Visual Perception - ChiroCredit...Visual Perception Colleen M. Schneck KEYTERMS Visual perception Visual-receptive component Visual-cognitive component Visual attention Visual memory - [PDF Document] (2024)

Visual Perception - ChiroCredit...Visual Perception Colleen M. Schneck KEYTERMS Visual perception Visual-receptive component Visual-cognitive component Visual attention Visual memory - [PDF Document] (1)

Visual Perception

Colleen M. Schneck


Visual perceptionVisual-receptive componentVisual-cognitive componentVisual attentionVisual memoryVisual discriminationObject (form) perceptionSpatial perception


1. Define visual perception.2. Describe the typical development of visual-perceptual

skills.3. Identify factors that contribute to typical or atypical

development of visual perception.4. Explain the effects of visual-perceptual problems on

occupations and life activities such as activities of dailyliving, education, work, play, leisure, and socialparticipation.

5. Describe models and theories that may be used instructuring intervention plans for children who haveproblems with visual-perceptual skills.

6. Identify assessments and methods useful in theevaluation of visual-perceptual skills in children.

7. Describe intervention strategies for assisting childrenin improving or compensating for problems withvisual-perceptual skills.

8. Give case examples, including principles of evaluationand intervention.

Some consider vision tobe themost influential sense inhumans.15

There is little argument that vision is the dominant sense inhuman perception of the external world; it helps the individualto monitor what is happening in the environment outside thebody. Because of the complexity of the visual system, it is difficultto imagine the impact of a visual-perceptual deficit on daily living.Functional problems that may result include difficulties witheating, dressing, reading, writing, locating objects, driving, andmany other activities necessary for engagement in an occupation.

Given that occupational therapists focus on individuals’ par-ticipation in activities of daily living (ADLs), education, work,play, leisure, and social activities, the focus on the client factorof visual perception and its effects on performance skills, includ-ing literacy, can be critical. Literacy is embedded within all areasof occupational performance,141 from ADLs (reading recipes)and education (taking notes in class) to social participation(reading bus schedules). The reauthorization of both the Indivi-duals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA, 2004) and the NoChild Left Behind Act (NCLB, 2001) addresses the need to bet-ter address literacy for children in public schools. Part C of thereauthorized IDEA requires that preliteracy be addressed inthe very young child. For children of any age, occupationaltherapists can support literacy in many ways, includingproviding services to improve visual perception.

Although visual perception is a major intervention emphasisof occupational therapists working with children, it is one ofthe least understood areas of evaluation and treatment. Theinformation presented in this chapter reflects current knowl-edge of visual perception that relates to evaluation of and inter-vention for children. The information in this area continues toevolve as research confirms or disproves explanatory models ofthe visual-perceptual system.


Visual perception is defined as the total process responsible forthe reception (sensory functions) and cognition (specific men-tal functions) of visual stimuli. The sensory function or visual-receptive component is the process of extracting and organizinginformation from the environment, and the specific mentalfunctions that constitute the visual-cognitive component pro-vide the capacity to organize, structure, and interpret visual sti-muli, giving meaning to what is seen.102 Together these twocomponents enable a person to understand what he or shesees, and both are necessary for functional vision. Visual-perceptual skills include the recognition and identification ofshapes, objects, colors, and other qualities. Visual perceptionallows a person to make accurate judgments on the size,configuration, and spatial relationships of objects. The visual-receptive components are described in the Occupational Ther-apy Practice Framework: Domain and Process, 2nd Edition,under client factors of sensory functions and pain, and thevisual-cognitive components are described under specific men-tal functions.2

Visual Perception - ChiroCredit...Visual Perception Colleen M. Schneck KEYTERMS Visual perception Visual-receptive component Visual-cognitive component Visual attention Visual memory - [PDF Document] (2)


Hearing and vision are the distant senses that allow a personto understand what is happening in the environment outsidehis or her body or in extrapersonal space. These sense organstransmit information to the brain, the primary function ofwhich is to receive information from the world for processingand coding. The visual sensory stimuli are then integratedwith other sensory input and associated with past experiences.Approximately 70% of the sensory receptors in humans areallocated to vision. The eye, oculomotor muscles and path-ways, optic nerve, optic tract, occipital cortex, and associativeareas of the cerebral cortex (parietal and temporal lobes) areall included in this process. It is imperative that occupationaltherapists gain an understanding of the neurophysiologicinteractions in the central nervous system (CNS) so that theycan effectively evaluate and treat children with problems inthe visual system. This discussion begins with the sensoryreceptor, the eye.

Anatomy of the Eye

A basic understanding of the anatomy and physiology of theeye aids comprehension of its influence on perception (Figure1). The eye functions to transmit light to the retina, on whichit focuses images of the environment. The eye is shaped torefract light rays such that the most sensitive part of the retinareceives rays at a convergent point. The cornea covers the frontof the eye and is part of the outermost layer of the eyeball. Itplays a significant part in the focusing or bending of light raysthat enter the eye. Behind the cornea is the aqueous humor, aclear fluid; the pressure of this fluid helps both to maintain theshape of the cornea and to focus light rays. The colored part ofthe eye, the iris, with its center hole, the pupil, is directly be-hind the cornea. The iris controls the amount of light enteringthe eye by increasing or decreasing the size of the pupil. Thelight then progresses through the crystalline lens, which doesthe fine focusing for near or far vision, and through a jelly-likesubstance called the vitreous humor.

Ciliary bodySuspensory ligament


Crystalline lens


CorneaAqueous humor

Conjunctival sac


Choroid Ocular muscle

Optic nerve


Vitreous humor


FIGURE 1 Cross-section of the eye. (From Ingalls, A. J., & Salerno, M. C. [1983].

Maternal and child health nursing [5th ed.]. St. Louis: Mosby.)

Occupational Therapy Intervention: Performance Areas

Visual Perception - ChiroCredit...Visual Perception Colleen M. Schneck KEYTERMS Visual perception Visual-receptive component Visual-cognitive component Visual attention Visual memory - [PDF Document] (3)

The eye has three layers: the sclera, the choroid, and theretina. The sclera, which is fibrous and elastic, helps hold therest of the eye structure in place; the choroid is composed pri-marily of blood vessels that nourish the eye; and the retina isthe innermost layer. The retinal layer is composed of receptornerve cells that contain a chemical activated by light. The ret-ina has three types of receptor cells: cones, which are used forcolor perception and visual acuity; rods, which are used fornight and peripheral vision; and pupillary cells, which controlopening (dilation) and closing (constriction) of the pupil.

The fovea centralis, which is located in the retina, is the pointof sharpest and clearest vision. It is most responsive to daylightand must receive a certain amount of light before it transmitsthe signal to the optic nerve. The retina responds to spatial dif-ferences in the intensity of light stimulation, especially at con-trasting border areas, and provides basic information aboutlight and dark areas. Light stimulates the visual receptor cellsin the retina, causing electrochemical changes that trigger anelectrical impulse to flow to the optic nerve. The optic nerve(cranial nerve II) transmits the visual sensory messages to thebrain for processing. This information travels to the brain in aspecial way. Fibers from the nasal half of each retina divide,and half of the fibers cross to the contralateral side of the brain.Fibers from the outer half of each retina do not divide; there-fore, they carry visual information ipsilaterally. Thus visual infor-mation from either the left or right visual field enters theopposite portion of each retina and then travels to the samehemisphere of the brain. This organization means that evenwith the loss of vision in one eye, information is transmittedto both hemispheres of the brain. It also means that damagein the region of the left or right occipital cortex can cause a lossof vision, referred to as a field cut, in the opposite visual field.72

The optic nerve leads from the back of the eye to the lateralgeniculate nucleus in the optic thalamus. It is here that binocularinformation is received and integrated at a basic level, which maycontribute to crude depth perception. Information then passesfrom the two lateral geniculate bodies of the thalamus to thevisual cortex in the occipital lobe (area 17). From the occipitalcortex the refined visual information is sent in two directions viavisual area 18 or 19.109,110 Some impulses flow upward to theposterior parietal lobe, where visual-spatial processing occurs,focusing on the location of objects and their relationships toobjects in space. This pathway is referred to as the dorsal stream.The magnocellular channel is dominant in the dorsal stream; thischannel is associated with motion and depth detection, stereo-scopic vision, and interpretation of spatial organization.69 Otherimpulses flow downward to the inferior temporal lobe, wherevisual object processing takes place. Information sent here is ana-lyzed for the specific details of color, form, and size needed foraccurate object identification; the focus is on pattern recognitionand detail and on remembrance of the qualities of objects. This isreferred to as the ventral stream. The parvocellular channel isdominant in the ventral stream; this channel is thought to beimportant for color perception and for detailed analysis of theshape and surface properties of objects.82

Visual-Receptive Functions

The oculomotor system enables the reception of visual stimuli(visual-receptive process). The visual-receptive componentsinclude visual fixation, pursuit and saccadic eye movements,

acuity, accommodation, binocular fusion and stereopsis, and con-vergence and divergence. Visual fixation on a stationary object isa prerequisite skill for other oculomotor responses, such as shift-ing the gaze between objects (scanning) or tracking. Each eye ismoved by the coordinated actions of the six extraocular muscles.These are innervated by cranial nerves III, IV, and VI (oculomo-tor, trochlear, and abducens nerves). The oculomotor nuclei areresponsible for automatic conjugate eye movements (lateral, ver-tical, and convergence). They also help regulate the position ofthe eyes in relation to the position of the head. The nuclei receivemost of their information from the superior colliculus.

Two types of eye movements are used to gather informa-tion from the environment: pursuit eye movements, or track-ing, and saccadic eye movements, or scanning. Visual pursuit,or tracking, involves continued fixation on a moving objectso that the image is maintained continuously on the fovea.The smooth pursuit system is characterized by slow, smoothmovements. Tracking may occur with the eyes and headmoving together or with the eyes moving independently ofthe head. Saccadic eye movements, or scanning, are defined asa rapid change of fixation from one point in the visual fieldto another. A saccade may be voluntary, as when localizing aquickly displaced stimulus or when reading, or it may be invol-untary, as during the fast phases of vestibular nystagmus. A sac-cadic movement is precise, although the presence of a slightovershoot or undershoot is normal.

In addition to voluntary control of eye movements, the ves-tibulo-ocular pathways control conjugate eye movementsreflexively in response to head movement and position inspace. These pathways enable the eyes to remain fixed on a sta-tionary object while the head and body move.

In addition to the tasks of visual fixation, pursuit move-ments, and saccadic movements, other visual-receptive compo-nents include the following:� Acuity: The capacity to discriminate the fine details of

objects in the visual field. A visual acuity measurement of20/20 means that a person can perceive as small an objectas an average person can perceive at 20 feet.

� Accommodation: The ability of each eye to compensate for ablurred image. Accommodation refers to the process used toobtain clear vision (i.e., to focus on an object at varyingdistances). This occurs when the internal ocular muscle (theciliarymuscle) contracts and causes a change in the crystallinelens of the eye to adjust for objects at different distances.Focusing must take place efficiently at all distances, and theeyesmust be able tomake the transition from focusing at nearpoint (a book or a piece of paper) to far point (the teacher andthe blackboard) and vice versa. It should take only a splitsecond for this process of accommodation to occur.

� Binocular fusion: The ability mentally to combine theimages from the two eyes into a single percept. There aretwo prerequisites for binocular fusion. First, the two eyesmust be aligned on the object of regard; this is called motorfusion, and it requires coordination of the six extraocularmuscles of each eye and precision between the two eyes.Second, the size and clarity of the two images must becompatible; this is known as sensory fusion. Only when thesetwo prerequisites have been met can the brain combinewhat the two eyes see into a single percept.

� Stereopsis: Binocular depth perception or three-dimensionalvision.

Visual Perception - ChiroCredit...Visual Perception Colleen M. Schneck KEYTERMS Visual perception Visual-receptive component Visual-cognitive component Visual attention Visual memory - [PDF Document] (4)

� Convergence and divergence: The ability of both eyes toturn inward toward the medial plane and outward from themedial plane.For a more detailed description of the function of these

components, see the textbook by Gentile.57

Visual-Cognitive Functions

Interpretation of the visual stimulus is a mental process involv-ing cognition, which gives meaning to the visual stimulus(visual-cognitive process). The visual-cognitive componentsare visual attention, visual memory, visual discrimination, andvisual imagery.

Visual Attention

Visual attention involves the selection of visual input. It alsoprovides an appropriate time frame through which visual infor-mation is passed by the eye to the primary visual cortex of thebrain, where visual-perceptual processing can occur. Voluntaryeye movements of localization, fixation, ocular pursuit, andgaze shift lay the foundation for optimal functioning of visualattention.71 The following are the four components of visualattention:� Alertness: Reflects the natural state of arousal. Alerting is

the transition from an awake to the attentive and ready stateneeded for active learning and adaptive behavior.

� Selective attention: The ability to choose relevant visualinformation while ignoring less relevant information; it isconscious, focused attention.

� Visual vigilance: The conscious mental effort toconcentrate and persist at a visual task. This skill is exhibitedwhen a child plays diligently with a toy or writes a letter.

� Divided, or shared, attention: The ability to respond to twoor more simultaneous tasks. This skill is exhibited when achild is engaged in one task that is automatic while visuallymonitoring another task.

Visual Memory

Visual memory involves the integration of visual informationwith previous experiences. Long-term memory, the permanentstorehouse, has expansive capacity. In contrast, short-termmemory can hold a limited number of unrelated bits of infor-mation for approximately 30 seconds.

Visual Discrimination

Visual discrimination is the ability to detect features of stimulifor recognition, matching, and categorization. Recognition isthe ability to note key features of a stimulus and relate themto memory; matching is the ability to note the similaritiesamong visual stimuli; and categorization is the ability mentallyto determine a quality or category by which similarities or dif-ferences can be noted. These three abilities require the capabil-ity both to note similarities and differences among forms andsymbols with increasing complexity and to relate these findingsto information previously stored in long-term memory.

Visual-perceptual abilities aid the manipulation of a visualstimulus for visual discrimination.144 Because visual perceptionhas not been consistently defined, resources on visual perceptionuse different terms and categories to define the same visual-per-ceptual skills. At times this contributes to confusion, becausedifferent disciplines may define the same terms differently.

It is also important to note that a distinction exists betweenobject (form) vision (ventral stream) and spatial vision (dorsalstream).67,84 Object vision is implicated in the visual identifica-tion of objects by color, texture, shape, and size (i.e., whatthings are). Spatial vision, which is concerned with the visuallocation of objects in space (i.e., where things are), respondsto motor information and seems to be integral to egocentriclocalization during visuomotor tasks.72 As discussed earlier,these two classes of function are mediated by separate neuralsystems. The cortical tracts for both object vision and spatialvision are projected to the primary visual cortex, but the objectvision pathway goes to the temporal lobe and the spatial visionpathway goes to the inferior parietal lobe. These anatomic divi-sions have been verified repeatedly. However, researchers haveemphasized differences in how these two areas use visual infor-mation.63,64 Visual information about object characteristicspermits the formation of long-term perceptual representationsthat support object identification and visual learning. Spatialvision provides information about the location of object quali-ties that are needed to guide action, such as adjusting the handduring reach to the size and orientation of an object.

