Theatre and Animals: Can Animals Act? (2024)

Animals in performance and theatre will always be a precarious issue. Forgiving the various ways in which animals can come to appear and function in performance or entertainment, issues of ethics, politics, and philosophy will always dominate their seemingly innocent or progressive use. This is partly due to the difficulty of observing and understanding animals and their abilities in performance. In exploring the animal's ability to act, the essential and ever-permeating essence of Anthropocene influence remains central to the animal's participation. The impetus that places animals in theatre relies on the animal's likeness to man. This likeness observes that they are bestowed with the influence of representation and symbolism of human life (Castellucci, 2000). However comparable, this influence never matches their human counterpart due to the countless social, political, and cultural effects that degrade their status. Ideologies such as cartesian thinking and twentieth-century industrialism create distinct differences that separate man from animal. This divide translates across fields of conceptualism that raise issues of anthropomorphism and scientific discrimination in that the animal's superficial anatomy remains in constant contrast. Despite the commonalities man and animal share as sentient and mortal beings, it is "their habits, [...] time, [...] physical capacities" that differ from that of man (Berger, 1980, p. 13).

Theatre is all about humans coming face to face for interaction and exchanging their stories born from shared understanding. In this structure, acting is a critical tool in suspending disbelief and creating imaginative grounds for manifesting truth in and from fictional terrains. The success of theatrical illusion depends on the actor's awareness and deliberate use of their psychological and physical ability to portray reality convincingly. Acting, being entertainment of the stage, involves deliberate manipulation of articulation, corporeal motion, and so on to imitate and assume the various emotions that arise from the countless virtues and vices incident to human nature (Chinoy & Cole, 1970, p. 134). Without such awareness and control toward a decided and desired outcome and a lack of conscious deliberation, acting is not commonly attributed to animals. The anthropocentric knowledge of animals (and, at times, cartesian traditions of theatre and acting) suggests that animals are theoretically and technically unable to act and are exiled from this anthropological practice.

Theatre and Animals: Can Animals Act? (2)

Image 1: A diagram of human microexpressions. Film and stage actors understand the use of facile muscular movements to convey emotion.

Human exceptionalism, which permeates through theatre, observes that animals have no place or ability to command issues of human nature and determines that animals cannot act. This attitude originates from the thought that theatre has no animal dynasties (Ridout, 2006). Theatre, built on ideas of human exceptionalism, produces matter and fiction from human consciousness. Animals on stage present complexities to this perfect, mechanical system of human production. Their seeming inability to claim a past, present, or future of their own evidences the abundance of humanism that is theatre. The juxtaposition that animals pose interferes with how humans receive and relate to them in art. Animals' symbolic power for human life in art is always tied to the degrading attitudes that result in their earthly demoted status, pointing to an interesting parallel of the binaries between animals and man and of art and life. The limits and possibilities that animals present mirror the definite boundaries of a selected art form and its representational value for all human life. The animal's behaviour and characteristics continue to be used as representational of man's life. They are instructed to be invisible cogs of human fantasy, similar to the structures of art. As such, they become overshadowed by the outcome of the human story. Animals, much like the structures of art, do not speak for themselves, and their presence on stage is an act of performance nearby, in which the very essence of their belonging is juxtaposing, unusual, and antithetical, but one that constantly remains on the confines of theatrical story-telling (Ridout, 2006). The complexities of the binary between man and animal continuously play into the construction of animals in theatre. Animals are doomed to remain contrasted to and subjugated by human exceptionalism.

Theatre and Animals: Can Animals Act? (3)

Image 2: Universal Studios' '1987 Animal Actors Stage' poster.

In the moment of recollection of seeing a mouse on stage during a production of Harold Pinter's The Caretaker in London (2001), Nicolas Ridout brings to light the very intricate issue of whether non-human animals belong in performance spaces. Ridout, one of the leading academic voices and authors of performance theory, uncovers from his personal experience the very nuanced and subtle – yet unexceptional - rejection of animals on stage. The mouse, "untethered from framings as a pet within the dramatic fiction" (Ridout, 2006, p. 98), presents a conflict to him, which H. Peter Steeves – philosopher of ethics, animal life, and ontology - concludes are centred around the duality between the non-human animal on stage and the human actor. An opportunity arises at the contact point of animal and theatre to observe how the concerns of the exploitation of non-human animals correlate and directly point to the real exploitation of the human actor on stage (Steeves, 2006). In issues of ethics and aesthetics, animals, continuously and conspicuously, is in duality with man.

