavor to the fullest. This sangria recipe uses sweet white wine like moscato and watermelon vodka for a super summery taste sensation.

Looking for non-alcoholic recipes for your tee-totaling friends? Check out these Summer Iced Tea Recipes for some great ideas.

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Summery Spiked Iced Tea Recipes For the Perfect Party - Brewed Leaf Love (16)
Summery Spiked Iced Tea Recipes For the Perfect Party - Brewed Leaf Love (2024)


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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.