Based on studies done with individuals who had acquiredbrain damage, these two functions have been shown to beindependent.98,100 That is, disturbances of object recognitioncan occur without spatial disability, and spatial disability canoccur with normal object perception.46 Following are defini-tions of the object (form) and spatial-perceptual skills,although they are not entirely separate entities.Object (Form) PerceptionForm discrimination and processing involves multiple visualareas in the brain. It is thought that form perception is accom-plished by two processes with two separate systems carryingdifferent aspects of form information.67 The first system, theabstract visual form system (AVF) is thought to performabstract processing to recognize types of forms. The AVF sys-tem is used when the visual form information should be pro-cessed and stored in an abstract, nonspecific manner. Forexample, when a child is scanning the gym supply cabinet fora soccer ball, he is attempting to find a ball but not a specificball. The second system, specific visual form (SVF) system,provides specific processing to distinguish different instancesof a type of form. The SVF system processes input in a mannerthat produces specific output representations that distinguishdifferent instances of the same type of form—for example,the child searching for his soccer ball among those of his team-mates after practice is over.� Form constancy: The recognition of forms and objects as the

same in various environments, positions, and sizes. Formconstancy helps a person develop stability and consistency inthe visual world. It enables the person to recognize objectsdespite differences in orientation or detail. Form constancyenables a person to make assumptions regarding the size ofan object even though visual stimuli may vary under differentcirc*mstances. The visual image of an object in the distanceis much smaller than the image of the same object at closerange, yet the person knows that the actual sizes areequivalent. For example, a school-aged child can identify theletter A whether it is typed, written in manuscript, written incursive, written in upper or lower case letters, or italicized.

� Visual closure: The identification of forms or objects fromincomplete presentations. This enables the person quickly to

Occupational Therapy Intervention: Performance Areas

Visual Perception - ChiroCredit...Visual Perception Colleen M. Schneck KEYTERMS Visual perception Visual-receptive component Visual-cognitive component Visual attention Visual memory - [PDF Document] (5)

recognize objects, shapes, and forms by mentally completingthe image or by matching it to information previously storedin memory. This allows the person to make assumptionsregarding what the object is without having to see thecomplete presentation. For example, a child working at hisor her desk is able to distinguish a pencil from a pen, evenwhen both are partly hidden under some papers.

� Figure-ground recognition: The differentiation betweenforeground or background forms and objects. It is the abilityto separate essential data from distracting surroundinginformation and the ability to attend to one aspect of a visualfield while perceiving it in relation to the rest of the field. It isthe ability to visually attend towhat is important. For example,a child is able visually to find a favorite toy in a box filled withtoys, scissors in a cluttered drawer, his or her mother in acrowded room, or a shirtsleeve on a monochromatic shirt.

Spatial PerceptionThere are two types of spatial relations: categorical spatial rela-tions (above-below, right-left, on-off) and coordinate spatialrelations (specify locations in a way that can be used for precisemovements).130

� Position in space/visual spatial orientation: Thedetermination of the spatial relationship of figures andobjects to oneself or other forms and objects. This providesthe awareness of an object’s position in relation to theobserver or the perception of the direction in which it isturned. This perceptual ability is important tounderstanding directional language concepts such as in,out, up, down, in front of, behind, between, left, and right.In addition, position in space perception provides theability to differentiate among letters and sequences ofletters in a word or in a sentence. For example, the childknows how to place letters equal spaces apart and touchingthe line; he or she is able to recognize letters that extendbelow the line, such as p, g, q, or y. Another aspect of spatialperception, now referred to as object-focused spatial abilities,focuses on the spatial relations of objects irrespective of theindividual.154 This includes skills evaluated by many formalassessments; however, poor performance on a formal testmay or may not be linked to functional behavior.

� Depth perception: The determination of the relative distancebetween objects, figures, or landmarks and the observerand changes in planes of surfaces. This perceptual abilityprovides an awareness of how far away something is, and italso helps people move in space (e.g., walking down stairs,catching a ball, pouring water into a glass, parking a car).Depth perception is the third dimension beyond the two-dimensional image in the retina.123 Binocular vision, alongwith monocular cues such as texture, shading and linearperspective, all contribute to perception of three-dimensional shape and distance. Visual acuity and ocularalignment must also be adequate. The parietal lobe hasbeen associated with depth perception.

� Topographic orientation: The determination of the locationof objects and settings and the route to the location.Wayfinding depends on a cognitive map of theenvironment. These maps include information about thedestination, spatial information, instructions for executionof travel plans, recognition of places, keeping track of whereone is while moving about, and anticipation of features.These are important means of monitoring one’s movement

from place to place.46 In addition, the images a person seesmust be recognized if he or she is to make sense of what isviewed and if the individual is to find his or her wayaround.46 For example, the child is able to leave theclassroom for a drink of water from the water fountaindown the hall and then return to his or her desk.

Visual Imagery

Another important component in visual cognition is visualimagery, or visualization. Visual imagery refers to the abilityto “picture” people, ideas, and objects in the mind’s eye evenwhen the objects are not physically present. Developmentally,the child is first able to picture objects that make certainsounds and those that are familiar by taste or smell. The abilityto picture what words say while reading is the next step. Forexample, the child can imagine the character of a book basedon the written description. This level of visual-verbal matchingprovides the foundation for reading comprehension andspelling.

Motor and Process Skills

Client factors may affect performance skills that in turn mayaffect activities and occupations. Motor skills of posture,mobility, and coordination may be affected by poor visualskills. For example, in the area of mobility, research has shownthe importance of vision in the development of proprioceptionof the hand prior to the onset of reaching in newborninfants.33 This can explain why young babies spend much timevisually examining their hands. By 5 to 7 months, infants, inpreparation for reaching, may use the current sight of theobject’s orientation, or the memory of it, to orient the handfor grasping; sight of the hand has no effect on hand orienta-tion at this point.96 If problems occur in visual memory affect-ing the memory of the hand, the hand may not be properlyoriented during reach, and this affects coordination.

Process skills of knowledge, temporal organization, organi-zation of space and objects, and adaptation all can be affectedby visual perception. Children who have acquired damage tothe white matter around the lateral ventricles or damage tothe posterior parietal lobes can find it difficult to use visionto guide their body movements.47 For example, a floor bound-ary between carpet and linoleum can be difficult to crossbecause it looks the same as a step. Black-and-white tiled floorscan be frightening to walk across. At a curb, the foot may belifted to the wrong height, too early, or too late, and walkingdown stairs without a banister is difficult and dangerous.

Developmental Frameworkfor Intervention

Warren presented a developmental framework based on abottom-up approach to evaluation and treatment.157 Using thework of Moore,62 Warren suggested that with knowledge ofwhere the deficit is located in the visual system, the therapistcould design appropriate evaluation and treatment strategiesto remediate basic problems and improve perceptual func-tion.157 To apply this approach, the occupational therapistmust have an understanding of the visual system, includingboth the visual-receptive and visual-cognitive components.Although Warren’s model was presented as a developmental

Visual Perception

Visual Perception - ChiroCredit...Visual Perception Colleen M. Schneck KEYTERMS Visual perception Visual-receptive component Visual-cognitive component Visual attention Visual memory - [PDF Document] (6)

framework for evaluation and treatment of visual-perceptualdysfunction in adults with acquired brain injuries, it is useful asa model for children with visual-perceptual deficits. A hierarchyof visual-perceptual skill development in the central nervoussystem is presented in Figure 2. The definitions of componentsof each level are provided in the following list and are used inlater descriptions of intervention.1. Primary visual skills form the foundation of all visual

functions.� Oculomotor control provides efficient eye movements that

ensure that the scan path is accomplished.� Visual fields register the complete visual scene.� Visual acuity ensures that the visual information sent to the

CNS is accurate.2. Visual attention. The thoroughness of the scan path

depends on visual attention.3. Scanning. Pattern recognition depends on

organized, thorough scanning of the visual environment.The retina must record all the detail of thescene systematically through the use of a scan path.

4. Pattern recognition. The ability to store information inmemory requires pattern detection and recognition. This isthe identification of the salient features of an object.

� Configural aspects (shape, contour, and general features)� Specific features of an object (details of color, shading, and

texture)5. Visual memory. Mental manipulation of visual information

needed for visual cognition requires the ability either toretain the information in memory for immediate recall or tostore for later retrieval.

6. Visual cognition. This is the ability to mentally manipulatevisual information and integrate it with other sensory in-formation to solve problems, formulate plans, and makedecisions.Warren’s model provides a framework for assessing vision

alone, without consideration of the other sensory systems.When visual-perceptual problems relate to sensory integration(SI) dysfunction, models based on SI theories can guide

evaluation and intervention.20 These models consider organi-zation of multisensory systems and the influence of vision asit integrates with other sensory systems.

Vision can be viewed as a dynamic blending of sensoryinformation in which new visual and motor input are com-bined with previously stored data and then used to guide areaction. Research demonstrates an expansive interconnectivityof sensory systems.143 Studies of brain activity confirm thatwhen an individual is using the visual system, many areas ofthe brain are activated. Evidence of full brain activity duringvisualization supports the concept that vision should be viewedin the totality of all sensory systems.


Visual-Receptive Functions

As with other areas of development, the development of visual-receptive process and abilities takes place according to a pre-scribed timetable, which begins in the womb. By gestationalweek 24, gross anatomic structures are in place, and the visualpathway is complete. Between gestational weeks 24 and 40,the visual system, particularly the retina and visual cortex,undergoes extensive maturation, differentiation, and remodel-ing.62 As early as the fifth gestational month, eye movementsare produced by vestibular influences.43 At birth the infanthas rudimentary visual fixation ability and brief reflexive track-ing ability. The visual system at this age is relatively immaturecompared with other sensory systems, and considerable devel-opment occurs over the next 6 months.62

Toward the end of the second month, accommodation,convergence, and oculomotor subsystems are established.15

Stereopsis is evident at about 2 months of age; it does notappear to depend on visual recognition and does not need tobe taught.160 Maximum accommodation is reached at 5 yearsof age, and the child should be able to sustain this skill effortfor protracted periods at a fixed distance.

Controlled tracking skills progress in a developmental pat-tern from horizontal eye movements to eye movements in ver-tical, diagonal, and circular directions. By kindergarten a childshould be able to move the eyes with smooth control andcoordination in all directions. This can be demonstrated byasking the child to follow with the eyes a moving objectlocated 8 to 12 inches from the child’s face. If the child movesthe head as a unit along with the eyes, this skill is still develop-ing. Visual acuity is best at 18 years of age and tends to declinethereafter.

Visual-Cognitive Functions

Vision enables infants to acquire information from multiplelocations at a range of distances and is a means for infants toorganize information received from their other senses.142 Bycoordinating visual and auditory input, infants accumulateinformation as they explore places, events, and individuals inthe physical and social environments.137 Some visual-cognitivecapacities are present at birth, whereas other higher-levelvisual-cognitive abilities are not fully developed until adoles-cence. This development occurs through perceptual learning,the process of extracting information from the environment.

FIGURE 2 Hierarchy of visual-perceptual skills development.

(FromWarren, M. [1993]. A hierarchical model for evaluation

and treatment of visual perceptual dysfunction in adult ac-

quired brain injury. I. American Journal of Occupational

Therapy, 47, 42-54.)

Occupational Therapy Intervention: Performance Areas

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Perceptual learning increases with experience and practice andthrough stimulation from the environment.

Object (Form) Vision

Long before infants can manipulate objects or move aroundspace, they have well-developed visual-perceptual abilities,including pattern recognition, form constancy, and depth per-ception. Infants as young as 1 week of age show a differentialresponse to patterns, with complex designs and human facesreceiving more attention than simple circles and triangles.The infant learns to attend to relevant aspects of visual stimuli,to make discriminations, and to interpret available cues accord-ing to experiences. Babies can organize visual information in atleast three ways. Perception of brightness emerges first by2 months of age. By 4 months, most infants can group objectsby shape and proximity.49

Visual perception develops as the child matures, with mostdevelopmental changes taking place by 9 years of age. How-ever, children vary in the rate at which they acquire perceptualabilities, in their effective use of these capacities, and in the ver-satility and comfort with which they apply these functions.89

The child first learns to recognize an object based on itsgeneral appearance and not by specific details. As the childlearns to classify objects into categories and types, it becomesapparent that he or she is able to extract the features that makethe object part of that category.108 For example, the child learnsto categorize cars as certain types or to classify animals accord-ing to their species. Williams estimated the developmental ageswhen primary visual-perceptual skills develop (Table 1).161

Bouska and colleagues described three areas in which achild demonstrates increasing ability to discriminate visually.15

These areas include (1) the ability to recognize and distinguishspecific distinctive features (e.g., that b and d are different becauseof one feature); (2) the ability to observe invariant relationshipsin events that occur repeatedly over time (e.g., a favorite toy isthe same even when distance makes it appear smaller); and (3)the ability to find a hierarchy of pattern or structure, allowingthe processing of the largest unit possible for adaptive useduring a particular task (e.g., a map is scanned globally for theshape of a country, but subordinate features are scanned forthe route of a river).59 These skills are important for learning toread and write. Justice and Ezell described emergent literacy ascomprising two broad yet highly interrelated domains of know-ledge: written language awareness and

phonologic awareness.79 Written language awareness, alsoreferred to as print awareness,135 describes children’s knowl-edge of the forms and functions of printed language (e.g., dis-tinctive features of alphabet letters, storybook conventions,environmental signs).