Animal histories being proximal to human histories, evidence that its presence serves a purpose based on its positionality to man (Chaudhuri, 2004). The conflict that the non-human animal poses within the context of theatre, feeds into the issues of the anthropocentric animal on stage. The likeness of the animal's plight and exploitation to that of humans in life, which is theatrically exploited, is marked as the moment of disappearance of the non-human animal in theatre (Castellucci, 2000). The parallel between the service of the animal as a metaphor for and symbol of human life is tied to the narrative structure of tragedy. It points to the dangers of the suspension of corporeal reality in favour of representing theatrical reality. Animals, as metaphor, lose their corporeal agency and disappear from perception. The theatrical exploitation of animals is likened to that of the human actor, in which the actor's service as an instrument of fictional representation of human life, he too disappears and takes the shape of something else in character (Steeves, 2006).

Theatre and Animals: Can Animals Act? (4)

Image 3: Sunny the dog as 'Sandy', with Lilla Crawford in the title role, in 'Annie', directed by James Lapine.

The degrees of likeness and its proximity to human reality seemingly grant animals status within theatre. However, as far as the animal can engage in issues of the human condition, it is only ever parallel to, but not similar to, the actor and his character. Although conceptual limits are placed on an animal's ability to act, it is granted the ability to perform through its proximity. In being implicated in human practice, the work of anthropocentrism positions animals in dualism to man, in which "their similar/dissimilar lives allow animals to provoke some of the first questions and offer answers" (Berger, 1980, p. 16). The animal's ability to produce meaning in this format suggests a form of redress to animals through its participation in theatre. It assumes a position as a powerful symbol and metaphor for the human condition (Chaudhuri, 2004). All the while perpetuating anthropocentric ideologies that continue to distinguish it from man and place it in the confines of theatrical agency.

Acting is a service that relies on the unison of mind and body: a somatic connection between reasoning and emotion, expression, and corporality. The harmony of these elements is essential for the actor's ability to communicate and create a sense of the presence of actuality. In this context, animals present a conflict that challenges the claims of human superiority in the context of the natural and theatrical world. The limbo that animals present between the fictional and natural worlds offers an opportunity for reflection and is one that post-modernists take advantage of as they seek to deconstruct and destroy the anthropocentric attitudes between them. The animal's passive engagement in the theatrical world and its blatant representation of the natural world's untameable and imperfect power lies an opportunity for the ideology to be restructured. The animal's propensity for performance has come to be misunderstood and misused in the name of human exceptionalism but is something post-modernist practitioners attempt to rectify.

Theatre and Animals: Can Animals Act? (5)

Image 4: Best Actor winner Jean Dujardin walks off the stage with dog Uggie after "The Artist" won Best Movie onstage at the 84th Annual Academy Awards in 2012.

Rachel Rosenthal's The Others is a prime example of work that aims to change the scope of practice for animals in theatre. From her work comes the 'non-human animal' that exists and functions within, and as part, of the drama in its most naturalist form - present to challenge the common and globally-shared representations surrounding them, in and outside the theatre. The use of nature is not to be confused with naturalism and demonstrates an interesting causation of the animal's presence in theatre. Most modern action employs the methods of naturalism. Acting involves a conscious engagement and discipline of the body and mind to convey actuality. The actor's technique of calling in the aid and assistance of their own experiences toward an emotional canvas for their character in the presence of animals is contrasted by the animal's imperfect natural aesthetic. The naturalistic genre emphasizes authenticity in representation and continuity between psychological involvement and corporeal expression to mimic life as accurately as possible within the fictional frame (Koper, 1995). The non-human animal is unintentionally natural and is theoretically closer to the real than the stage actor.