The child’s first perceptions of the world develop primarilyfrom tactile, kinesthetic, and vestibular input. As these threebasic senses become integrated with the higher level senses,vision and audition gradually become dominant. Young chil-dren or beginning readers tend to prefer learning throughtheir tactile and kinesthetic senses and have lower preferencesfor visual and auditory learning.26 At 6 or 7 years of age, mostchildren appear to prefer kinesthetic, tactile, visual, and audi-tory learning, in that order. They learn easily through theirsense of touch and whole-body movement and have difficultylearning through listening activities. The predominant readingstyle of primary grade children and struggling readers is global,tactile, and kinesthetic.26 Global reading methods (i.e.,recorded stories, shared reading) start with a modeled story,practice words from the story, and teach phonics skills. Thisdiffers from analytic reading methods (e.g., phonics) that teachsounds letters make, then practice words containing thesounds taught, and proceed to stories. Tactile learners recallwhat they touch, are often doodlers, and learn better whenthey can touch or manipulate objects (such as a reading game).Kinesthetic learners recall what they experience and learn whenengaged in physical activity (e.g., acting in plays, floor games,building models).27

Research shows that struggling readers prefer and do betterin classrooms that allow for movement, have some comfort-able seating and varied lighting, and enable students to workwith relevant ease in different groupings.44 Research indicatesthat when the student’s environmental preferences are met,they are more likely to associate reading with pleasure, to readfor longer periods, and overall read at higher levels.44 Gener-ally, boys are less auditory and verbal and remain kinestheticlonger than girls. Around third grade most children becomehighly visual, and not until fifth grade do many children learnwell through their auditory sense. However, it is important toremember that reading style strengths and preferences developat different times and rates.26

In the young child, visual discrimination of forms precedesby years the visual-motor ability to copy forms. Throughoutelementary school, the child assimilates more internal detailof figures and develops greater ability to understand, recall,and recreate such configurations. Children begin to use

TABLE 1 Developmental Ages for Emergence of Visual-Perceptual Skills

Perception Developmental Age

OBJECT (FORM)Figure-ground perception Improves between 3 and 5 years of age; growth stabilizes at 6 to 7 years of ageForm constancy Dramatic improvement between 6 and 7 years of age; less improvement from 8 to 9 years of age

SPATIALPosition in space Development complete at 7 to 9 years of ageSpatial relationships Improves to approximately 10 years of age

Modified from Williams, H. (1983). Perceptual and motor development. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Visual Perception

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simultaneous and sequential data to develop strategies, andcognitive or learning styles begin to emerge. In addition, chil-dren learn best through their dominant sensory input channel.About 40% of school-age children remember visually pre-sented information, whereas only 20% to 30% recall what isheard.25

Information processing in the visual-perceptual–motordomain has been identified as one of the major factors thatpredict readiness for the first grade. There is evidence thatthe child who enters school with delayed perceptual develop-ment may not catch up with his or her peers in academicachievement.52 Of the children who have difficulty reading infirst grade, 88% have difficulty reading at the end of fourthgrade.78 Adequate perceptual discrimination is considered nec-essary for the development of the literacy skills of reading andwriting.86,136 An important aspect of developing early literacyis termed alphabetics. This includes phonemic and phonologicawareness, letter recognition, print awareness, and phonics.Letter recognition/identification, defined as knowing thenames of the letters of the alphabet, supports reading acquisi-tion. Measures of the ability to name letters have been shownto be predictors of reading development, especially when letternaming is taught in conjunction with other beginning readingskills. Print awareness refers to knowledge or concepts aboutprint, such as the following: (1) print carries a message; (2)there are conventions of print such as directionality (left toright, top to bottom), differences between letters and words,distinctions between upper and lower case, punctuation; and(3) books have some common characteristics (e.g. author, title,front/back). It has been shown that print awareness supportsreading acquisition (e.g., decoding). Occupational therapistsare not primarily responsible for teaching students to read orwrite but may address many of the performance skills to sup-port student literacy outcomes.8

Children gradually develop the abilities to attend to, inte-grate, sort, and retrieve increasingly larger chunks of visualdata. These stimuli from the environment usually arrive forprocessing either in a simultaneous array or in a specific serialorder.89 An example of simultaneous processing involvesobserving and later trying to recall what someone wore.

Sequential processing involves the integration of separateelements into groups, where the elements have a specificarrangement in time with each element leads only to oneother. Sequential processing enables the child to perceive anordered series of events.60 An example of sequential processingis the visual information provided in the written instructionsfor assembling a plastic model. An effective learner in the class-room needs to be able to evaluate, retain, process, and produceboth simultaneous and sequential packages of information oraction. In addition, children must learn to analyze and synthe-size material containing more detail at a faster rate.

In adolescence, perceptual skills are enhanced by their inter-relationship with expanding cognitive skill. Thus the adoles-cent can imagine, create, and construct complex visual forms.The adolescent is able to manipulate visual information men-tally to solve increasingly complex problems, formulate plans,and make decisions. Of the children who are poor readers atthe end of third grade, 75% remain poor readers in highschool.131 Teenager rites of passage such as obtaining a driver’slicense or independent dating may be challenging or impossi-ble for an individual with severe visual-perceptual deficits.

Spatial Vision

In the developmental process of organizing space, the childfirst acquires a concept of vertical dimensions, followed by aconcept of horizontal dimensions. Oblique and diagonaldimensions are more complex, and perception of these spatialcoordinates matures later. A 3- to 4-year-old child can discrim-inate vertical lines from horizontal ones, but children areunable to distinguish oblique lines until about 6 years ofa*ge.37 The ability to discriminate between mirror- or reverse-image numbers and letters, such as b and d, and p and q, doesnot mature in some children until around 7 years of age.75

The child develops an understanding of left and right fromthe internal awareness that his or her body has two sides140;this understanding of left and right, called laterality, proceedsin stages. A child’s awareness of his or her own body is gener-ally established by 6 or 7 years of age. Before 7 years of age, achild is not yet ready to handle spatial concepts on a strictlyvisual basis. The child must relate them to his or her own body.

Around the eighth year the child begins to project lateralityconcepts outside himself or herself. The child then developsdirectionality, or the understanding of an external object’sposition in space in relation to himself or herself. This allowsthe child to handle spatial phenomena almost exclusively in avisual manner. By sensing a difference between body sides,the child becomes aware that figures and objects also have aright and a left. The child “feels” this visually.

Directionality is thought to be important in the visual dis-crimination of letters and numbers for both reading andwriting. The child first learns these concepts in relation to him-self or herself and then transfers them to symbols and words.

Role of Vision in Social Development

The importance of vision in facilitating infants’ participation insocial interactions has been widely recognized.99 Facial expres-sions are an important way to communicate emotions.76

Infants respond to attentive, social initiations from their par-ents by visually focusing on their parents’ eyes, smiling, andoccasionally shifting gaze to scan their parents’ faces and theenvironment. Mutual gaze between parents and infants facili-tates emotional attachment. Adults’ facial expressions appearto be the major driving force during social interactions withinfants younger than 6 months. Infants discriminate betweenhappy and sad facial expressions by 3 months of age. Towardthe end of the first year an infant can shift attention fromone person to another person, or to an object of mutualinterest in joint attention paradigms.42 Social imitation thenshifts from simple reactions to another person’s facial expres-sions to imitations of another person’s actions with objects.Toddlers will imitate a peer’s action on an object, but onlywhen identical objects are available.


Visual-Receptive Functions

The importance of good vision for classroom work cannot beoveremphasized. More than 50% of a student’s time is spentworking at near-point visual tasks such as reading and writing.

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Another 20% is spent on tasks that require the student to shiftfocus from distance to near and near to distance, such as copy-ing from the board. For more than 70% of the day, therefore,tremendous stress is put on the visual system.115 Many stu-dents with visual dysfunction may have difficulty meeting thebehavioral demands of sitting still, sustaining attention, andcompleting their work. Academic instruction in the first yearsplaces great demand on the child’s visual processing skills, withemphasis on recognition, matching, and recall. In early ele-mentary grades, periods of sustained near work are infrequent,and visual stimuli (letters) are relatively large and widelyspaced.

Visual efficiency becomes a more significant need in laterelementary grades, middle school, and high school. Lettersand text become smaller and more closely spaced and readingrequires more comprehension effort for extended periods oftime. Students visually attend for sustained periods of nearwork.102

Learning-related vision problems represent deficits in twobroad visual system components: visual efficiency and visual in-formation processing.13 Figure 3 presents a sample list of beha-viors noted in children with specific visual problems.102

In addition, individuals with functional vision problems mayexhibit56:� Difficulty completing school tasks in a timely manner� Avoidance of reading work� Visual fatigue� Adaptation of the visual system through the development

of a refractive error to perform near-centered visual tasks� Distraction or inattention as a secondary problem, thus

decreasing the opportunity for practice and learningImpairment of oculomotor control can occur through dis-

ruption of cranial nerve function or disruption of central neu-ral control. The pattern of oculomotor dysfunction dependson the areas of the brain that have been injured and the natureof the injury.88 Oculomotor problems can limit the ability tocontrol and direct gaze. In addition, when large amounts ofenergy must be used on the motor components of vision, littleenergy may be left for visual-cognitive processing.72 Warren157

and Scheiman125 present detailed descriptions of oculomotordeficits and other deficits seen in visual-receptive components.

At least 20% of students with learning disabilities have beenfound to have prominent visual information–processing pro-blems. The prevalence of visual efficiency problems in childrenwith learning disabilities is thought to be in the 15% to 20%range.126 Accommodative disorders have been reported in60% to 80% of individuals with visual efficiency problems;accommodative insufficiency is the most prevalent type.102

Convergence insufficiency is the most common convergenceanomaly.

Refractive Errors

A child who is nearsighted has blurred distant vision but gen-erally experiences clarity at near point. The child who is far-sighted frequently has clear distant and near vision but has toexert extra effort to maintain clear vision at near point.The child with astigmatism experiences blurred vision at dis-tance and near, with the degree of loss of clarity dependingon the severity of the astigmatism. Measures of visual acuityalone do not predict how well children interpret visual infor-mation.72 Other determinants include the ability to see objects

in low-contrast lighting conditions, the ability of the eye toadapt to different lighting conditions, visual field problems,accommodation, and other oculomotor functions.72,74

If accommodation takes longer than previously described,words appear blurry and the child tends to lose his or herplace, missing important information and understanding.When accommodation for near objects is poor, presbyopiaexists; this individual is described as farsighted.

If the conditions of motor fusion and sensory fusion havenot been met, allowing binocular fusion to occur (this processwas described previously), single binocular vision is at best dif-ficult and at worst impossible. If one eye overtly turns in, out,up, or down because of muscular imbalance, the condition isknown as strabismus, sometimes referred to as a crossed or wan-dering eye. This can result in double vision or mental suppres-sion of one of the images. This, in turn, can affect thedevelopment of visual perception. Some children have surgeryto correct an eye turn. Although this intervention can correctthe eye cosmetically, it does not always result in binocularvision.

Another type of binocular dysfunction is called phoria.Phoria refers to a tendency for one eye to turn slightly in,out, up, or down, but overt misalignment of the two eyes isabsent. Phoria requires the child to expend additional mechan-ical effort to maintain motor fusion of the two eyes, whetherfocusing near or far. The extra effort frequently detracts fromthe child’s ability to process and interpret the meaning of whathe or she sees.

Visual-Cognitive Functions


The integrity of the attention system is considered to be a pre-requisite for higher cognitive functions. To review, visual atten-tion is composed of alertness, selective attention, vigilance, andshared attention. If the child’s state of alertness or arousal isimpaired, the child may demonstrate behaviors of overattentive-ness, underattentiveness, or poor sustained attention.144 Chil-dren who are overattentive may be compelled to respond tovisual stimuli around them rather than attend to the task athand, may be easily distracted by visual stimuli, and may dem-onstrate continual visual searching behaviors. Children whoare underattentive may have difficulty orienting to visual stimuli,may habituate quickly to a visual stimulus, and may fatigue eas-ily. At this level a child may refrain from attending to a familiarstimulus. A child with poor sustained attention may demon-strate a high activity level and may be easily distracted.

Selective attention is the next level of visual attention, and achild with difficulty in this area demonstrates a reduced abilityto focus on a visual target. The child may have difficultyscreening out unimportant or irrelevant information and mayfocus on or may be distracted by irrelevant stimuli. A childwith difficulty in selective attention is easily confused. Thechild may focus on unnecessary tasks or information and there-fore not obtain the specific information needed for the task.Selective attention is critical for encoding information intomemory and successfully executing goal-directed behavior.

A child with reduced vigilance skills shows reduced persis-tence on a visual task and poor or cursory examination of visualstimuli. The child cannot maintain visual attention. The more

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complex the visual structure of an object, the lengthier theprocess of visual analysis and the greater the vigilance skillsneeded. Impaired sustained attention is associated with errorawareness95 as well as with working memory to hold andmanipulate information.133 A child with deficits in shared

attention can focus well only on one task at a time. He orshe may be easily confused or distracted if required to sharevisual attention between two tasks.

Enns and Cameron suggested that visual inattention is theresult of an inability to select the features that differentiate


1. Appearance of eyesOne eye turns in or out at any time _______ Reddened eyes or lids _______ Eyes tear excessively _______ Encrusted eyelids _______ Frequent styes on lids _______

2. Complaints when using eyes at deskHeadaches in forehead or temples _______ Burning or itching after reading or

desk work _______ Nausea or dizziness _______ Print blurs after reading a short time _______

3. Behavioral signs of visual problemsa. Eye movement abilities (ocular motility)

Head turns as reads across pages _______ Loses place often during reading _______ Needs finger or marker to keep place _______ Displays short attention span in

reading or copying _______ Too frequently omits words _______ Repeatedly omits “small” words _______ Writes uphill or downhill on paper _______ Rereads or skips lines unknowingly _______ Orients drawings poorly on page _______

b. Eye teaming abilities (binocularity) Complains of seeing double (diplopia) _______ Repeats letters within words _______ Omits letters, numbers, or phrases _______ Misaligns digits in number columns _______ Squints, closes, or covers one eye _______ Tilts head at extreme angle while working

at desk _______ Consistently shows gross postural

deviations at all desk activities _______c. Eye-hand coordination abilities

Must feel things to assist in any interpretation required _______

Eyes not used to “steer” hand movement (extreme lack of orientation, placement of words or drawings on page) _______

Writes crookedly, poorly spaced: cannot stay on ruled lines _______

Misaligns both horizontal and vertical series of numbers _______

Uses hand or fingers to keep place on the page _______

Uses other hand as “spacer” to control spacing and alignment on page _______

Repeatedly confuses left-right directions _______

d. Visual-form perception (visual compar-ison, visual imagery, visualization) _______

Mistakes words with same or similar beginnings _______

Fails to recognize same word in next sentence _______

Reverses letters and/or words in writing and copying _______

Confuses likenesses and minor differences _______

Confuses same word in same sentence _______ Repeatedly confuses similar beginnings

and endings of words _______ Fails to visualize what is read either

silently or orally _______ Whispers to self for reinforcement

while reading silently _______ Returns to “drawing with fingers” to

decide likes and differences _______e. Refractive status (e.g., nearsightedness,

farsightedness, focus problems) _______Comprehension reduces as reading

continued; loses interest too quickly _______Mispronounces similar words as

continues reading _______Blinks excessively at desk tasks and/or

reading; not elsewhere _______Holds book too closely; face too close

to desk surface _______Avoids all possible near-centered tasks _______ Complains of discomfort in tasks that

demand visual interpretation _______ Closes or covers one eye when reading

or doing desk work _______ Makes errors in copying from chalk-

board to paper on desk _______ Makes errors in copying from reference

book to notebook _______ Squints to see chalkboard, or requests

to move nearer _______ Rubs eyes during or after short periods

of visual activity _______ Fatigues easily; blinks to make chalk-

board clear up after desk task _______

NOTE: Students found to have any of the visual or eye problems on thechecklist should be referred to a behavioral optometrist. Referral lists ofbehavioral optometrists are available from Optometric Extension ProgramFoundation, 2912 S. Daimler, Santa Ana, CA 92705.

FIGURE 3 Checklist of observable clues to classroom vision problems.

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objects in a visual array.48 The child cannot see, recognize, orisolate the salient features and therefore does not know whereto focus visual attention. Luria suggested that problems ofvisual recognition represent a breakdown of the active featureby feature analysis necessary for interpretation of a visualimage.92 The current psychological literature focuses on suchconstructs as mental resource, automaticity, and stimulus selec-tion.3 The research focuses on the attention demands thatnumerous competing stimuli make on individuals with a lim-ited capacity to process those stimuli and on the fact that theseexteroceptive stimuli can be processed either with awareness(i.e., effortful processing) or automatically (i.e., effortlessprocessing).


The child with visual memory deficits has poor or reducedability to recognize or retrieve visual information and to storevisual information in short- or long-term memory. The childmay fail to attend adequately, may fail to allow for storage ofvisual information, or may show a prolonged response time.The child may demonstrate the inability to recognize or matchvisual stimuli presented previously because he or she has notstored this information in memory, or the child may be unableto retrieve it from memory.144 The child may have good mem-ory for life experiences but not for factual material and may failto relate information to prior knowledge. He or she may dem-onstrate inconsistent recall abilities and poor ability to usemnemonic strategies for storage.

Visual sequential memory problems are seen when thechild has difficulty recalling the exact sequence of letters,numbers, symbols, or objects. Visual spatial memory deficitsare seen when the child has difficulty recalling the spatiallocation of a previously seen stimulus and is unable to identifyor reproduce it.

Visual Discrimination

The child with poor discrimination abilities may demonstrateimpaired ability to recognize, match, and categorize. Ulmanproposed that a finite set of visual operations, or routines, areperformed to extract shape properties and spatial relation-ships.152 Usually an individual recognizes an object by orient-ing to its top or bottom. A child with poor matching skills maydemonstrate difficulty matching the same shape presented in adifferent spatial orientation or may confuse similar shapes. Achild with poor matching skills also may have difficulty recog-nizing form in a complex field.Object (Form) VisionChildren with form constancy problems may have difficultyrecognizing forms and objects when they are presented in dif-ferent sizes or different orientations in space or when differ-ences in detail exist. This interferes with the child’s ability toorganize and classify perceptual experiences for meaningfulcognitive operations.106 This may result in difficulty recogniz-ing letters or words in different styles of print or in making thetransition from printed to cursive letters.

A child with a visual closure deficit may be unable to iden-tify a form or object if an incomplete presentation is made; thechild therefore would always need to see the complete objectto identify it. For example, a child would have difficulty

reading a sign if the letters were partly occluded by treebranches.

The child with figure-ground problems may not be able topick out a specific toy from a shelf. He or she also may havedifficulty sorting and organizing personal belongings. Thechild may overattend to details and miss the big picture ormay overlook details and miss the important information.Children with figure-ground problems may have difficultyattending to a word on a printed page because they cannotblock out other words around it. The child with figure-grounddifficulties may not have good visual search strategies. Marrsuggested that control of the direction of gaze is a prerequisitefor efficiency of visual search.93 Cohen described the followingvisual search strategies34:1. The viewer looks for specific visual information and makes

crude distinctions between figure and ground by isolatingone figure from another.

2. The viewer determines which figures are mostmeaningful (the process stops here when recognitionis immediate).

3. When recognition is not immediate, the viewer makesa hypothesis about the visual information receivedand directs attention to selected items to test thehypothesis.Rogow and Rathwill found that good readers more fre-

quently proceeded from the left to the right and from thetop down to find “hidden figures” than did poor readers.117

Good readers were also more flexible in their approach; theyrotated the page as needed and were not content until theyfound as many hidden figures as possible. The good readersalso were less distressed by ambiguity, and they understoodthat pictures could be viewed in different ways.

Spatial VisionA child with position in space difficulty has trouble discrimi-nating among objects because of their placement in space.These children also have difficulty planning their actions inrelation to objects around them and may show delayed grossmotor skills. They may show letter reversals in writing orreading past 8 years of age and may show confusion regardingthe sequence of letters or numbers in a word or math problem(e.g., was/saw). Writing and spacing letters and words onpaper may be a problem. The children may show difficultyunderstanding directional language such as in, out, on, under,next to, up, down, and in front of. They may show inconsis-tent directional attack when reading.

Decreased depth perception can affect the child’s ability towalk through spaces and to catch a ball. The child may beunable to determine visually when the surface plane haschanged and may have difficulty with steps and curbs. Trans-ference of visual-spatial notations across two visual planes canmake copying from the blackboard difficult. Faulty interpreta-tion of the spatial relationships can contribute to a problemwith sorting and organizing personal belongings. The childmay show confusion in right and left.

A child who has diminished topographic orientation may beeasily lost and unable to find his or her way from one locationto the next. The child may also demonstrate difficulty deter-mining the location of objects and settings and may not recog-nize the images that help people find their way around theenvironment.46 The child may be unable to walk from hometo school without getting lost.

Visual Perception

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Diagnoses with Problems in VisualPerception

When children with disabling conditions have visual problems,the effects of the visual impairments can be tremendous.Numerous studies have found a high frequency of vision pro-blems among individuals with disabilities.32 Severe refractiveerrors are common among children with developmental pro-blems,117 and impaired visual attention can have a pervasivenegative influence on the functional behavior of these children.Often considered distractible, these children may be able tolocate objects but have difficulty sustaining eye contact orrecognizing objects visually.117

Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is the single most citedcause of blindness in preterm infants. However, the numberof infants with ROP has declined in past 25 years because ofchanges in medical interventions for premature infants.136

Cortical visual impairment also occurs in preterm infants andis generally associated with severe CNS damage, such as peri-ventricular leukomalacia. Other visual disorders common inpreterm children include lenses that are too thick, poor visualacuity, astigmatism, extreme myopia, strabismus, amblyopia,and anisometropia (unequal refraction of the eyes).5 Thesechildren also have difficulty processing visual information.Scores for visual attention, pattern discrimination, visual rec-ognition, memory, and visual-motor integration are lower thanthose for full-term infants.29,120,132 Studies of older childrensuggest that these problems often persist.117

Children with developmental disabilities commonly have acoexisting diagnosis of blindness or other visual impairment.These children also may have sensory integrative deficits thatfurther complicate their functional abilities.119

Children with cerebral palsy (CP) frequently have beenidentified as a group with visual-perceptual deficits.17,21 Chil-dren with CP often have a strabismus, oculomotor problems,convergence insufficiencies, or nystagmus. These problemsmay also limit the ability to control and direct visual gaze.117

Early research indicated that the degree of perceptualimpairment in individuals with CP was related to the type andseverity of the motor impairment.10 In a comparison study, chil-dren with CP scored significantly lower on a motor-free test ofvisual perception than typical children.96 These findings sup-ported earlier studies that showed that a group of children withspastic quadriplegia demonstrated the greatest problems invisual perception. Children with left hemiplegia scored signifi-cantly lower than control children on motor-free visual tests,but children with right hemiplegia did not.21

In children with language delay, poorly developed visualperception may contribute to the language difficulties. Forexample, language moves from the general to the specific.Young children call every animal with four legs a dog. Eventu-ally they are able to discriminate visually between dogs andlions, and the vocabulary follows the visual-perceptual lead.Next, they can tell Dalmatians from Dachshunds, but theyare unable to recognize that both are dogs. Finally, the abilityto categorize and generalize emerges somewhere between7 and 9 years of age. In addition, the child who has visual-spatial perception deficits may show difficulty understandingdirectional language, such as in, on, under, and next to.

Visual-perceptual problems are found more frequently inindividuals who have significantly higher verbal scores than

performance scores on intelligence testing. Not all childrenwith learning disabilities have visual-perceptual problems.70

A recent study suggests that early brain damage can give riseto specific visual-perceptual deficits, independent of, althoughoccurring in association with, selective impairment in nonver-bal intelligence.138

Children with learning disabilities may have difficulty filter-ing out irrelevant environmental stimuli and therefore haveerratic visual attention skills. Children who have difficultyinterpreting and using visual information effectively aredescribed as having visual-perceptual problems because theyhave not acquired adequate visual-perceptual skills despite hav-ing normal vision.144 Children with developmental coordina-tion disorder (DCD) obtained significantly lower scorescompared with typically developing children on a motor-freetest of visual perception.147 Although group differences werestatistically significant, some of the children with DCD didnot have general visual-perceptual dysfunction.

Dyslexia is best understood as a neurocognitive deficit thatis specifically related to reading and spelling processes. Dyslexiacan occur for two different reasons. One cause is that thereader has difficulty decoding words (single word identifica-tion) and encoding words (spelling).132 A second reason fordyslexia is that the reader makes a significant number of letterreversals (b – d), letter transpositions in words when reading orwriting (sign – sing) or has right-left confusion.66

Daniels and Ryley studied the incidence of visual-perceptualand visual-motor deficits in children with psychiatric disor-ders.39 In their study, deficits in visual-motor skills occurredfar more frequently than deficits in visual-perceptual skills.When visual-perceptual problems occurred, they did so in con-junction with visual-motor skill problems.

Some children with autism have demonstrated poor oculo-motor function.121 Children with autism often do not appearto focus their vision directly on what they are doing.103 A pos-sible explanation is that they use peripheral vision to the exclu-sion of focal vision. One study found that children with autismspend the same amount of time inspecting socially oriented pic-tures, have the same total number of fixations, and have scanpath lengths similar to those of typically developing children.153

These results do not support the generally held notion that chil-dren with autism have a specific problem in processing sociallyloaded visual stimuli. The study authors suggested that theoften-reported abnormal use of gaze in everyday life is notrelated to the nature of the visual stimuli, but that other factors,such as social interaction, may play a role.

Effects of Visual-Perceptual Problemson Performance Skills and Occupations

The effects of visual-perceptual problems may be subtle. How-ever, when the child is asked to perform a visual-perceptualtask, he or she may be slow or unable to perform it. Becausevisual-perceptual dysfunction affects the child’s ability to usetools and to relate materials to one another,4 bilateral manipu-lative skills are affected to a greater degree than the child’sbasic prehension patterns indicate. The child with visual-per-ceptual deficits may show problems with cutting, coloring,constructing with blocks or other construction toys, doingpuzzles, using fasteners, and tying shoes. Visual perception

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deficits also can influence children’s areas of occupation, suchas activities of daily living (ADLs), education, work, play, lei-sure, and social participation.

Children with visual-perceptual problems may demonstratedifficulty with ADLs. In grooming, the child may have diffi-culty obtaining the necessary supplies and using a brush andcomb and mirror to comb and style the hair. Applying tooth-paste to the toothbrush may be difficult for the child. Usingfasteners; donning and doffing clothing, prostheses, andorthoses; tying shoes; and matching clothes may present prob-lems. Skilled use of handwriting, telephones, computers, andcommunication devices may present difficulty for the childwith visual-cognitive problems. Instrumental ADLs, such ashome management, may present problems. For example, thechild may have trouble sorting and folding clothes. Commu-nity mobility may be difficult because the child is unable tolocate objects and find his or her way. In play, the child maydemonstrate difficulty with playing games and sports, drawingand coloring, cutting with scissors, pasting, constructing, anddoing puzzles.

Classroom assignments may present problems for the childwith visual-perceptual problems. He or she may have diffi-culty with educational activities such as reading, spelling,handwriting, and math. The educational problems seen inthe school-aged child are considered in some detail next.Visual processing deficits are considered developmental. Withmaturation and experience the performance of the childwith deficits improves, but the rate of maturation of skillcontinues to lag.

Problems in Reading

The role of phonologic processing deficits in the understand-ing of reading disability is significant.146 These deficits aremanifested in the failure to use or properly understand phono-logic information when processing written or oral language.This is seen in the inadequacy of phonemic awareness, thepoor understanding of sound-symbol correspondence rules,and the improper storage and retrieval of phonologic informa-tion. Deficits in short- and long-term memory can also affectcomprehension.

At least a subgroup of children with reading problems con-fuses orientation and visual recognition of letters.161 The char-acteristics of printed (written) information make readingpossible; these include a word’s graphic configuration, orthog-raphy (order of letters), phonology (sounds represented), andsemantics (meaning). The child benefits from these multiplesimultaneous cues in reading. If the child has difficulty withone characteristic, he or she can rely on perception of the othercharacteristics to extract the meaning. In early reading, chil-dren first encounter the visual configuration (graphics) andorthographics of a printed word. The child then must breakthe written word into its component phonemes (phonology),hold them in active working memory, and synthesize andblend the phonemes to form recognizable words (semantics).Visual word recognition seems to involve a subphonemic levelof processing.91 After practice, this step is accomplished andthe word then can be dealt with as a gestalt or in its entiretyrather than letter by letter and added to the child’s growingsight vocabulary. Sight vocabulary consists of words that areinstantly recognized as gestalts. As the child’s reliance on sightvocabulary increases, decoding takes less time and automaticity

develops, which allows the child to begin to concentrate oncomprehension and retention.

Understanding sentences requires adding two more vari-ables, context (word order) and syntax (grammatical construc-tion), to the skills previously discussed.90 For readingparagraphs, chapters, and texts, it is assumed that decoding isautomatic. A hierarchy can be assumed such that any develop-mental dysfunctions that impair decoding or sentence compre-hension impede text reading.

The segmenting of written words in early reading calls for avariety of skills. First, children must be able to recognize indi-vidual letter symbols. This requires visual attention, visualmemory, and visual discrimination. Two aspects of wordreading are important for comprehension: accuracy and speed.The more attentional resources are consumed by lower levelprocess (i.e., word identification), the fewer resources are avail-able for comprehension.

Letter knowledge contributes significantly to reading andshould be measured in preschool, kindergarten, and firstgrade. The prerequisite skills of letter naming and phonemicawareness should be assessed early in kindergarten.

Visual-perceptual attributes are different from the capacityto assimilate visual detail. The child may be diagnosed as hav-ing visual-perceptual problems when he or she is limited inattending to or extracting data presented simultaneously. Inthis instance the child does not have difficulty with the specificperceptual content but with the amount of information thatmust be simultaneously perceived to understand the whole.