The actor utilizes naturalistic acting to convey his character and not to represent himself. The complexity of the actor's task, to extract influence from his corporeality, to become or convincingly represent a likeness to his character, is what the animal's presence juxtaposes through its liveness. For example, the natural use of animals in Rosenthal's work would demonstrate a disjuncture between animals and the fantasy of theatre if it were to be contrasted with the like of naturalism and method acting. Animals will always represent nature and truth, which uncomfortably unravels the threads of fantasy and counters the suspension of disbelief. Animals cannot exist as they are within the concepts of theatrical construction that serve solely to recreate and inspire human nature – they have no apparent purpose in this communication. Assumably a result of anthropocentric ideology, it is not the animal's inadequacy –the lack of discipline required for such skill – but more so a natural agency that transcends beyond the limits of fantastical human creation. The stage actor's naturalism is a fictional and feeble attempt to that of real nature on stage, manifest by animals.

Theatre and Animals: Can Animals Act? (6)

Image 5: The inclusion of 100 sheep in Louis Andriessen’s 'De Materie', directed by Heiner Goebbels. Photograph: Stephanie Berger.

What is interpreted as the animal's inability to deliberately use its body and expression in accordance with conscious, emotional engagement toward a desired outcome of fiction is a failure of human exceptionalism. The force of nature that the non-human animal represents in its participation in theatre creates countless potential futures for the development of theatre and its influence in the world. The animal's superficial anatomy, which is used to debase animals and justify anthropological reasonings in theatrical practice, should instead highlight that acting as is understood is solely a product of human psychophysiology and is a limited practice in so far that it assumes rather than invites the natural world. That they cannot be permitted into such realms pose new opportunities for the engagement of reality in theatre and perhaps can change the structures and traditions of its practices. As such, animals must be set free from the metaphor, which belongs to the human domain and limits of human understanding. In its so-called inability to act, animals participate in the scopes of performance instead, demonstrating theatre's continuous and rigorous exclusion of nature (Ridout, 2006, p. 98), which will lose the opportunities that animals inspire in times of social, political, and cultural changes for the future.

Bibliographical Sources

Berger, J. (1980). Why Look At Animals? In J. Berger, Why Look At Animals? (pp. 12-37). London: Penguin Group.

Castellucci, R. (2000). The Animal Being on Stage. Performance Research: A Journal o fthe Performing Arts, 5(2), 23-28.

Chaudhuri, U. (2004). Animal Acts for Changing Times. American Theatre, 21(8), 36.

Chinoy, H. K., & Cole, T. (1970). An Essay on Acting. In H. K. Chinoy, & T. Cole, Actors on Acting: the Theories, Techniques, and Practices of the Great Actors of All Times as Told in Their Own Words (pp. 133-299). New York: Crown Publishers.

Koper, R. K. (1995). Acting Naturally: Mark Twain in the Culture of Performance. University of California Press.

Ridout, N. (2006). The animal on stage: Mouse in the House. In N. Ridout, Stage Fright, Animals, and Other Theatrical Problems (pp. 96-100). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Steeves, H. P. (2006, December). Rachel Rosenthal is an Animal. Mosaic: An Interdisciplinary Critical Journal, 39(4), 1-26.

Image Sources

Image 1: Production: Lie To Me. (2017, March 18). Reading Minds: Micro -Expressions. LinkedIn.

Image 2: Universal Studios. (1987). Animal Actors (1987).

Image 3: Lapine (Director). (2012, November 8). Sunny and Lilla Crawford in the title role, “Annie". New York Times.

Image 4: Getty Images. (2015, March 22). Jean Dujardin with dog Uggie (2012). The Telegraph.

Image 5: Berger. (2016, March 29). 100 sheep in Louis Andriessen’s “De Materie” (2016). The Guardian.

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Theatre and Animals: Can Animals Act? (2024)


Theatre and Animals: Can Animals Act? ›

Animals have been acting in stage productions on Broadway for decades, providing companionship to characters and making audiences smile. Rigorous training goes into preparing an animal for a role, teaching him or her multiple commands so that the same tasks may be performed consistently several times a week on cue.

What is the animal acting method? ›

Animal work in acting refers to exercises in which performers study animals in an attempt to mimic the creature. Often, animal work begins outside of the classroom—in nature, at a zoo or a similar enclosure—although it can be undertaken through the watching of documentaries.