Children with visual discrimination deficits may not be ableto recognize symbols and therefore may be slow to master thealphabet and numbers. Their relatively weak grasp of constancyof forms may make visual discrimination an inefficient process.Some children cannot readily discern the differences betweenvisually similar symbols. Confusion between the letters p, q,and g and between a and o, as well as letter reversals, mayresult, such as the notorious differentiation between b and d.A meta-analysis was conducted using 161 studies to examinethe relationship between visual-perceptual skills and readingachievement.83 The findings suggest that visual perception isan important correlate of reading achievement and should beincluded in the complex of factors predicting it. Visual discrim-ination abilities (form perception and spatial perception) aresomewhat less important at advanced stages of the learning-to-read process than they are during the initial stages ofreading acquisition.16

Confusion over the directionality and other spatial charac-teristics of a word may result in weak registration in visualmemory, again possibly causing significant delays in the con-solidation of a sight vocabulary. Even frequently encounteredwords need to be analyzed anew each time they appear. A childwith visual-spatial deficits has difficulty with map reading andinterpretation of instructional graphics such as charts and dia-grams. Graphic representations require the child to integrate,extract the most salient elements from, condense, and organizethe large amount of stimuli presented at once. Again, the childmay not have difficulty with the perceptual content, but theamount of information to be assimilated simultaneously ismore than the child can integrate and remember.90

Memory deficits affect reading in a number of ways. Chil-dren with visual memory problems may be unable to remem-ber the visual shape of letters and words. Such children may

Visual Perception

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also demonstrate an inability to associate these shapes with let-ters, sounds, and words.65 Children with weaknesses of visual-verbal associative memory have difficulty establishing easilyretrievable or recognizable sound-symbol associations. Theyare unable to associate the sound, visual configuration, ormeaning of the word with what is seen or heard. Childrenwho have difficulty with active working memory also may havedifficulty holding one aspect of the reading process in suspen-sion while pursuing another component. This ability is closelyrelated to perceptual span, or the ability to recall the beginningof the sentence while reading the end of it. The child must takea second look at the beginning of a sentence after reading theend of it.

With severe dysfunction, recognition of words may beimpaired,90 which interferes with the acquisition of sightvocabulary. Problems with visual perception might be sus-pected in a child who appears to be better at understandingwhat was read than at actually decoding the words. This childhas good language abilities but some trouble processing writ-ten words.

According to Raymond and Sorensen, children withdyslexia have been shown to have normal detection but abnor-mal integration of visual-motion perception.111 The authorssuggest that perhaps a collection of inefficient information-processing mechanisms produces the characteristic symptomsof dyslexia.

Problems in Spelling

Research by Giles and Terrel does not support the hypothesisthat proficient spelling is mediated by visual memory.60 Theysuggest that spelling skills may depend on be visual recognitionor visual imagery ability. Children with impaired processing ofsimultaneous visual stimuli may have difficulty with spelling.Their inability to visualize words may result from indistinctor distorted initial visual registration. Such children who havestrong sound-symbol association may spell the word phoneti-cally (e.g., lite for light) yet incorrectly.

Problems in Handwriting and Visual Motor


Handwriting requires the ability to integrate the visual imageof letters or shapes with the appropriate motor response.Handwriting difficulties affect between 10% to 30% ofschool-age children. Visual-cognitive abilities may affectwriting in a variety of situations. Children with problems inattention may have difficulty with correct letter formation,spelling and the mechanics of grammar, punctuation, and cap-italization. They also have difficulty formulating a sequentialflow of ideas necessary for written communication. For a childto write spontaneously, he or she must be able to revisualizeletters and words without visual cues. A child with visual mem-ory problems may have difficulty recalling the shape and for-mation of letters and numbers. Other problems seen in thechild with poor visual memory include mixing small and capi-tal letters in a sentence, writing the same letter many differentways on the same page, and being unable to print the alphabetfrom memory. In addition, legibility may be poor, and thechild may need a model to write.

Visual discrimination problems may also affect the child’shandwriting. The child with poor form constancy does not

recognize errors in his or her own handwriting. The childmay be unable to recognize letters or words in different printsand therefore may have difficulty copying from a different typeof print to handwriting. The child may also show poor recog-nition of letters or numbers in different environments, posi-tions, or sizes. If the child is unable to discriminate a letter,he or she may have difficulty forming it. A child with visual-closure difficulty always needs to see the complete presentationof what he or she is to copy. A child with figure-ground pro-blems may have difficulty copying because he or she is unableto determine what is to be written; the child therefore mayomit important segments or may be slower than peers in pro-ducing written products.

Visual-spatial problems can affect a child’s handwriting inmany ways. The child may reverse letters such as m, w, b, d,s, c, and z and numbers such as 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, and 9. If the childis unable to discriminate left from right, he or she may havedifficulty with left–to-right progression in writing wordsand sentences. The child may overspace or underspacebetween words and letters and may have trouble keepingwithin the margins. The most common spatial errors in hand-writing involve incorrect and inconsistent spacing betweenwriting units, and variability in orientation of major letter fea-tures when the letter is written repeatedly.155 When a childhas a spatial disability, he or she may be unable to relate onepart of a letter to another part and may demonstrate poorshaping or closure of individual letters or a lack of uniformityin orientation and letter size.163 The child may have difficultyplacing letters on a line and adapting letter sizes to the spaceprovided on the paper or worksheet. Pilot studies have begunto explore the relationship between visual-cognitive skills andhandwriting.164 Tseng and Cermak found that visual percep-tion shows little relationship to handwriting, whereas kines-thesia, visual-motor integration, and motor planning appearto be more closely related to it.148 Further research is neces-sary to better understand the role of visual perception inhandwriting.

Failure on visual-motor tests may be caused by underlyingvisual-cognitive deficits, including visual discrimination, poorfine motor ability, or inability to integrate visual-cognitiveand motor processes, or by a combination of these disabil-ities. Therefore, careful analysis is necessary to determinethe underlying problem. Tseng and Murray examined therelationship of perceptual-motor measures to legibility ofhandwriting in Chinese school-age children.149 They foundvisual-motor integration to be the best predictor of handwrit-ing. Weil and Cunningham-Amundson studied the relation-ship between visual-motor integration skills and the abilityto copy letters legibly in kindergarten students.159 A moder-ate correlation was found between students’ visual-motorskills and their ability to copy letters legibly. The researchersfound that as students’ scores on the Developmental Test ofVisual-Motor Integration (VMI) increased, so did scores onthe Scale of Children’s Readiness in PrinTing (SCRIPT).Also, students who were able to copy the first nine formson the VMI were found to perform better on the SCRIPT.Daly, Kelley, and Krauss partly replicated the Weil and Cun-ningham-Amundson study and found a strong positive rela-tionship between kindergarten students’ performance onthe VMI and their ability to copy letter forms legibly.38 Theysuggest that students are ready for formal handwriting

Occupational Therapy Intervention: Performance Areas

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instruction once they have the ability to copy the first nineforms on the VMI.

Extensive research on the relationship between visual-motor integration and handwriting skills has been completed.Studies of handwriting remediation suggest that interventionis effective. There is some evidence that handwriting difficul-ties do not resolve without intervention.51

Problems in Mathematics

Poor visual-perceptual ability is significantly related topoor achievement in mathematics, even when controllingfor verbal cognitive ability. Therefore, visual perceptual abil-ity, and particularly visual memory, should be considered tobe among the skills significantly related to mathematicsachievement.85 Consequently, visual-perceptual ability, andparticularly visual memory skill, should be assessed in chil-dren with poor achievement in mathematics. The child withvisual-perceptual problems can have difficulty aligning col-umns for calculation, and answers therefore are incorrectbecause of alignment problems and not calculation skills.Worksheets with many rows and columns of math problemsmay be disorienting to children with figure-ground problems.Children with poor visual memory may have difficulty using acalculator. Visual memory difficulties also may present pro-blems when addition and subtraction problems require multi-ple steps. Geometry, because of its spatial characteristics, isvery difficult for the child with visual-spatial perception pro-blems. Recognition, discrimination, and comparison ofobject form and space are part of the foundation of higher-level mathematic skills. The visual imagery required to matchand compare forms and shapes is difficult for students withvisual-perceptual problems, which interfere with their abilityto learn these underlying skills.

A longitudinal investigation that studied the relationship ofsensory integrative development to achievement found thatsensory integrative factors, particularly praxis, were stronglyrelated to arithmetic achievement.102 This relationship wasfound at younger ages (6 to 8 years), and the strength of theassociation declined with age (10 to 12 years).


Evaluation of visual-perceptual functions requires the therapistto consider the entire process of vision and examine the rela-tionship of visual function to behavior and performance.129

Visual-receptive and visual-cognitive components may repre-sent different issues in a child’s school performance. Problemscan and do exist in either area, with differing effects on thelearning process. However, visual-receptive components caninfluence the information obtained for visual-cognitive analy-sis. Because receptive and cognitive components are importantin the visual processing of information, assessment of eachchild should be conducted using an interdisciplinary approach,recognizing that the interplay of visual-receptive abilities,visual-cognitive skills, and school success is different for eachchild.

Reports generated by other educational or medical specia-lists often provide standardized measures of performance.Securing this information often eliminates the need for theoccupational therapist to spend time administering additional

visual-motor or visual-perceptual tests that yield the sameinformation. This information also can help the occupationaltherapist select alternative measures that yield different datathat could further help in understanding a child’s problem.An interview with the teacher or classroom observation shouldbe a major component of the assessment process. For example,information on visual stimulation in the classroom, whichcould affect the child’s attention and focus, should be deter-mined. The therapist might also determine whether mostvisual work for copying is done at near point or far point.The child’s parents also should be interviewed, and theyshould be included as part of the team in the diagnosis andtreatment of the child.

Through the interdisciplinary approach, the occupationaltherapist’s findings can be integrated with those of the readingspecialist, psychologist, speech-language pathologist, parent,and classroom teacher. By combining test results and analysisof the child’s performance, the team members ascertain thenature of the interaction of the disability with the activity.A vision specialist, such as an ophthalmologist or an optome-trist, may be needed to assess visual-receptive dysfunctionand to remediate the condition.

Evaluation of Visual-Receptive Functions

Evaluation should begin by focusing on the integrity of thevisual-receptive processes, including visual fields, visual acu-ity, and oculomotor control.158 In children who have deficitsin these foundational skills, insufficient or inaccurate infor-mation about the location and features of objects is sent tothe CNS, and the quality of their learning through the visualsense is severely affected. Warren suggested that what some-times appear to be visual-cognitive deficits are actuallyvisual-receptive problems, which may include oculomotordisturbances.156 Therefore, visual-receptive and visual-cogni-tive deficits may be misdiagnosed. The occupational therapistshould be familiar with visual screening, because evaluation ofvision and oculomotor skills assists in the assessment andanalysis of their influence on visual perception and functionalperformance.144

Visual screening consists of basic tests administered to de-termine which children are at risk for inadequate visual functions.15,72The purpose of the screening is to determine which childrenshould be referred for a complete diagnostic visual evaluation.Therefore, the purpose of screening the visual-receptive systemis to determine how efficient the eyes are in acquiring visual in-formation for further visual-cognitive interpretation. Thechecklist presented in Figure 3 can alert the therapist to visualsymptoms commonly found in children who demonstrate poorvisual performance.

Perimetry (computerized measurement of visual field by sys-tematically showing lights of differing brightness and size in theperipheral visual field), confrontation, and careful observationof the child as he or she performs daily activities provide usefulinformation about field integrity.165 For example, missing ormisreading the beginning or end of words or numbers may in-dicate a central field deficit.

The child’s refractive status, which is the clinical measure-ment of the eye, should be determined. A school nurse or vis-ion specialist usually performs this test. The refractive status re-flects whether the student is nearsighted (myopic),

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farsighted (hyperopic), or has astigmatism. Several methodscan be used to determine a child’s refractive status. Onemethod, the Snellen test, is used to screen children at schoolor in the physician’s office. However, it measures only eyesight(visual acuity) at 20 feet. This figure, expressed commonly as20/20 for normal vision, has little predictive value for howwell a child uses his or her vision. It is estimated that the Snel-len Test detects fewer than 5% of visual problems.129 When achild passes this screening, he or she may be told that the exist-ing vision is fine. However, it is only the eyesight at 20 feetthat is fine.

Some schools and clinics use a Telebinocular or similarinstrument in vision screening. This device provides informa-tion on clarity or visual acuity at both near and far distances,as well as information on depth perception and binocularity(two-eyed coordination). Warren suggested that the ContrastSensitivity Test is best for measuring acuity.158 A pediatric ver-sion of this test is available (Vistech Consultants, Dayton,Ohio).

The occupational therapist may observe oculomotor dys-function in the child. The screening test should answer severalquestions, including the following73,165:1. Do the eyes work together? How well?2. Where is visual control most efficient and effective? Least

efficient and effective?3. What types of eye movements are quick and accurate?

Which are not?4. Does the child move his head excessively when reading?

Skip lines when reading?Screening tools that can be used by occupational therapists arepresented in Table 2.

In addition, the child’s ocular health should be evaluated.The presence of a disease or other pathologic condition, suchas glaucoma, cataracts, or deterioration of the nerves or anypart of the eye, must be ruled out. An interview with the fam-ily regarding significant visual history helps identify any condi-tions that may be associated with visual limitations. Thisinformation can also be obtained from a review of the child’s

records and from consultation with other professionalsinvolved in direct care of the child (e.g., teacher or physician).

When visual problems are detected in screening, the childmay be referred to a vision specialist such as an optometrist.The specialist can help determine whether the child has a visualproblem that might be causing or contributing to school diffi-culties. The therapist then will be able to understand the effectthose deficits have on function and can devise interventionstrategies by designing and selecting appropriate activities thatare within the child’s visual capacity.15

Evaluation of Visual-Cognitive Functions

Clinical evaluation and observation may be the occupationaltherapist’s most useful assessment methods. The therapistshould observe the child for difficulty selecting, storing, retriev-ing, or classifying visual information. Observations may includevisual search strategies used during visual-perceptual tasks (e.g.,outside borders to inside), how the child approaches the task,how the child processes and interprets visual information, thechild’s flexibility in analyzing visual information, methods usedfor storage and retrieval of visual information, the amount ofstress associated with visual activities, and whether the child fati-gues easily during visual tasks. The therapist should analyze thetasks observed carefully to determine what visual skills areneeded and to identify the areas in which the child has difficulty.

Tsurumi and Todd have applied task analysis to the nonmo-tor tests of visual perception.150 This information greatlyassists the therapist in analyzing the results of these tests.Currently, the best method for evaluating visual attention inchildren is informal observation during occupational perfor-mance tasks. Standardized assessments that may be usedinclude the following:� Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (2nd Ed.)