Why do animals act the way they do? ›

Stimuli may include the sight of food, the sound of a potential predator, or the smell of a mate. They may also include such daily events as nightfall and seasonal events such as decreasing temperatures. Animals respond to stimuli. Each of these stimuli elicits specific behaviors from animals.

What is the aim of the animal Act 1971? ›

An Act to make provision with respect to civil liability for damage done by animals and with respect to the protection of livestock from dogs; and for purposes connected with those matters.

How do animals know how to do things? ›

Like humans, the majority of species learn by observing their parents and others of their kind. This is known as social learning, and it's found across almost all species, whether they walk, fly, or swim. Young orcas learn from their elders the identity of their clan and how to hunt and travel.

How are animals made to act in movies? ›

At off-set training compounds, living conditions are typically dismal, and abusive training techniques, including food deprivation, are commonly used to ensure that animals will perform on set in the fewest takes possible. Animals used in movies and on TV are trapped in the recurring role of “victim.”

What do animal actors do? ›

Animal actors are animals of many different varieties that appear in a production. A production may be a commercial, a television show with repeated episodes, a music video, or a movie. Animal actors may be the “star of the show” for the whole world to fall in love with or take more of a lesser, secondary role.

What are the 4 types of animal behavior? ›

There are many different types of animal behaviour, but the four main and most frequently studied types are instinct, imprinting, conditioning and imitation. These types of animal behaviour can be divided into two categories: innate and learned.

What are the actions animals do? ›

Some animal ideas:
  • Stomp like a Bear.
  • Swim like a Fish.
  • Hop like a Deer.
  • Slither like a Snake.
  • Scamper like a Squirrel.
  • Scurry like a Mouse.
  • Fly like a Bird.
  • Glide like a Canada Goose.

Are animals responsible for their actions? ›

While both animals and human beings have desires that can compel them to action, only human beings are capable of standing back from their desires and choosing which course of action to take. This ability is manifested by our wills. Since animals lack this ability, they lack a will, and therefore are not autonomous.

How do animals act? ›

Animals have behaviors for almost every imaginable aspect of life, from finding food to wooing mates, from fighting off rivals to raising offspring. Some of these behaviors are innate, or hardwired, in an organism's genes.

What is the animal Act 1986? ›

The Animal (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986

This Act regulates the use of protected animals in any experimental or other scientific procedure which may cause pain, suffering, distress or lasting harm to the animal. Protected animals under the Act are any living veterbrae other than man and any living cephalopod.

What is animal rights goal? ›

The ultimate goal of the animal rights movement is to place animals “beyond use” of human beings, putting an end to exploitative industries and practices including laboratory testing, whaling, and puppy mills. There are many approaches to achieving these goals.

Which animal knows about his death? ›

New evidence suggests that dolphins, like elephants and apes, may understand their own mortality and that of their loved ones.

What causes animals to act the way they do? ›

Both external and internal stimuli prompt behaviors — external information (e.g., threats from other animals, sounds, smells) or weather and internal information (e.g., hunger, fear). Understanding how genes and the environment come together to shape animal behavior is also an important underpinning of the field.

How do animals think if they don't know words? ›

Animals live—and think—through their senses. Without verbal language, they store memories of previous experiences as pictures, sounds, smells, tastes, or touch memories. Sensory‑based thinking and memories are recollections of experiences without words.

What is the method of animal behavior? ›

Scientists utilize three main methods for studying animal behavior; observational, experimental, and comparative. In the observational method, the researcher physically watches the subject in the study without manipulating any variables.

What is animal method of movement? ›

In ethology, animal locomotion is any of a variety of methods that animals use to move from one place to another. Some modes of locomotion are (initially) self-propelled, e.g., running, swimming, jumping, flying, hopping, soaring and gliding.

What is the way an animal acts? ›

Animal behavior includes all the ways animals interact with other organisms and the physical environment. Behavior can also be defined as a change in the activity of an organism in response to a stimulus, an external or internal cue or combo of cues.

What is the Meisner's acting technique for the actor? ›

By contrast, Meisner Technique focuses on external sources for inspiration, with actors reacting to their fellow performers and their behaviour. Much of Meisner Acting is based around improvisation, enabling an actor to be spontaneous and respond to live moments as well as rehearsed situations.


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