(BOT-2)19: An individually administered, standardized testfor individuals 4 through 21 years of age. The test measuresa wide array of motor skills. The eight subtests include finemotor precision, fine motor integration, manual dexterity,

TABLE 2 Vision Screening Tests

Test Authors Description

Visual Screening Bouska, Kauffman, &Marcus (1990)15

Comprehensive screening test of distance and near vision, convergencenear point, horizontal pursuits, distant and near fixations, andstereoscopic visual skills to identify children who should be referred toa qualified vision specialist for a complete diagnostic visual evaluation.

Sensorimotor PerformanceAnalysis

Richter &Montgomery(1991)*

Assessment of visual tracking, visual avoidance, visual processing, andhand-eye coordination during gross and fine motor tasks.

Pediatric Clinical Vision Screeningfor Occupational Therapists

Scheiman (1991){ A test that screens accommodation, binocular vision, and ocular motility.

Clinical Observations of Infants Ciner, Macks, &Schanel-Klitsch(1991)32

Description methods for testing vision in early intervention programs.

*Richter, E., & Montgomery, P. (1991). The sensorimotor performance analysis. Hugo, MN: PDP Products.{Scheiman, M. (1991). Pediatric clinical vision screening for occupational therapists. Philadelphia: Pennysylvania College of Optometry.

Occupational Therapy Intervention: Performance Areas

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bilateral coordination, balance, running speed and agility,upper-limb coordination, and strength. This test has beenthe most widely used standardized measure of motorproficiency and has good reliability and validity.

� Test of Visual Analysis Skills122: An untimed, individuallyadministered, criterion-referenced test for children 5 to8 years of age. The child is asked to copy simple to complexgeometric patterns. The purpose of the assessment is todetermine if the child is competent at or in need ofremediation for perception of the visual relationshipsnecessary for integrating letter and word shapes. Reliabilityand validity of this test indicate that the psychometricproperties are adequate.

Visual-Spatial Tests

� Jordan Left-Right Reversal Test, revised77: An untimed,standardized test for children 5 to 12 years of age that canbe administered individually or to a group. It is used todetect visual reversals of letters, numbers, and words, andthe test manual includes remediation exercises for reversalproblems. The test takes about 20 minutes to administerand score and has good test-retest reliability and criterion-related validity.

Visual-Perceptual Tests

� Test of Visual-Perceptual Skills (Non-Motor), Third Edition(TVPS-R)94: A norm-referenced test for children 4 to 18years of age that can be administered individually or to asmall group. The subtests include visual discrimination,visual memory, visual-spatial relationships, form constancy,visual-sequential memory, visual figure-ground and visualclosure. The test uses black and white designs as stimuli forperceptual tasks, and responses are made vocally or bypointing.

� Developmental Test of Visual Perception, Second Edition(DTVP-2)68: A norm-referenced test for children 4 to 10years of age that is unbiased relative to race, gender, andhandedness. The eight subtests include hand-eyecoordination, copying, spatial relationships, position inspace, figure-ground competence, visual closure, visual-motor speed, and form constancy. This test has been shownto have strong normative data and good reliability andvalidity.

� Componential Assessment of Visual Perception (CAVP)113:A computer-assisted evaluation tool that was designed as aprocess-based approach to the evaluation of visual-perceptualfunctioning in children and adults with neurologic disorders.Promising clinical usefulness has been reported in terms ofutility, ease of use, format, and appeal.112

� Motor-Free Visual Perception Test, Third Edition(MVPT-3)35: A norm-referenced test that is quick and easyto administer. Scoring requires adding the number ofcorrect choice responses. This test has a high test-retestreliability and internal validity. Also, criterion validity isdetermined relative to academic performance.

� Test of Pictures, Forms, Letters, Numbers, SpatialOrientation, and Sequencing Skills54: A norm-referenced

test for children 5 to 9 years of age that can be administeredindividually or to a group. The test, which has sevensubtests, measures the ability to perceive forms, letters, andnumbers in the correct direction and to perceive words withletters in the correct sequence.

Visual-Motor Integration Tests

� Wide Range Assessment of Visual Motor Abilities(WRAVMA)1: A norm-referenced, standardized test forchildren 3 to 17 years of age. Assesses and compares visual-spatial skills through the matching subtest, fine motor skillsthrough the pegboard subtest and integrated visual-motorskills through the drawing subtest. Each subtest requires 4to 10 minutes and offers easy administration and soundpsychometric properties.

� The Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration, 5thEdition, Revised (VMI)6: This test assesses three subtestareas for individuals 2 to 19 years of age and has strongcontent, concurrent and construct validity.These tests can be used to evaluate how the child is proces-

sing, organizing, and using visual-cognitive information. Careshould be taken in interpreting and reporting test resultsbecause it is not always clear what visual-perceptual tests aremeasuring. Because of the complexity of the tests, it is certainthat they tap different kinds and levels of function, includinglanguage abilities.

The effectiveness of any treatment method is largely deter-mined by how the child is diagnosed; therefore, careful analysisof test results and observations is important. Burtner et al.provided a critical review of seven norm-referenced, standar-dized tests of visual-perceptual skills frequently administeredby pediatric therapists.22 Each assessment tool was criticallyappraised for its purpose, clinical utility, test construction,standardization reliability, and validity. Discussion focused onthe usefulness of these assessment tools for describing, evaluat-ing, and predicting visual-perceptual functioning in children.


Theoretical Approaches

The theoretical approaches that guide evaluation and treatmentof visual-perceptual skills can be categorized as developmental,neurophysiologic, or compensatory. The developmental modeldevised by Warren,157,158 described in a previous section, isbased on the concept that higher level skills evolve fromintegration of lower level skills and are subsequently affected bydisruption of lower level skills. Skill levels in the hierarchy func-tion as a single entity and provide a unified structure for visualperception. As pictured in Figure 2, oculomotor control, visualfield, and acuity form the foundational skills, followed by visualattention, scanning, pattern recognition or detection, memory,and visual cognition. Identification and remediation of deficitsin lower level skills permit integration of higher-level skills. Oc-cupational therapists who follow this model need to evaluatelower level skills before proceeding to higher level skills to de-termine where

Visual Perception

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the deficit is in the visual hierarchy and to design appropriateevaluation and intervention strategies.

The neurophysiologic approaches address the maturation ofthe human nervous system and the link to human performance.These approaches help create environmental accommodationsto sensory hypersensitivity and visual distractibility. They alsopromote organization of movement around a goal, reinforcingthe sensory feedback from that movement. Neurophysiologicapproaches emphasize the importance of postural stability foroculomotor efficiency. The neurophysio-logic approaches focuson improving visual-receptive and visual-cognitive componentsto enhance a child’s occupational performance.

Learning theories and behavioral approaches emphasize achild’s development of visual analysis skills. The therapistprovides the child with a systematic method for identifying thepertinent, concrete features of spatially organized patterns,thereby enabling the child to recognize how new informationrelates to previously acquired knowledge on the basis of similarand different attributes. Because the child learns to generalizeto dissimilar tasks, that improvement in visual-perceptual skillsleads to increased levels of occupational performance.

In compensatory approaches, classroommaterials or instructionalmethods are modified to accommodate the child’s limitations.The environment can also be altered or adapted. The therapistmay work with the classroom teacher on behalf of the child toprovide necessary supports. Adaptation and compensationtechniques can include reducing classroom visual distractions,providing visual stimuli to direct attention and guide response, andmodifying the input and output of computer programs. In dailyliving skills, adaptations to increase grooming, dressing, eating,and communication skills can be made. In play situations, toyscan be made more accessible, and in work activities, adaptationscan be made to promote copying, writing, and organizationalskills. Box 1 outlines compensatory instruction guidelines.

Perceptual training programs use learning theories to remedi-ate deficits or prerequisite skills and have been implemented inthe public schools for more than 2 decades. Occupational ther-apists generally use activities from these approaches in combin-ation with neurophysiologic and compensatory approaches.

Optometry and occupational therapy have common goalsrelated to the effects of vision on performance.72,125


a visual dysfunction is identified, sometimes only environ-mental modifications (e.g., changes in lighting, desk height,or surface tilt) are needed to alleviate the problem. In manycases, glasses (lens therapy) are prescribed to reduce the stressof close work or to correct refractive errors. In other cases,optometric vision therapy may be prescribed by an optome-trist and carried out collaboratively with an occupational ther-apist. Through vision therapy, optometrists providestructured visual experiences to enhance basic skills and per-ception. Vision training is well supported by evidence butshould be performed only under supervision of an optome-trist. Collaboration between the occupational therapist andthe optometrist is supported by case studies and clinicaljudgment.

Intervention Strategies

For a child of any age, an important treatment strategy iseducation regarding the problem the child is experiencing.150

The occupational therapist can help interpret the functionalimplications of the vision problem for the child and his orher parents, caregivers, and teachers. At times this can bethe most helpful intervention for the child. This section pre-sents intervention suggestions according to age groups.However, activities should be analyzed and then selectedaccording to the child’s needs rather than according to hisor her age group.

These activities illustrate both the developmental and com-pensatory approaches. Often activities combine approaches.For example, when classroom materials are adapted so thatthe print is larger and less visual information is presented(compensatory approach), the child might be better able touse visual-perceptual skills, with resulting improvement inthose skills (developmental approach). For each age group,the focus of intervention is occupation in natural environ-ments. The aim of occupational therapy intervention is toreduce activity limitations and enhance participation in every-day activities.145


Glass presented a protocol for working with preterm infants ina neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).62 Dim lighting allowsthe newborn to spontaneously open his or her eyes. Stimula-tion of the body senses (e.g., tactile-vestibular stimulation)can influence the development of distance sense (e.g., visual),which matures later.120,151 On the basis of research of neonatalvision, Glass suggested ways to use the human face as theinfant’s first source of visual stimulation. The intensity, ampli-tude, and distance of the stimulus depend on whether theintent is to arouse or quiet the infant. Glass also recommendedbeginning with softer, simpler forms and three-dimensionalobjects and varying the stimuli based on whether the intentis to soothe or arouse the infant. Mobiles hung over cribsshould be placed approximately 2 feet above the infant andslightly to one side. This allows for selective attention by theinfant. In addition, Glass suggested that black and white pat-terns be reserved for full-term infants who are visually impairedand unable to attend to a face or toy.62 Once a visual responseis elicited with the high-contrast pattern, a shift to a patternwith less contrast should be made. Recent studies suggest that3- to 5-month-old infants may be attracted to toys that reflect

BOX 1 Compensatory Instruction Guidelines

1. Limit the amount of new material presented in any singlelesson.

2. Present new information in a simple, organized way thathighlights what is especially pertinent.

3. Link new information with the information the childalready knows.

4. Use all senses.5. Provide repeated experiences to establish the information

securely in long-term memory; practice until the childknows it and does not need to figure it out.

6. Group children with similar learning styles together.

Occupational Therapy Intervention: Performance Areas

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light or flash light congruently with a sound.107 At the age of4½ months, the preference for the familiar precedes the

preference for novel as infants examine visual stimuli.116 Thispresen

tation of stimuli is important in the formation of memoryrepresentations.

Preschool and Kindergarten

Occupational therapists can help preschool and kindergartenteachers organize the classroom activities to help children de-velop the readiness skills needed for visual perception. Teachersshould understand the increased need for a multisensoryapproach with young children who are struggling with shape,letter, and number recognition. For example, the child mightbenefit from tactile input to learn shapes, letters, and numbers.By using letters with textures, the child has additional sensoryexperiences on which he or she can rely when visual skills arediminished. Children should be encouraged to feel shapes,letters, and words through their hands and bodies. Letters canbe formed with clay, sandpaper, beads, or chocolate pudding(Figure 4). Studies have shown that the incorporation of visuo-haptic and haptic exploration of letters in reading training pro-grams facilitates 5-year-old children’s understanding of the al-phabet.41

All preschool, kindergarten, and primary classes shouldinclude frequent activities that develop body-in-space conceptsto improve spatial perception. Even with a range of levels ofunderstanding among young students, group activities, such asStatue, shadow dancing, and Simon Says, can reinforce body-in-space comprehension. Children benefit from watching andimitating one another. The therapist may pair children so thatone can model for the other in an obstacle course or othergross motor

activity.Shared storybook reading has been found to provide a par-

ticularly useful context within which to promote at-riskpreschoolers’ emergent literacy knowledge.80 Further study hasshown placing that emphasis on the print concepts by talkingabout and by pointing to the print increases visual attention to it.Children attended to print significantly more often when beingread a storybook with large narrative print, relatively few wordsper page, and multiple instances of print embedded within theillustrations.81

Studies of handwriting suggest that no significant differencein letter writing legibility exists between kindergartners whouse paper with lines and those who use paper without lines.38,159 The study investigators suggest that teachers allowkindergarten children to experiment with various types of writ-ing paper when initially learning proper letter formation.

Elementary School

Therapy should begin at the level of the visual hierarchy wherethe child is experiencing difficulty. If the child is experiencingdifficulty with visual-receptive skills, cooperative efforts betweenthe occupational therapist and the optometrist may be helpful.The school-based occupational therapist’s objectives forimproving visual-receptive skills (as these appear on student’sindividualized education program) are to support thechild’s academic goals and appropriate curricular outcomes.Organizing the EnvironmentVisual perception affects a child’s view of the entire learningenvironment. Visually distracting and competing informationcan be problematic to the child who has not yet fully developedhis or her skills. The child may require that the classroom be less“busy” visually to allow him or her to focus on learning. Lim-iting a distractible child’s peripheral vision by using a carrelis often helpful . In addition, the level of illumination needs tobe monitored, and glare must be controlled.

The child needs a stable postural base that allows his or hereyes to work together. Children often sit at ill-fitting furniture,which can compound their problems. The occupational therap-ist can help the teacher properly position the child. The therap-ist can add bolsters to seat backs, put blocks under the child’sfeet, or provide the child with a slant board if any of these ma-terials will help the child use vision more efficiently or increaseproductivity. The therapist can also stress the importance ofencouraging different positions for visual activity. Figure 6shows such alternative positions as prone, “television position”for sitting, and side-lying for visual-perceptual activities such asreading. Each position should place the child in good align-ment and should offer adequate postural support.

Children may benefit from color-coded worksheets to helpthem attend to what visually goes together. However, childrenwith color vision problems may have difficulty with educationalmaterials that are color coded, particularly when the col-ors arepastel or muddy. Therefore, it is important to differentiate an actualvisual color deficit from a problem either with color naming orwith color identification.32

Christenson and Rascho proposed strategies to assist theelderly in topographic orientation, and these can be adaptedfor children.30 The authors found that use of landmarks andsignage can enhance wayfinding skills and topographic orienta-tion. They recommend the use of pictures or signs that are

FIGURE 4 Kyle making letters with clay.

Visual Perception

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realistic and simple and that have high color contrast. Forexample, a simple, graphic depiction of a lunch tray with foodcould be used for the cafeteria door.Visual AttentionWith a sensory processing approach, general sensory stimula-tion or inhibition may be provided during or before visuallyoriented activities to improve visual attending skills. If thechild is overaroused, the therapist can diminish sensory inputto calm him or her; if the child is underaroused, the therapistselects alerting activities to increase the level of arousal.

For the child with impaired visual attention, the therapistaddresses goals using varied activities and time segments thatare achievable. The therapist identifies activities that areintrinsically motivating to the child because these help main-tain the child’s attention. The therapist should plan activitiestogether with the child and use as many novel activities aspossible. Most challenging to the therapist is adapting ormodifying task activities while maintaining a playful learningenvironment for the child. For example, the therapist mayhave many activities focusing on the same visual-perceptualproblem, and he or she changes activities frequently, depend-ing on the child’s sustained attention to the task. The thera-pist also gradually increases the amount of sustainedattention needed to complete the task. Elimination of extra-neous environmental stimuli is helpful at each level of visualattention.

The occupational therapist can be a consultant to the class-room teacher suggesting ways to improve the child’s attentionto learning in the classroom. For instance, the therapist canprovide activities during a classroom session and then leave fur-ther suggestions for activities that the teacher can implementduring the week. Specific components of attention could beaddressed in a hierarchical manner so that intervention tasksgradually place greater demands on attention (e.g., progres-sing from sustained attention to divided attention).

Visual attention skills are enhanced by activities that are devel-opmentally appropriate and visually and tactilely stimulating.Manual activities such as drawing or manipulating clay encouragethe eyes to view the movements involved.117 In addition, thehand helps educate the eye about object qualities such as weight,volume, and texture and helps direct the eye to the object.117

Simultaneous hand and eye movements construct internal repre-sentations of objects and improve object recognition.

Activities to compensate for limitations in attention include(1) placing a black mat that is larger than the worksheet under-neath it to increase high contrast, thereby assisting visual atten-tion to the worksheet; (2) drawing lines to group materials; and(3) reorganizing worksheets.144 Visual stimuli on a worksheetor in a book can be reduced by covering the entire page exceptthe activity on which the student is working or by using a maskthat uncovers one line at a time (Figure 7). Reducing compet-ing sensory input in both the auditory and visual modalities canbe helpful for some students with poor visual

FIGURE 5 Todd in a study carrel.

FIGURE 6 Alternate positions for visual-perceptual


Occupational Therapy Intervention: Performance Areas

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attention. For example, headphones can be worn when work-ing on a visual task. Good lighting and use of pastel-coloredpaper helps reduce glare. Encouraging children to search forhigh-interest photographs or pictures can help increase visualattention skills.117 Where’s Waldo? and similar books are highlymotivating and encourage children to develop search strategiesand visual attention.

Other suggestions include cueing the child to importantvisual information by using a finger to point, a marker tounderline, or therapist verbalization to help the child maintainvisual attention. For example, children tend to look at a picturewhen it is named. The therapist can use large, colorful picturescombined with rhyming chants to encourage attention to thepictures.117 Visual work should be presented when the stu-dent’s energy is highest and not when he or she is fatigued.117

Strategy training can be used to control distractibility, impul-sivity, or a tendency to lose track or to overfocus.145 Interven-tion strategies may include the following50:� Attending to the whole situation before attending to parts� Taking timeouts from a task� Monitoring the tendency to become distracted� Searching the whole scene before responding� Teaching self-instruction� Devising time-pressure management strategies50

Visual MemoryChildren with visual memory problems need consistent experi-ences; the therapist therefore should consult with the parentsand teachers so that this consistency can be maintained athome and in the classroom. There is no evidence that repeti-tive practice of word lists or objects generalizes to other mate-rial.31 Instead, memory strategies may help with encoding orwith the retrieval of memory. Grouping information in waysthat provide retrieval cues can help a child remember interre-lated data.127 Several strategies may be helpful. Chunking isorganizing information into smaller units, or chunks. Thiscan be done by cutting up worksheets and presenting one unitor task at a time. Maintenance rehearsal (repetition) helps the

child hold information in his or her short-term memory butseems to have no effect on long-term storage. An example ofthis strategy would be repeating a phone number until thenumber is dialed. Elaborative rehearsal is a strategy by whichnew information is consciously related to knowledge alreadystored in long-term memory. By the time a child is 8 years ofa*ge, he or she can rehearse more than one item at a time andcan rehearse information together as a set to remember. Chil-dren can also relate ideas to more than one other idea.

Mnemonic devices are memory-directed tactics that helptransform or organize information to enhance its retrievabilitythrough use of language cues such as songs, rhymes, and acro-nyms. Gibson suggested that memory is composed primarilyof distinctive features (what makes something different).58 Ifthe child has good visualization, this can be used as a memorystrategy for encoding information. Occupational therapists canhelp the child determine differences in visual stimuli to pro-mote storage in memory. Playing games such as Concentration,copying a sequence after viewing it for a few seconds, or re-membering what was removed from a tray of several items canbe enjoyable ways to increase visual memory (Case Study 1).The therapist first provides the student with short, simple tasksthat he or she can complete quickly and successfully; gradually,as the student accomplishes tasks, the therapist increases theirlength and complexity.

External strategies and aids can also be used, such asnotebooks, hand-held computers, and tape recorders, to namea few. Also, tasks and environments can be rearranged so thatthey are less demanding on memory.143 Examples include la-beling drawers with the contents inside them, making cue cardswith directions for tasks, and posting signs to help the childfind his or her classroom. Emotional memory has been shownto be the strongest kind of memory. When students are deeplyinterested and emotionally involved in what they are reading,they are more likely to comprehend and learn from it.23

Visual DiscriminationThe therapist must use task analysis to design an interventionprogram. Remediation should follow an orderly design15 sothat the child can make sense of each performance. By analyz-ing the continuum of a task, the therapist can grade the activityfrom simple to complex to allow success while challenging thechild’s visual abilities.11 Intervention strategies should aim tohelp children recognize and attend to the identifying featuresby teaching them to use their vision to locate objects and thento use object features as well as other cues to form identi-fication hypotheses.127 Teaching children to scan or search pic-tures visually instructs the child in the value of looking for andfinding meaning. With high-interest materials the therapist canteach the child to look from top to bottom and left to right.117

Using pictures frommagazines, the therapist removes an import-ant part of a picture and asks the student to identify what partis missing. Drawing, painting, and other art and craft activitiesencourage exploration and manipulation of visual forms. As thechild moves from awareness to attention and then to selection,he or she becomes better able to discriminate between the im-portant and unimportant features of the environment.

Occupational therapists can assist teachers in reorganizingthe child’s worksheets. Color-coding different problems mayassist the child in visually attending to the correct section.Worksheets can also be cut up and reorganized to match the

FIGURE 7 Todduses amask touncoverone lineata time.

Visual Perception

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child’s visual needs. It is important gradually to phase out therestructuring of the worksheets so that the child can eventuallyuse the sheets as they are presented in the workbooks.

When a child has problems copying from the chalkboard,the occupational therapist may recommend that the chalk-board be regularly cleaned in an effort to reduce clutter andprovide high contrast for chalk marks. Notations on chalk-boards, bulletin boards, or overhead transparencies should becolor coded, well spaced, and uncluttered. These practicescan reduce figure-ground problems. The therapist may alsosuggest that the teacher reduce use of the chalkboard by hav-ing the children copy from one paper to another with bothpapers in the same plane. A teacher may be encouraged totry bean bag games in which the targets are placed at approxi-mately the same distance from the child’s eyes as the chalk-board so that a student can practice focusing and fixating theeyes near and far in play.

Reducing the amount of print on a page (less print, fewermath problems) and providing mathematical problems on graphpaper with numbers in columns in the 1s, 10s, and 100s placeshelp students with figure-ground difficulties. Masking the partof the worksheet not being worked on can help the child focuson one problem at a time. Cooper proposed a theoretic modelfor the implementation of color contrast to enhance visual abil-ity in the older adult.36 Principles of color contrast and the waysin which color contrast can be achieved by varying hue, bright-ness, or color saturation, of an object in relation to its environ-ment are the foundation of the method of intervention. Thishelps a child identify the relevant information, such as the class-room materials and supplies.Decoding Problems in ReadingChildren who have difficulty distinguishing between similarvisual symbols may benefit from a multisensory approach. Thisincludes tracing the shapes and letters, hearing them, saying

them, and then feeling them, allowing a number of routes ofprocessing to help supplement weak visual-perceptual proces-sing. Thus the child sees it, hears it, traces it, and writes it.Eating letters is an activity children love; alphabet cereal, gela-tin jigglers, and cookies in the shape of letters can be served forsnacks. Children can trace the letters with frosting from tubesonto cookies and with catsup from packets.

For children with word recognition difficulty, the initialemphasis should be on recognition rather than retrieval. Thechild can be given a choice of visually similar words to com-plete sentences that have single words missing. In addition,using word families (ball, call, and tall) to increase sight vocab-ulary enhances word recognition skills. Phonic approaches mayalso be the best reading instruction method for children withpoor word recognition. Textbooks recorded on CDs can beordered from local and state libraries from the American Print-ing House for the Blind (1839 Frankfurt Ave., P.O. Box 6085,Frankfurt, KY 40206). The student can hear and read the text-book at the same time, which provides input through two sen-sory modalities.

If the child has strong verbal skills, verbal mediation (talk-ing through printed words) should be stressed, and the childcould be encouraged to describe what he or she sees to retainthe information. A strategy that may assist a child who reversesletters in words is to follow along the printed lines with a fin-ger. This technique helps stress reading the letters in the cor-rect sequence. Reading material rich in pictorial content(e.g., comic books), pictures with captions and cartoons, andcomputer software designed to enhance sight vocabulary canstrengthen these associations. Verbal instruction to guide andsupport the child’s nonverbal problem-solving processes anddirect verbal training on a spatial task have been shown to bean effective treatment strategy for children with nonverballearning difficulties.53


When Todd was a 9-year-old student in the third grade,most of his day was spent in the regular third grade class-room, where he functioned at grade level in all areas of aca-demics except reading. Todd received daily resource roominstruction in this area. This instruction consisted of copy-ing, worksheet completion, and drill and repetition techni-ques and did not include opportunities for manipulativeactivities.

An occupational therapy evaluation indicated that Todd’sperceptual skills were delayed about 2 years, with weaknessesnoted in visual-spatial relations, figure-ground perception,and visual sequential memory. From interviewing theteacher, the therapist learned that Todd was not movingfrom learning to read to reading to learn. His decodingwas not automatic; therefore, he was spending considerabletime figuring out what the words were rather than compre-hending what he was reading. He also reported that his eyestired easily while reading. Good eye movements were neededto sustain reading for longer periods. Because of poor spatialabilities, Todd had difficulty discerning differences in visuallysimilar symbols and had difficulty with words that differedonly by sequence (three and there) or spatial orientation

(dad and bad). The third grade reading books had moreprint per page and fewer illustrations to give cues. Too manywords on the page made it difficult for Todd because of hispoor figure-ground abilities. He demonstrated an inabilityto recall the exact order of words, poor sight vocabulary,and poor spelling caused by poor visual sequential memory.

The therapist referred Todd for optometric evaluationbecause of his reported visual fatigue during reading tasks.Planning together with Todd, the therapist and the teacherdeveloped strategies to assist him in increasing his visualmemory. Initially, short visual memory tasks were used, andgradually the length of tasks was increased. This was doneusing visual memory games (such as Concentration) andactivities on the computer. In addition, visual discriminationtasks were started, beginning with simple forms and movingto forms that were more complex.

In consultation with the teacher, the therapist recommen-ded reducing the amount of print per page and masking whatwas not immediately needed when this could not be done.Phonics approaches to word recognition were recommended (seeTable 3), as were using verbal mediation to decode words.

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Several studies support the use of colored filters to improvereading skills.14,128 Color overlays have been used for childrenwith difficulty reading due to visual fatigue and visual percep-tual distortions that are reported as movement of the print(jumping, fading, disappearing, blurring), merging of the printand background, and patterns within the print. Research sug-gests that they may be a beneficial tool to use when childrenhave reading difficulties. Blaskey et al. investigated the effec-tiveness of Irlen (colored) filters for improving comfort andreading performance and for determining whether traditionaloptometric intervention would be effective in relieving thesymptoms commonly reported by people seeking help throughthe use of Irlen filters.12 Results revealed that subjects in bothtreatment groups showed improvement in vision functioning.Although the subjects in the Irlen filter group did not showany significant gains in reading rate, work recognition in con-text, or comprehension, they did report increased comfort invision when reading.

The What Works Clearinghouse collects, reviews, andreports on studies of education programs, products, practices,and policies in selected topic areas, using a set of standardsbased on scientifically valid criteria. Programs in early child-hood education including print awareness and beginningreading are reviewed. The site can be accessed at http:/// or http:/// development of visualization techniques, or visual imag-ery, may be delayed. Like all skills, this proceeds from the con-crete to the abstract. Therapists can start by helping studentspicture something that they can touch or feel. Using a grabbag with toys or objects inside that the child identifies withoutvision is a good way to do this.

As material becomes less concrete, more visual skills aredrawn into play. A student might be asked to visualize some-thing that he or she has done. The occupational therapist canfacilitate the child’s thinking by reminding him or her to con-sider various factors, such as color, brightness, size, sounds,temperature, space, movement, smells, and tastes. The hopeis that once the child practices verbally, he or she will general-ize the visualization process to reading.7

Children with poor visualization may have difficultyspelling and may need to learn spelling rules thoroughly. Theymay also demonstrate reading comprehension problems. Inaddition, they may have difficulty forming letters because theyare unable to visualize them. This would become evident whenthe child writes from dictation. Sometimes the child can visua-lize a letter from the sound, but it is reversed or missing parts.Learning StylesAll students have a preferred learning style.24,26 When astudent is taught through his or her preferred style, thechild can learn with less effort and remember better.44,114

Figure 8 shows diagnostic learning styles. All students need tobe taught through their strongest senses and then reinforcedthrough their next strongest sense.

Auditory learners recall at least 75% of what is discussed orheard in a normal 40- to 45-minute period. Visual learnersremember what they see and can retrieve details and eventsby concentrating on the things that they have seen. Tactualand kinesthetic learners assimilate best by touching, manipulat-ing, and handling objects. They remember more easily whenthey write, doodle, draw, or move their fingers. It is best tointroduce material to them through art activities, baking,cooking, building, making, interviewing, and acting experi-ences. If a child has weaknesses in visual processing, it is more

Stimuli Elements






Sound Light Temperature Design

Motivation Persistence Responsibility Structure

Colleagues Self Pair Team Authority Varied

Perceptual Intake Time Mobility

Analytic Global Cerebral preference Reflective Impulsive

Simultaneous and successive processing

FIGURE 8 Diagnostic learning styles. (Courtesy Rita Dunn, EdD, St. John’s University, Jamaica, NY.)

Visual Perception

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difficult for him or her to learn through the visual sense. Thischild may learnmore effectively through the kinesthetic and tactilesenses. Box 2 presents suggestions for kinesthetic learning.

Occupational therapists can greatly assist teachers by help-ing to determine a child’s perceptual strengths and weaknessesso that an appropriate reading program can be matched to thechild’s preferred perceptual modality. Once the child is in firstgrade, it is important to determine what reading program theteacher is using. Table 3 matches reading methods to percep-tual strengths and weaknesses and global and analytic styles.

In addition to perceptual strengths, the therapist must keepin mind the child’s preferred manner of approaching newmaterial. For instance, global learners require an overall com-prehension first and then can attend to the details. Analyticlearners piece details together to form an understanding.Visual-Motor IntegrationTo review, the therapist should first focus on the underlyingvisual-receptive functions and then focus on the visual-cogni-tive functions. This should proceed in the sequence of visualattention, visual memory, visual discrimination, and specificvisual discrimination skills. A multisensory approach to hand-writing may be helpful to a child with visual-cognitive pro-blems. Working with the eyes closed can be effective inreducing the influence of increased effort that vision can createand in lessening the visual distractions. Keeping the eyes closedcan also improve the awareness of the kinesthetic feedbackfrom letter formation.

The therapist should be aware of which handwritingapproach is used in the classroom. The child whose preferredlearning style is based on an auditory system can be assisted inlearning handwriting through use of a talking pen. Handwrit-ing programs that appear easier for children with visual-cognit-ive problems include Loops and Other Groups9 and Handwrit-ing Without Tears.101 Olsen described strategies to help chil-dren correct or avoid reversals. During handwriting lessons, thechild should proofread his or her own work and circle the best-formed letters.

Children with visual-spatial problems often choose randomstarting points, which can confuse the writing task from theonset. Concrete cues must be used to teach abstract handwrit-ing concepts. For example, colored lines on the paper or paperwith raised lines can be helpful for the child who has difficultyknowing where to place the letters on the page. In addition,green lines drawn to symbolize go on the left side of the paperand red lines to symbolize stop on the right side may help achild know which direction to write his or her letters and

BOX 2 Suggestions for Tactile andKinesthetic Learners

� At story time, give the child a prop that relates to thestory. The child can act out something that he or she justheard using the prop.

� Provide letter cubes for making words.� To enable the student to build models and complete

projects, provide simple written and recorded directions(the child sees and hears written directionssimultaneously, which increases understanding andretention).

� Use games such as bingo, dominoes, or card games toteach or review reading skills. These activities allowmovement and peer and adult interaction.

� Use writing activity cards. Paste colorful, high-interestpictures on index cards and add stimulating questions.26

� Encourage the child to participate actively while he or shereads. For example, children can write while they read,underline or circle key words, place an asterisk in themargin next to an important section as they read, andinscribe comments when appropriate.

� Use glue letters.� Use blocks from a Boggle game.� Play Scrabble.

TABLE 3 Matching Reading Methods to Perceptual Strengths

ReadingMethod Description Reading Style Requirements

Phonics Isolated letter sounds or letter clusters are taught sequentiallyand blended to form words.

Auditory and analytic strengths

Linguistic Patterns of letters are taught and combined to form words. Auditory and analytic strengthsOrton-Gillingham Consists of phonics and tactile stimulation in the form of writing and

tracing activities.Auditory and analytic strengths

combined with visualweaknesses

Whole word Before reading a story, new words are presented on flash cards and insentences, with accompanying pictures.

Visual and global strengths


Students read stories that they have written. Visual, tactile, and global strengths

Fernald Language-experience method, plus student traces over new words withindex finger of writing hand.

Tactile and global strengthscombined with visualweaknesses

Choral reading Groups read a text in unison. Visual and global strengthsRecorded book Students listen two or three times to brief recordings of books, visually

track the words, then read the selection aloud.Visual and global strengths

From Carbo, M. (2007). Becoming a great teacher of reading: Achieving high rapid reading gains with powerful differentiated strategies. Thousand Oaks,CA: Corwin Press.

Occupational Therapy Intervention: Performance Areas

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words. Upright orientation of the writing surface may alsolessen directional confusion of letter formation (up means upand down means down) versus orientation at a desk on a hori-zontal surface, where up means away from oneself and downmeans toward oneself.127

Directional cues can be paired with verbal cues for the childwho commonly reverses letters and numbers. These cognitivecues rely on visual images for distinguishing letters and includethe following:1. With palms facing the chest and thumbs up, the student

makes two fists. The left hand will form a b and the righthand will form a d.

2. Lower case b is like B, only without the top loop.3. To make a lower case d, remember that c comes first, then

add a line to make a d.The therapist can develop cue cards for the student to keep

at his or her desk with common reversals. Lee has developed aframe of reference for reversal errors in handwriting based onvisual-perceptual theory.87 See Box 12-3 for the postulatesfor change as outlined by Lee.

Children with visual-cognitive problems often overspace orunderspace words. The correct space should be slightly morethan the width of a single lower case letter. When a child hashandwriting spacing problems, the occupational therapistmay recommend using a decorated tongue depressor or a pen-cil to space words, or simply have the child use his or her fingeras a guide. The child can also imagine a letter in the space toaid in judging the distance.

When students need additional help to stop at lines, tem-plates with windows can be used in teaching handwriting.These templates can be made out of cardboard with three win-dows; one for one-line letters (a, c, e, i, m, and n), one for two-line letters (b, d, k, l, and t), and the third for three-line letters(f, g, j, p, q, z, and y). It is important to consider that visualmemory is used to recognize the letters or words to be writ-ten, and motor memory starts the engram for producing thewritten product. Therefore it may be that motor memory,not visual memory, is the basis for the problem.

Dankert, Davies, and Gavin evaluated whether preschoolchildren with developmental delays who received occupationaltherapy would demonstrate improvement in visual-motor

skills.40 The children received a minimum of one individual30-minute session and one group 30-minute session per weekfor one school year. Their performance was compared withthat of two control groups: typically developing peers whor*ceived occupational therapy and typically developing peerswho did not receive occupational therapy. The results showedthat the students with developmental delays demonstrated sta-tistically significant improvement in visual-motor skills anddeveloped skills at a rate faster than expected compared withtypically developing peers.ComputersMany excellent educational computer programs for young chil-dren are already on the market. Software programs that arehighly motivating for children of all ages are available. Livingbooks on the computer reinforce the written word with the spo-ken word and assist in developing a sight-word vocabulary.The computer can be used as a motivational device to help in-crease the child’s attention to the task. It also provides a meansto practice skills in an independent manner. Drill and practicesoftware record data on accuracy and the time taken to com-plete the drills, allowing the therapist to record the child’s pro-gress. The therapist can adapt the computer program by chan-ging the background colors to those that enhance the child’svisual-perceptual skills. The therapist can also enlarge thewritten information so that less information is present on thescreen. Sands and Buchholz provide a discussion on the use ofcomputers in reading instruction.124

Studies have shown that children’s use of computer-basedactivities resulted in improved performance. For example,using single-subject reversal design study, Cardona, Martinez,and Hinojosa examined five children 3 to 5 years of age whohad developmental disabilities to measure the effectiveness ofusing a computer to increase attention to developmentally ap-propriate visual analysis activities.28 The results suggested thateach child’s attention to task performance improved during thecomputer-based activities as measured by the number of off-task behaviors. Sitting tolerance and visual attention to

BOX 3 Postulates for Change

Reversal error in individual letters and numbers. Occupationaltherapists can take an active role in helping to reduce letterand number reversal errors by providing the following:� Activities that offer an opportunity to practice writing

individual letters and numbers, focusing on the distinctivefeatures of letter forms with contrasting orientation, such asb and d

� Activities that afford an opportunity to practice detectingdistinctive features of individual letters and numbers, suchas tracing, coloring, and pointing

� Demonstration, naming of letters and numbers, anddescriptions of the differences between the orientations ofindividual letter forms that are likely to be reversed

Reversal error in letter order of words and numbers. Occupa-tional therapists can take an active role in reducing reversalerrors in letter order of words and numbers by engaging stu-dents in the following:� Activities that provide an opportunity to practice writing

words, focusing on the distinctive features of letter formswith contrasting sequences, such as was and saw

� Activities that provide an opportunity to analyze patterns ofwords and numbers in relation to one’s own body and space

� Activities that encourage the child to start writing at the leftposition of a line

� Prompts or visual cues at the left side of the paper as areminder of where to start writing

From Lee, S. (2006). A frame of reference for reversal errors in handwriting: A historical review of visual-perceptual theory. School System Special Interest Section Quarterly, 13(1), 1-4.

Visual Perception

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the task did not change. All participants seemed to be inter-ested in and motivated to engage in the computer-basedactivities.

More research is needed to examine a longer interventionphase and the effectiveness of computer-based intervention innatural settings such as a classroom. Authors who have studiedthe effects of computer games in kindergarten-age childrenrecommend their use in improving visual-perceptual skills.104

Their findings indicate that, on the basis of required timeand motivation level, computer games are more efficient thanother educational programs.

Currently a considerable body of literature supports the useof virtual environment technology to train spatial behavior inthe real world.45 Occupational therapists should incorporatethis information into their interventions.


Children with visual-perceptual problems often receive the ser-vices of occupational therapists. This chapter described a devel-opmental approach that emphasizes methods of identifying the

underlying client strengths and deficits in visual-receptive andvisual-cognitive skills. The relationship of these componentsto various performance skills was described. Using the devel-opmental approach, the occupational therapist helps the childincrease his or her visual-perceptual skills by addressing theskill problems that appear to be limiting function. By adaptingclassroom materials and instruction methods, the therapist alsohelps the child compensate for visual-perceptual problems.Intervention often includes a combination of developmentaland compensatory activities. This holistic approach enablesthe child with visual-perceptual problems to achieve optimalfunction and learning.

Little evidence exists in the occupational therapy literatureregarding treatment effectiveness for visual-perceptual problems inchildren. See Table 4 for results of visual-perceptual treatment.As a profession, occupational therapy has identified that visual-perceptual problems are within its domain of practice. Further,occupational therapy practitioners, authors, and researchers havedefined practice models and intervention activities to remediatevisual-perceptual problems. The next step is to systematicallytest the effectiveness of these intervention programs.

TABLE 4 Evidence of Visual-Perceptual and Visual-Motor Treatment

Author(s)* Study Design Sample Size Outcome Intervention Summary of Results

Krebbs,Eickelberg,Krobath, &Baruch(1989)

1 group nonrandomized 6 students with spinabifida aged 9-12

6 min of active exercise,rest, or figural learning

Significant increase inperipheral vision afteractive exercise

Aki & Kayrhan(2003)

Random assignment to2 groups

40 children with lowvision

Group 1—Same activitiesgiven physiotherapy3/wk for 3 mo, visual-perceptual training

Group 2—Same activitiesfor a home program

Significant increase foundin both groups.Significant increase forGroup 1 in FCP, PS, andreading performance.Increased academic skillsand ADLs

Sovik (1981) Random assignment to3 groups

36 3rd graders 6 wksGroup 1—classroom

instruction plus lab1�/wk during 6 weeksfor 60 min

Group 2—classroominstruction

Group 3—Controlconventional instruction

Experimental groups scoredsignificantly higher thancontrol in accuracy incopying, tracking, andwriting and children inGroup I scored higherthan those in Group 2.

Fox & Lincoln(2008)53

A-B-A single caseexperimental design

2 children aged 8–9with nonverballearning disabilities

Nonverbal constructiontasks using verbalmediation

Improved in ability tocomplete nonverbalconstruction tasks withverbal mediationshowed noimprovement withpractice alone

Ratzon, Efrain,& Bart(2007)

Random into 2 groups,experimental andcontrol. Before and aftertwo tests administered.

52 1st grade studentsin Israel

12 sessions 1�/wk for 45min following motorlearning theories,multisensory theory,Benbow activities

Intervention group madesignificant gains both inthe total score on thegraphom*otor test andon fine motor test

Occupational Therapy Intervention: Performance Areas

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TABLE 4 Evidence of Visual-Perceptual and Visual-Motor Treatment—Cont’d

Author(s)* Study Design Sample Size Outcome Intervention Summary of Results


6 months 34 children withlearning disabilities

Group 1—OT 2/wk in smallor large group settings

Group 2—consultationfrom OT through awkly large groupsession in theclassroom and a 30min/wk consultationwith the teacher toprovide a monthlylesson plan of follow-up activities to beperformed 3�/wk for6 mo

Both groups improved onthe standardizedassessments of gross andfine motor abilities, VMIand V-P skills

Dankert,Davies, &Gavin(2003)40

Quasi-experimental two-factor mixed design.Three groups ofpreschool children ofdiffering disability levelsand amounts of therapyreceived for 8 mo.Assessed pre-, mid-, andpost-therapy sessions.

Group 1—12preschool childrenwith DD

Group 2—16preschool childrenc/o disabilities

Group 3—preschoolchildren withoutdisabilities

Group 1— minimum of OT1 individual 30-minsession/wk and 1 group30-min sessions/wk for1 school year

Group 2—1 30-min OTgroup session/wk

Group 3—no TV

OT can effectively improvevisual motor skills.Children who receivedOT made significantgains after 8 mos. Andthey acquired skills at arate that exceededtypical development.

Lahav, Apter,& Ratzon(2008)

Randomized control trial 169 poor children inregularkindergarten or firstgrade

12 wks of treatment—45-min sessions

Group 1—directive visual-motor intervention(DVMI)

Group 2—nondirectivesupportiveintervention (NDSI)

Group 3—no treatment

NDSI kindergartenchildren significantlyimproved in VMI skillcompared with DVMIand no treatment

No significant differencesamong first graders

No significant differenceamong groups inimprovement inpsychologicaladjustment or self-esteem

Kindergarteners maybenefit from thepositive andmeaningfulrelationships inherentin NDSI

*Complete source information follows:Aki, E., & Kayihan, H. (2003). The effect of visual perception training on reading, writing and daily living activities in children with low vision. Fizyoterapi

Rehabilitasyon, 14(3), 95-99.Krebbs, P., Eickelberg, W., Krobath, H., & Barvch, I. (1989). Effects of physical exercise on peripheral vision and learning in children with spina bifida manifesta.

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Visual Perception

Visual Perception - ChiroCredit...Visual Perception Colleen M. Schneck KEYTERMS Visual perception Visual-receptive component Visual-cognitive component Visual attention Visual memory - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

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Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.